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November 23 Agenda Item 4
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 184K
Last Updated: 2009/10/21
Size: 122K
Last Updated: 2009/10/19
Size: 13K
Last Updated: 2009/10/19
Public Hearing on an amendment to the Coastal Waters Ordinance, Chapter 9 Article IV.

ACTION: No Council action is anticipated.
At its meeting on October 13, 2009 the Town Council expressed support to implement a new web based electronic mooring permit application. The Council also expressed interest in an amendment to the Coastal Waters Ordinance, Chapter 9 Article IV that will have the effect of increasing fees to pay for the new electronic permitting service. Furthermore, the Town Council  requested that the amendment change how it may amend fees in the future to a process that will allow fee changes by Council Order rather than by an ordinance amendment. This proposed amendment is attached.

This amendment will enable the Town Council to amend the fee struction for mooring permits by order rather than an amendment to the ordinance.