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Minutes of the Conservation Commission November 16, 2009
Present: Chair Brian Marques, Vice Chair Neil Kelly, Commissioners Steven Turner, Ernest Enos, Robert Newhall, and Renwick Chapman. Commissioner Marla Isaac was absent.
Motion to approve the minutes of the meeting on November 2, 2009, ST, second EE, RN voted present.
Certificate of Compliance
1. 101 Libby Lane, Yvon Nadeau Development, (COC), SE73-2285 A field report was read stating that MR inspected this property on 11/9/09 in preparation for the hearing for a COC. This project was to construct a single family home with deck, driveway, septic system, utilities, and associated grading and was issued an Order of Conditions on 9/12/07. A change in the septic system was required to accommodate an additional bathroom in the basement of this home and the Board of Health required a larger system to accommodate this change. As a result, a portion of the front yard was dug up for the new field and is still not stable. All other areas have met the requirements for the Order of Conditions but this. MR recommends that this filing e continued until the last meeting in May, 2010, to rectify these issues. If a letter is required in order to pass papers, MR will be more than willing to do so. Motion to continue this to the first meeting in May 2010, RN, second RC, so
1. Lot 2K Field Street, Correia, (AMEND), SE73-2355 A field report was read stating that the applicant is proposing to reconfigure the house and septic system. The building footprint has changed and is now slightly larger than originally designed. The house is moved more to the front in order to have a larger yard. The septic system needed to be redesigned because of the change in the location of the house. The garage will be under and the house will be 38’ x 44’ with a 14’ x 24’ deck in the back and a porch in the front. The septic system will still be in the front of the property.
The tank will be located near test pit 4 where the depth to groundwater was 68”. The system will be 45-50 feet from the wetland. Grading at the site will be 28 feet from flag A28. The house at its closest point will be 25 feet from the wetland. The construction as proposed should not negatively impact the wetlands. All stormwater will continue to flow in a northeasterly direction without affecting neighboring properties. MR recommends that the TCC approve this Amendment to include the previously approved conditions. Motion to approve the amendment, ST, second RC, so voted. Under discussion, RC would like to see the plan. Stuart Clark was present representing the applicant and presented a plan for the commissioners to review. Questions were asked and answered. The TCC was satisfied and the motion was approved.
Public Hearings
1. N. Walker Street, Smith, (NOI), SE73-2415 This project is for the construction of a single family home with driveway and utilities within 100 feet of BVW and pond. The property is on the west side of North Walker Street, almost directly across from Fisher Street. The area is at a considerably lower grade than the property to the south. The upland portion of this property is up-gradient of the wetland and pond. The wetland boundary was flagged by Earth Services Corp. on 5/28/09 and approved under RDA #DSE-959 on 8/24/09. MR agrees with the placement of ;the flags and recommends that the TCC approve
flags 1-10 as the wetland boundary under this filing. The pond is accurately displayed on the plan. All work will be at least 25 feet from the wetland and outside the 200 foot Riverfront Area, with the siltation barrier set as the limit of work. The leaching field for the septic system will be 55 feet from the wetland. The porch will be 29 feet from the wetland, and the closest grading will be contour 90 and will be 27 feet from the wetland. The plan shows roof drains into drywells at four corners of the house. A concrete washout area and dewatering area are also depicted on the plan. A portion of the property is within NHESP but the area where construction will take place is not. MR recommends that the TCC approve this plan and issue an Order of Conditions to include the attached special conditions. Motion to approve the wetland line ST, second RN, so voted. Motion to approve and issue a standard order of conditions
with special conditions 1-6-5, 8, 9, 15-17, 19, 21, 23, 25-27, and 28-place a berm along the easterly side of the driveway, and 29-no salt to be used on the driveway, ST, second RC, so voted.
2. 761 Joseph Warner Blvd., Gama Realty, (ANRAD), SE73-2416 A field report was read stating that the applicant has submitted a plan to approve resource area delineations at the above address for a future sewer line along the road. MR reviewed the lines on two separate occasions. This property abuts the Three Mile River to the south. The flags shown on the plan were approved under a previous ANRAD now expired and do not need to be approved for this project. The “C” series at 656 Joseph Warner Boulevard were previously approved under a now-expired ANRAD and need to be re-approved under this filing. The “B” series of flags along he northern boundary were approved under a now expired ANRAD and were re-hung by Prime Engineering. The resource areas denoted by flags WF1 to Wf20 and WF1A to WF20A were delineated by Phillip Munroe on 8/6/09. MR reviewed all flagged areas and is in agreement with the placement of the flags. MR recommends that the TCC approve the flags as
follows: 1. flags B5 to B12, 2. for reference purposes only: flags B1 to B4, B13 to B16, WF1 to WF20, WF1A to WF20A, and C1 to C18, 3. flags RFA1 to RFA11 for reference purposes and mapping purposes only. MR recommends that the TCC approve the delineation and issue an ORAD for this project. Motion to approve the line, ST, second RN, so voted. Rich Rheaume was present for the applicant. RC asked a question about the Three Mile River riverfront. Its shown only for reference purposes only on the plan, they will be more than 200 feet away from it.
Motion to go out of the regular order of business, ST, second RN, so voted.
RN was thanked for his six years of service to the city by serving on the Taunton Conservation Commission. Members each had a chance to wish Commissioner Newhall good luck on his future endeavors.
Arthur Bent awards were presented to the recipients. BM gave a brief history of the award and the gentleman it was named for.
Motion for a recess, ST, second RN, so voted.
Motion to revert back to the regular order of business, RN, second ST, so voted.
Other Business
1.Card for Marla
2. Conservation Agent’s Report.
1.34 ½ Briggs St.: amendment, requesting a minor modification. Motion to approve as a minor modification, ST, second NK, so voted.
2. Meeting schedule for 2010 passed out, vote on it next meeting.
3. FYI: Next conservation meeting will be held downstairs.
4. FYI: Meeting Wednesday at 1:30 on River Walk and Skate Park.
3. ST had a question on the area near Quality Transmission and what has been taking place with this situation. MR said things have been fixed. RN said this was a perfect time to fine and move on something like this. The state was there, issues did arise, but not fined.
(RC out)
4. ST brought up the Aggregate Report we receive every month. He requested that anyone with more knowledge look at it and see has there been any fluctuation, differences, etc. MR will take a look at it. MR could invite them to a meeting if wanted. BM said they were before the council for permission to run their trucks 24/6 and to have fuel storage. BM said the council said they asked for copies of the report, where they sent? MR said yes she did send them copies. RN did say any type of fuel storage should come before TCC. It was suggested that they have MR look into the storage of the diesel fuel and the question about the gas: how much fuel stored and how much used.
(RC in)
5. Have MR go out and check on the car pushed into the wetlands on First Street.
6. BM asked what has been going on with High Street Ext. and where that stands. Is the boat still there?
(RC out)
7. EE brought up some things he was familiar with regarding Aggregate Industries.
(RC in)
Motion to adjourn, ST, second RN, so voted. Meeting ended at 8:30p.m.
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