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Planning Board Minutes 02/27/2007

        Planning Board meeting of Tuesday, February 27, 2007 was called to order at 6:00PM by Chairman George Urbanneck.

2.      ROLL CALL

        Chairman George Urbanneck, Planning members Wayne Patton, Linda         Graham, Mike Ryan and Susan Snyder and Recording Secretary Heidi Farley.

        Members of the Public present were: Timothy Gott and Bernie Boisevert.



4.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 13, 2007

        MOTION by Planning Board member Wayne Patton to accept minutes of February 13, 2007, seconded by Planning Board member Linda Graham.  Motion passed 4-0-1.  Planning Board member Susan Snyder abstained because she was not a Planning Board member at that meeting.




A.      Application submitted by Tim Gott for Jennifer Gott Gray to build a 16 foot by 1800 foot road beginning at the end of existing road on Wade property and on properties owned by Jennifer Gott Gray and Melissa Gott.  The properties are located in the Residential/Business zone on Map 5 lots 106 and 108 and Map 7 lots 49 and 51
                Tim Gott explained that he would like to construct a road to his daughter’s properties for them to have access to their land.  Mr. Gott also explained that he will not be subdividing these properties; the road will be just for                      access for his daughters’ personal use.  Chairman George Urbanneck told         Mr. Gott that his application says that he wanted to construct a driveway       but that this is a road and therefore has different standards that need to be met.  Mr. Gott stated that he will make sure to get everything done as soon as possible.

        MOTION by Planning Board member Mike Ryan to table this application     dated 2/21/07 submitted by Tim Gott for Jennifer Gott Gray until all    information is present, seconded by Planning Board member Wayne                 Patton.  Motion passed 5-0.

A.      Application submitted by Bernie Boisevert for Scott Hero to build 3 foot wide by 12 foot long stairs to the water.  The property is located in the Harbor Shoreland Zone on Map 5 Lot 49B.

        MOTION by Planning Board member Wayne Patton to approve Flood Hazard Development Permit dated 1/25/07 for Scott & Laura Hero, seconded by Linda Graham.  Motion passed 5-0.

        MOTION by Planning Board member Wayne Patton to approve Town of         Tremont application dated 12/28/06 for Scott and Laura Hero to construct stairs that go to the water on their property, seconded by Linda Graham.  Motion passed 5-0.

B.      Revisit 2007 budget request

                MOTION by Planning Board member Linda Graham to approve amended budget request from $5120.00 to $6350.00, seconded by Planning Board member Wayne Patton.  Motion passed 5-0.

C.      Review proposed changes to Zoning Ordinance.

        Planning Board members reviewed proposed changes to the Zoning Ordinance to be ready for March 13, 2007 Public Hearing.

8.      CEO ISSUES


9.      NOTICES


10.     OTHER

        CEO Millard Billings revised to Town of Tremont Building Permit Application as directed by the Planning Board.

        MOTION by Planning Board member Mike Ryan to approved revised Town of Tremont Building Permit Application form, seconded by Planning Board      member Wayne Patton.  Motion passed 5-0.

11.     SET DATE FOR NEXT MEETING March 13, 2007

12.     ADJOURN

        MOTION by Planning Board member Linda Graham to adjourn meeting at 7:15PM, seconded by Planning Board member Wayne Patton.  Motion passed 5-0.

Respectfully submitted
Heidi Farley
Recording Secretary

Chairman George Urbanneck