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Minutes of the Taunton Conservation Commission April 8, 2013
Present: Chair Brian Marques, Vice Chair Debra Botellio, Commissioners Marla Isaac, Ernest Enos, Neil Kelly, and Steven Turner.
Absent: Commissioner Renwick Chapman
Motion to approve the minutes from the March meeting, ST, second DB, so voted.
Eagle Scout Project at Boyden Refuge-Benjamin Frances came in to explain his project and give details on what he plans to do while completing his Eagle Scout project. Benjamin’s father and older brother will help with any power tools. He will repair minor aesthetics of the covered bridge. Replace/reinstall braces under bridge to better secure. He has been out to take before pictures. It will take 1-2 days to finish the project. They will go out and evaluate materials out there. Sort good and bad, come back with pre-fab parts and do the work. TCC asked that they take pictures as they go along as well. TCC gave their approval and wished Benjamin good luck on his project. Motion to allow the Eagle Scout to complete his project at Boyden,
contact MR when finished so he can come back before TCC, DB, second MI, so voted.
Discussion and approval of Meadowlands Estates Conservation Restriction. Motion to open, ST, second DB, so voted. Motion to approve the amended restriction DB, second ST, so voted. Motion to close DB, second ST, so voted.
Certificate of Compliance
- 480 John Hancock Road, Laughlin, (COC), SE73-1879 Field report states that this project was for the construction of a 7,000 sf canine training center, with associated parking, landscaping and stormwater management. An Order of Conditions was issued on 2/9/04. The order has since expired and a COC was necessary to close the file. The building was constructed in the location shown on the original plan and roof drains are connected to drywells. The walkway and fences were also installed in the proposed locations. The parking lots and drainage basin were not constructed. The Applicant will be filing a new NOI to complete site development per DEP and City of Taunton regulations. The work that was completed was in significant compliance to the Order of Conditions. MR recommends that the TCC issue a Partial COC for the completed work. Motion to approve, DB, second MI, so voted.
Public Meetings
- 10 Boxwood Way, Walker, (RDA), DSE-1052 Field report states that this project is for the construction of a 12’ x 28’ deck onto an existing single family home. The deck will be erected on “Bigfoot” footing forms and tubes, and all work will be done by hand. The closest point to the adjacent wetlands is 78 feet (flag 10). The work as proposed will not impact the adjacent wetlands, therefore MR recommends that the TCC approve the project and issue a negative determination to include the attached special conditions. Motion to open, DB, second MI, so voted. Motion to issue a negative determination with conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, & 18, DB, second NK, so voted. Motion to close the hearing, ST, second DB, so voted.
Continued Public Hearing
- 437 Whittenton Street, Murphy/Jefferson Dev. Partners, LLC (Anrad), SE73-2517 Motion to approve the wetland line, DB, second ST, so voted. Nick Dufresne was present for the applicant. Motion to close, DB, second MI, so voted.
Public Hearing
- 221 Berkley Street, Passanisi/Venture Capital Group, LLC, (Anrad), SE73-2537 Field report states that this filing is for the approval of a resource area delineation associated with the above address. This area is located in the rear of the property and follows contour 16 which is the toe of the slope, which is a steep drop to the north and northeast section of the property. There is a concrete headwall and culvert between flags 5 and 6 and a great deal of erosion and scour is evident. The wetland was flagged, using pink flags, by Dr. Walter Hewitson on 12/15/10 and refreshed by John W. Delano on 2/21/13. MR reviewed the line on 4/2/13 and is in agreement with the placement of the flags. MR recommends that the TCC approve the delineation, flags WF1 to WF23 with flag WF24
for reference purposes only, and issue an ORAD for this property. Steve Passanisi present, he is the property owner. Motion to open, DB, second ST, so voted. Motion to approve ANRAD, DB, second, MI, so voted. Motion to close, DB, second ST, so voted.
- Pratt Street, Fasolo/The Fasolo Family Limited Partnership, (NOI), SE73-2538 Field report states that this project is for the construction of a holding reservoir and portion of a cranberry bog within the 100 foot buffer zone of a wetland at the above location. The wetlands were delineated by Dr. Walter Hewitson on 2/7/13 and Earth Services Corporation on 3/1/13. Both delineators used pink flags, Dr. Hewitson’s series was series FL1- FL17, and Earth Services was ESC1A- ESC9A. MR is in agreement with the placement of the flags and recommends approval of the delineation, flags FL1-FL16, ESC1A-ESC9A, with flag FL17 for reference purposes only. This property is bounded to the east by Silva’s Pond and was previously used as a dumping ground for
bentonite used in construction activity. Gravel was also deposited here by previous owner. The applicant will be construction four bogs, one in which the southwest corner will be within 76 feet of the wetland at flag FL15. The gravel access road and grading around the last bog will also be within the 100’ buffer zone. The majority of the holding reservoir will be within the 100’ buffer zone, but outside the 25’ WPZ. A siltation barrier is depicted on the plan. MR recommends using straw wattles or other alternative to hay bales. The work as proposed will not negatively impact the adjacent pond and wetland system and will be an improvement over the property as a whole. The water used on the bogs will be recycled with the holding reservoir and reused and will not be emptied into the pond per USDA BMP’s. The Applicant will also be applying for an earth removal permit with the Earth Removal Board. MR
recommend that the TCC approve this project and issue an order of conditions to include the attached special conditions. Paul Patnaude present for the applicant. Motion to open, DB, second ST, so voted. Abutters spoke regarding their issues with the construction of the bogs. Karen ? 255 Pratt Street is concerned with being able to get out of her driveway in regards to the access road. Maureen Delaney 60 Landing Drive is worried about water, pesticides, noise, etc. Irene Ferguson 42 Landing Drive is worried about the trees coming down behind her house and wants to know how large the bogs will be. BM addressed the abutters, owner, and Paul . He recommended that they get together and have a meeting, address all of the concerns of the abutters. They may be able to work together and reach a compromise that keeps everyone happy. DB asked Ron Fasolo is the TCC could go out to look at the site. He said absolutely. It
was decided to hold a site walk on April 16th at 5:30 p.m. at 60 Landing Drive. Members of TCC will be there, as well as the owner, abutters, and Paul Patnaude. Motion to continue to May 13, 2013, ST, second MI, so voted.
Other Business
List of to do items-
- Covered bridge
- De-humidifier
- No hunting signs
- Handicap signs
- Signs for no driving on the trails
- Prohibited signs
- Gate sign put it on half of the gate, only leave one side of gate open
- Security cameras
They also need a rep from TCC to go to the Boyden meetings. Boyden cleanup day is April 27th along with the citywide cleanup. A concern is an area of erosion, maybe something can be done to keep people out of there. Motion to have MR work with Marilyn Greene to get that area closed where there is erosion occurring, DB, second MI.
- During Citywide cleanup-some areas of significance. Williams Street & Shores Street are some places that could use a cleanup.
- First Street. Across from the ball field-possible cutting? MR will check that out.
- Train Bridge & Prospect Place. Near bridge the water is damming up again, may need debris removed again. At Prospect Place there is a tree in the water right across the river/middle of the river.
- DPW, TEMA, and TPD Dive Team. Thank you letters for them, BM signed.
- Cub Scouts are looking for plants. If anyone can donate or knows someone who will.
Motion to adjourn, ST, second DB, so voted. Meeting ended at 8:00 p.m.
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