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Town Council Meeting Special Meeting and Workshop Agenda
March 9, 2009
Falmouth Town Hall
Council Chambers - 6:00 PM

Please Note Early Starting Time!

Agenda Item
Roll Call
Council Attendance
Public hearing and presentation on whether to close the Pleasant Hill Fire Station.
Presentation of a video promoting the upcoming Community Facilities Planning Project's Community Event.
Public Hearing regarding an amendment to the ordinance titled "Ordinance Concerning the Terms of Members of Boards, Commissions and Committees".
Discussion and possible Order for the approval of a consent agreement for the violation of setbacks of the primary residence at 21 Hedgrow Drive.
Order to adopt an amendment to the Shoreland Zoning Map, from Limited Residential to Limited Commercial in the Tidewater Master Plan Development District.
Order regarding an amendment to the conditional zoning district for 234 Middle Road to accommodate limited retail use because of the unique properties of the building and lot.
Discussion regarding a schedule for a School Department Budget Validation Referendum in accordance with 20-A M.R.S.A. §§ 1486 and 2307.
Order to seek membership in the Greater Portland Transit District and to authorize the Town to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding relating thereto.
Order to authorize the Town Manager to sign a contract to demolish a former residence, now owned by the Town and located at 260 Foreside Road, tax map U16-015.
Discussion regarding parking to support the use of the Public Landing.
Discussion of Village Mixed Use District and Permitted Uses.
Staff presentation on ideas for increasing temporary sign allowances for new businesses without road frontage.
Discussion about developing a Council e-newsletter.
Item 14 (Workshop)
Discussion about future Council Agendas.
Order to go into executive session to discuss a hardship abatement of taxes pursuant to 36 M.R.S.A. 841(2) (E).