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Town Council Special Meeting Agenda
April 13, 2009
Falmouth Town Hall
Council Chambers - 5:30 PM

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: The Council meeting will begin early to accomodate executive sessions.

Agenda Item
Roll Call
Council Attendance
Order to go into Executive Session pursuant to the Laws of Maine to discuss the possible acquisition of land, pursuant 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (E).
Order to authorize the Town Manager to execute several agreements regarding Hat Trick Drive.
Order to go into executive session to discuss a hardship abatement of taxes pursuant to 36 M.R.S.A. 841(2) (E).
A resolution to recognize Benjamin Boudreau.
A resolution to recognize Ms. Ellen Merrill and her assistance to the police in a matter of public safety.
Order to form an ad-hoc committee, known as the "One Falmouth Committee".
Public Hearing on the proposed FY10 Town Budget.
Update on the Woods Road Workforce Housing Project.
Introduction to an amendment to the Coastal Waters Ordinance as proposed by the Harbor Committee.
Introduction to amendments to the Falmouth Zoning Ordinance pertaining to Shoreland Zoning, as proposed by the LPAC.
Discussion and Order for the approval of a consent agreement for the violation of setbacks of the primary residence at 10 Depot Road.
Introduction to an amendment to the Zoning and Site Plan Review Ordinance to address the types and numbers of temporary signs permitted for new or relocated businesses
Discussion about a possible amendment to the Falmouth Code of Ordinances Chapter 2, Article III, Division 5.
Discussion about the most recent version of the Town Council workplan in advance of the 2009 Council Workplan retreat.