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Planning Board Minutes 03/13/2007


        Planning Board Chairman George Urbanneck opened the public hearings at 6:00PM.

        In attendance were Planning Board Chairman George Urbanneck, planning   Board members Linda Graham, Alden Gray, Mike Ryan, Rick Nickerson, Susan Snyder, CEO Millard Billings and Recording Secretary Heidi Farley.

        Members of the public were: Selectmen Chris Eaton, and Heath Higgins, Residents James and Priscilla Keene, Chandler and Andrea Kelley, Rudy Kelley, Gregory and Carrie Dow, David Herrick, Amy Picard, Richard Helmke and Eric Henry.

A.      An opportunity for the Planning Board to hear comments and concerns of the public regarding an application for an amended subdivision plan submitted by David Herrick for William Nelson Herrick Trust, Map 5 Lot 28H, Residential/Business zone, containing 9 lots on 17 acres.

        Planning Board Chairman George Urbanneck asked if the public or the board       had any questions, comments or concerns concerning the amended William Nelson Herrick subdivision plan.  There were none.

        MOTION by Planning Board member Linda Graham to end public hearing on agenda item A, seconded by Planning Board member Mike Ryan.  Motion passed 6-0.

B.      An opportunity for the Planning Board to hear comments and concerns of the public on proposed amendments to the Tremont Zoning Ordinance.

        Planning Board Chairman George Urbanneck asked if the public or board had       any comments, questions or concerns concerning the proposed changes to the Town of Tremont zoning ordinance. Resident James Keene recommended   some editorial changes to the Board.

        MOTION by Planning Board member Mike Ryan to end public hearing on agenda item B, seconded by Planning Board member Linda Graham.  Motion passed 6-0.

C.      An opportunity for The Harbor Committee to hear comments and concerns of the public on proposed amendments to the Harbor Ordinance.

        Planning Board Chairman George Urbanneck asked if the public or board had       any comments, questions or concerns concerning the proposed changes to the Town of Tremont Harbor Management Ordinance. Resident James Keene    suggested that the Harbor Committee include “mooring” in XIII.H. of the         Harbor Management ordinance.

        MOTION by Planning Board member Susan Snyder to close public hearing on agenda item C, seconded by Planning Board member Rick Nickerson.  Motion passed 6-0.

D.      An opportunity for the Select Board to hear comments and concerns of the public on the repeal of the Town of Tremont Traffic Control and Parking Ordinance.

        Planning Board Chairman George Urbanneck asked if the public or board had       any comments, questions or concerns concerning the proposed changes on the      repeal of the Town of Tremont Traffic Control and parking Ordinance.
        Town Manager Millard Billings explained on behalf of the Board of Selectmen that the Selectmen have adopted an updated Traffic Control and Parking Ordinance because the old one was very outdated.  Selectmen have     
        authorization to adopt a new Traffic Control and Parking Ordinance but need     to repeal the old one at Town Meeting.

        MOTION by Planning Board members Linda Graham and Rick Nickerson to close public hearing on agenda item D, seconded by Planning Board member Mike Ryan.  Motion passed 6-0.


        Planning Board Chairman George Urbanneck called the Planning Board meeting of March 13, 2007 to order at 6:35PM.

2.      ROLL CALL

        Planning Board Chairman George Urbanneck, Planning Board members Linda Graham, Alden Gray, Mike Ryan, Rick Nickerson, Susan Snyder, CEO Millard Billings and Recording Secretary Heidi Farley.

        Members of the public present were: Selectmen Chris Eaton and Heath Higgins,    Residents James and Priscilla Keene, Chandler and Andrea Kelley, Rudy Kelley Gregory and Carrie Dow, David Herrick, Amy Picard, Richard Helmke and Eric Henry.



4.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 27, 2007

        MOTION by Planning Board member Mike Ryan to approve minutes of February 27, 2007, seconded by Planning Board member Linda Graham.  Motion passed 4-0-2 with Planning Board members Susan Snyder, Linda Graham, Mike Ryan and George Urbanneck voting in favor and Planning Board members Rick Nickerson and Alden Gray abstaining because they weren’t at the meeting of February 27, 2007.


        Application for an amended subdivision plan submitted by David Herrick for William Nelson Herrick Trust, Map 5 Lot 28H, Residential/Business zone, containing 9 lots on 17 acres.

        MOTION by Planning Board member Mike Ryan to approve application submitted by David Herrick for William Nelson Herrick Trust for amended subdivision dated January 16, 2007, seconded by Planning Board member Linda    Graham.  Motion passed 6-0.


        Application submitted by Gregory A. Dow for a Home Occupation permit to operate a daycare in his home.  The property is located in the Residential/Business Zone on map 5 lot 28G.

        Applicant Gregory Dow explained that he and his wife wish to operate a daycare  licensed by the State and need to be permitted by the Town in order to get the  license.  
        Neighbors Chandler and Andrea Kelley brought up concerns of liability if        someone gets hurt or a vehicle gets damaged, traffic on a one way road, substandard road, maintenance of road and easement questions.
        MOTION by Planning Board member Mike Ryan to table application submitted by Gregory Dow date February 21, 2007 for a Home Occupation permit until the Board receives an official copy of easement and the Town Attorney can give an official opinion, seconded by Planning Board member Susan Snyder.  Motion passed 5-0-1.  Planning Board member Linda Graham abstained because of being good friends with the applicants.

        Eric Henry representing Morgan Churchman to discuss what can be done with the   Church on map 6 lot 5 in the Business/Residential zone.

        Mr. Henry explained to the Board that Mr. Churchman would like to restore this  building and make it functional.  He will invest the money himself then possibly        turn it over to a community group or committee who would then be in charge of it.  The Planning Board agreed that it would not be a change of use, wouldn’t need a road opening permit and wouldn’t need to be brought before the Planning Board.  Everything that Mr. Henry was planning to do could be handled by a regular building permit from the CEO.


        Review proposed changes to Zoning Ordinance.

        Next public hearing on proposed changes will be on Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at   6PM.

8.      CEO ISSUES


9.      NOTICES


10.     OTHER


11.     SET DATE FOR NEST MEETING March 27, 2007

12.     ADJOURN

        MOTION by Planning Board member Linda Graham to adjourn at 7:30PM,      seconded by Planning Board member Alden Gray.  Motion passed 6-0.

Respectfully submitted
Heidi Farley

Chairman George Urbanneck