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Planning Board Minutes 05/24/2016

TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016
1.      CALL TO ORDER:
        Chairman Mike Ryan called the May 24, 2016 meeting to order at 6:01 pm.

2.      ROLL CALL:
        Present were Chairman Mike Ryan, Planning Board Members Linda Graham, Spencer Ervin, Valerie Haynes, Susan Snyder, CEO Debbi Nickerson, Recording Secretary Jan Sprague,                Members of the Public; Kevin Buck and Susan Edson, and Deputy Officer on duty, Hancock County Sheriff’s Department.

        Add Findings of Fact from April 24, 2016 Planning Board Public Hearing & Meeting.

        A.      MINUTES of October 13, 2015, October 27, 2015, March 15, 2016 and March 31, 2016.
                MOTION by Planning Board Member Spencer Ervin to approve the Minutes of October 13, 2015, second by Planning Board Member Linda Graham. Motion passed 3-0. Chairman             Mike Ryan and Planning Board Member Valerie Haynes abstained due to absence from the October 13, 2015 meeting.
                MOTION by Planning Board Member Susan Snyder to approve the Minutes of October 27, 2015, second by Planning Board Member Spencer Ervin. Motion passed 4-0. Chairman             Mike Ryan abstained due to absence from the October 27, 2015 meeting.
                MOTION by Planning Board Member Linda Graham to approve the Minutes of March 15, 2016, second by Planning Board Member Susan Snyder. Motion passed 3-0. Planning                        Board Members Spencer Ervin and Valerie Haynes abstained due to absence from the March 15, 2016 meeting.
                MOTION by Planning Board Member Linda Graham to approve the Minutes of March 31, 2016, second by Planning Board Member Spencer Ervin. Motion passed 3-0. Planning                       Board Members Spencer Ervin and Susan Snyder abstained due to absence from the March 31, 2016 meeting.
        B.      FINDINGS OF FACT: Official Record & Notification of Decision, April 24, 2016 Planning Board Public Hearing & Meeting.
                i.      Michael Hodgdon, Record # 04262016DEF, Open the existing lobster shack to sell cooked and live lobsters and crabs.
                        MOTION by Planning Board Member Spencer Ervin to approve the Official Record & Notification of Decision for Michael Hodgdon, Record #04262016DEF, second by                                     Planning Board Member Linda Graham. Motion passed 4-0. Chairman Mike Ryan abstained due to absence from the April 24, 2016 Planning Board Public Hearing & Meeting.
                ii.     Michael A. Wagner, Record # 04262016ABC, Add on to existing building. 20’ x 30
                        on the left and 10’ x 40’ in back and 150 yards of fill.
                        MOTION by Planning Board Member Spencer Ervin to approve the Official Record & Notification of Decision for Michael Hodgdon, Record #04262016DEF, second by                                     Planning Board Member Susan Snyder. Motion passed 4-0. Chairman Mike Ryan abstained due to absence from the April 24, 2016 Planning Board Public Hearing & Meeting.

5.      SUBDIVISIONS: None

        Planning Board Member Spencer Ervin was recused from the Board during NEW BUSINESS, due to a conflict as a representative of the Library.
        A.      Review for completeness a Building Permit Application submitted by Bass Harbor
                Memorial Library to add a 24’ x 32’ addition to the Bass Harbor Memorial Library building.
                Motion by Planning Board Member Linda Graham, with second by Planning Board Member Valerie Haynes, that the Permit Application 05242016ABC is deemed to be complete.                    Motion passed 4-0.

        B.      Public Hearing to receive public input concerning item (A).
                The Public Hearing opened at 6:20 pm.
                Susan Edson and Spencer Ervin made comments and answered questions as representatives of the library.
                The Public Hearing closed at 6:22 pm.

        C.      Action on Public Hearing (B).
                Motion by Planning Board Member Susan Snyder, with second by Planning Board Member Linda Graham that the proposed development will conform to all listed requirements.                  Motion passed 4-0.
                Motion by Planning Board Member Linda Graham, with second by Planning Board Member Valerie Haynes that the proposed development will conform to all 8 items of
                TZO Section VIII.E.1.a. Motion passed 4-0.
                Motion by Planning Board member Linda Graham to approve the application,
                05242016ABC as submitted, second by Valerie Haynes. Motion passed 4-0.

        Planning Board member Spencer Ervin rejoined the Planning Board.
        PUBLIC HEARING to hear public comments on proposed Ordinance Amendments as follows:
        Shall the Tremont Zoning Ordinance, Section VIII B, 3, be enacted as amended according to the amendment proposed in item No. (2)?
        Shall the Tremont Zoning Ordinance, Appendix (B) Site Plan Development Requirements, be enacted as amended according to the amendment proposed in item No. (3)?
        Shall the Floodplain Management Ordinance for the Town of Tremont, Maine, as prepared by SPO/fpm printed 12/21/2007 and enacted May 13, 2008 be repealed and a new Floodplain           Management Ordinance for the Town of Tremont, Maine, as prepared 1/22/2016 by DACF/JP, be enacted as amended according to the amendment proposed in item No. (4) to become      effective July 20, 2016?
        The Public Hearing opened at 6:28 pm.
        Resident and Select Board Member Kevin Buck made comments and suggestions to the Planning Board while they worked on Zoning Ordinance Amendment updates.
        The Public Hearing closed at 8:09 pm.
8.      CEO ISSUES: None

9.      NOTICES: None

10.     OTHER: None

11.     SET DATE FOR NEXT MEETING: June 28, 2016

12.     ADJOURN:
        Chairman Mike Ryan called the meeting adjourned at 8:12 PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Jan Sprague, Recording Secretary
Planning Board Chairman:_____________________ Date: _____________Paste Minutes Here