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Town Council Meeting Agenda
November 23, 2009
Falmouth Town Hall
Council Chambers - 7:00 PM

Agenda Item
Roll Call
Council Attendance
Public Forum
This is an opportunity for members of the public to address the Council on matters which are not part of the meeting agenda.
Resolution to recognize Richard Meserve, REAL School instructor, for his recent recognition by the Milken Foundation.
Item 2
Report from Council Committees and liaisons regarding updates on assignments.
Item 3
Report from the Appointments Committee and order relative to filling various vacancies on Boards and Committees.
Public Hearing on an amendment to the Coastal Waters Ordinance, Chapter 9 Article IV.
Public Hearing regarding an amendment to the Traffic and Motor Vehicle ordinance, Chapter 17, such amendment would restrict parking on Woodville Road in a location near the Middle School, new Elementary School and Superintendent's office.
Green Ribbon Commission presentation to the Town Council regarding a portion of its final report on Energy and Climate Protection.
Consideration by Council to accept Sherman Drive as a public street.
Town Council Ad-hoc Committee on Mass Transit report to the full Town Council regarding the performance of the new and expanded Metro Bus route.
Introduction of an amendment to Chapter 6, Article 6, Section 6.68, Appendices A-C of the Falmouth Town Ordinance that will change maximum levels of income and expenses for General Assistance program.
Order to disband the Ad-hoc Workforce Housing Committee.
Order to go into Executive Session pursuant to the Laws of Maine to discuss the possible acquisition of land, pursuant 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (C).