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July 26 Agenda Item 4
Attachment NameAttachment SizeAttachment Date
Size: 28K
Last Updated: 2010/7/21
Size: 4.6M
Last Updated: 2010/7/21
Size: 33K
Last Updated: 2010/7/19
Presentation of the Shoreline Stabilization and Utility Assessment draft report.

ACTION: Council action is not anticipated.  
In August of 2009, Wright-Pierce was hired by the Town to perform an assessment of the shore line from Bayshore Drive to Brown Street. In addition to the slope stability issue, the Town's road, drainage, and wastewater infrastructure was also evaluated as part of the study.  Jay Reynolds, Parks and Public Works Director will provide an overview of the project.  Jonathan Edgerton of Wright-Pierce will provide a presentation of the report's findings.  Town staff is seeking policy guidance and direction with regards to next steps on how to proceed with remedial action.  Attached are a memorandum with background information, the draft report in presentation format, and a conceptual project timeline.