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Planning Board Minutes 04/22/2014

APRIL 22, 2014 6:00 PM

1.       CALL TO ORDER: At 6:00 PM by Chairman Mike Ryan

2       ROLL CALL: Planning Board Members Mike Ryan, Susan Snyder, Wayne Patton, Valerie Haynes & Gus Young
Code Officers Deborah Nickerson & Carl Young, Applicants Robert & Judy Cousins, Reporter Mark Good


4.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES of April 8, 2014
Motion by Wayne Patton, to approve the minutes of 8 April 2014, second by Susan Snyder
One amendment (septic system can be used)
Vote 4 Yes Gus Young abstaining

5.      SUBDIVISIONS: None

A.      Review for completeness Building Permit Application, submitted by Robert Cousins to construct a building in the same foot print as the building that burned 12/4/2013 at 45 Harbor Dr.
        The Planning Board reviewed the application & materials presented.
        The Findings of Fact were checked item by item.
        Motion by Wayne Patton, that the application is deemed complete, second by Gus Young
        Vote 5 Yes 0 No

        B.      Public Hearing on Item (A)
        Opened Public Hearing at 6:09 pm
                Robert Cousins explained their proposed replacement of the home and restaurant.
                Mr. Cousins indicated the light house would be 2 ft larger in diameter.
                Mike Ryan asked for a confirmation as to the occupancy restrictions by the Fire Marshal and the new plan?
                Susan Snyder spoke about the occupancy number 23 vs. 36.
                CEO Nickerson indicated that the existing septic stipulates 23 seats.
                The drawing, site plan, shows 23 seats.
                Susan Snyder & Mike Ryan felt the occupancy would be 36 with 23 seats.
                Old building drawing to be called exhibit A.
                2nd floor drawing to be called exhibit B.
                Site Plan with parking is exhibit C.
                Susan Snyder asked about the lighting on the plan.
                The new site plan is exhibit D.
                Susan Snyder asked about the out door cooking and the type of fuel used close to the parking
                Gus Young asked about the placement of items in the triangle (cooking equipment)
                Much discussion regarding the parking in front of the restaurant and the cooking equipment.
                Carl Young stated: One resident came to the Town Office to ask about the project but did not ask to see the
                application. A packet was provided to reporter Mark Good.
                Susan Snyder asked why exhibit D was presented later and that it might set a precedent.
                The Board indicated that if D was not a sustentative change it would not be a problem.
                Mike Ryan spoke about the State Driveway Permit restrictions regarding backing on to the State Highway.
                Mr. Cousins said that they back in.
                Much discussion regarding the parking plan.
                The site plan was amended to show the cookers in front of the building.
                Gus Young asked if there is a barrier between cooking equipment and parking?
                Wayne Patton stated that unless the parked cars leaked gas there most likely be no problem.
                Carl Young stated that all parking must be on private property or the parking would violate the Tremont Traffic Control Ordinance.
                Mr. Cousins stated that the parking shown on Flat Iron Road is on private property.
                Closed Public Hearing at 7:10 pm
        12 parking spaces are needed
        C.      Action on Public Hearing (B)
        Motion by Susan Snyder, that the application meets the above listed requirements, second by Valerie Haynes
        Vote 5 Yes 0 No
        Motion by Gus Young, that the application meets the above 8 listed requirements, second by Wayne Patton
        Vote 5 Yes 0 No
Motion by Susan Snyder, second by Gus Young, to approve the application submitted by Robert Cousins Dated March 31, 2014 to reconstruct a 23 seat 36 occupant bar/restaurant and 2 bedroom 1 studio single family building at 45 Harbor Drive on the same footprint as the one destroyed by the fire in December of 2013. To meet the requirements that the reconstruction become either less non-conforming and not more non-conforming, the approval is subject to the following conditions:
Conditions if Applicable:
1. The previous footprint and required set backs are as depicted in the attached exhibits A, B, C and the first floor is defined by an existing concrete pad as staked out on April 22, 2014.
2. The 6 parking spaces along Flat iron Road shall be on the owner’s property within the property line and the 3 spaces in the triangle between Flat Iron Road and the State Route 102A, all as depicted on exhibit D shall be maintained.
3. The minimum of 3 parking spaces along State Route 102A depicted on exhibit D shall be arranged so that there is no backing out on the State road as per the State Driveway Permit dated 30 March 2005. The rearrangement of the parking shall be approved by the Town’s CEO before construction commences.
4. The existing wastewater disposal holding tank system as well as any modifications must pass the Town plumbing inspection.
5. Must conform with the Tremont Zoning Ordinance Lighting Standards and installed as per exhibit D.

7.      OLD BUSINESS: None

8.      CEO ISSUES: None
9.      NOTICES
Set Public Hearing date for Site Plan Review & Tremont’s Zoning Ordinance Section VIII.B.3 (late May or June)
The Chairman set the public hearing on the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments for 10 June 2014

10.     OTHER
Review ZOAC’s progress on Tremont’s Site Plan Review and the insert for Tremont’s Zoning Ordinance Section VIII.B.3.

May 27, 2014

12.     ADJOURN: At 7:40 pm

Debbi Nickerson
Alternate CEO
By Direction of the Board
Approved on: ___________
By Planning Board Chairman Mike Ryan
_______________________________ Paste Minutes Here