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Planning Board Minutes 09/22/2015
Town of Tremont
Tremont Town Office
Harvey Kelley Meeting Room TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2015
6:00 PM

        Chairman Mike Ryan called the September 22nd, 2015 meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
2.      ROLL CALL
Present were Chairman Mike Ryan, Planning Board members Linda Graham, Spencer Ervin, and Valerie Haynes, CEO Debbi Nickerson, Recording Secretary Jan Sprague. Members of the public: Christine Dougherty. Absent were Planning Board Members Wayne Patton and Gus Young.
4.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Dispensed with.
5.      SUBDIVISIONS: None
        A.      Review for completeness of Building Permit Application submitted by Classic Boat Shop, Inc, to construct a 42 x 80 pole barn metal building for working on boats.
                MOTION by Planning Board member Spencer Ervin that application submitted by Classic Boat Shop, Inc, 369 Tremont Rd, dated 9/2/2015, was determined to be complete, second by            Planning Board member Linda Graham. Motion passed 4-0.
        B.      Public Hearing to receive public input concerning item (A). Public Hearing opened at 6:05 pm.Neighbor/Abutter Christine Dougherty, 373 Tremont Rd, stated that she has no problem with  this or anything built by Jean Beaulieu (Classic Boat Shop, Inc.) Public Hearing closed at 6:06 pm.
C.      Action on Public Hearing (B)
MOTION by Planning Board member Linda Graham that the application submitted by Classic Boat Shop, Inc, 369 Tremont Rd, dated 9/2/2015, meets land use purposes, second by Planning Board member Spencer Ervin. Motion passed 4-0.
MOTION by Planning Board member Valerie Haynes that the application submitted by Classic Boat Shop, Inc, 369 Tremont Rd, dated 9/2/2015, conforms to all conditions of the zoning ordinance, second by Planning Board member Linda Graham. Motion passed 4-0.
MOTION by Planning Board Member Spencer Ervin to find that application # 092220156ABC, Classic Boat Shop, Inc, 369 Tremont Rd, dated 9/2/2015 was found to be complete in all areas, second by Planning Board Member Linda Graham. Motion passed 4-0.
D.     CEO Debbi Nickerson informed the Planning Board that Michael Radcliffe who was scheduled to discuss the demolishing of 7 Rice Rd, apologizes but is unable to attend today, and would like to reschedule to the next Planning Board meeting, scheduled for October 13th at 6:00 pm.
7.      OLD BUSINESS: None
8.      CEO ISSUES: None
9.      NOTICES: None
10.     OTHER:
11.     SET DATE FOR NEXT MEETING: October 13, 2015
12.     ADJOURN
Planning Board meeting of September 22, 2014 adjourned at 6:12PM.
Respectfully submitted,
        Jan Sprague, Recording Secretary
        Planning Board Chairman:                                          
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