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Minutes of the Taunton Conservation Commission December 14, 2011
Present: Chair Brian Marques, Vice Chair Neil Kelly, Commissioners Ernest Enos, Marla Isaac, Debra Botellio, Steven Turner, and Renwick Chapman.
Motion to approve the minutes of 11-14-11, DB, second RC, so voted.
Certificate of Compliance
- Macomber Street, Brown, (COC), SE73-2201 Field report states that this filing was for the proposed construction of a definitive subdivision to be know as Castle Knox Ridge, located in both Taunton and Berkley. No work has been done on this project. MR recommends that the TCC issue a COC to close this file. Motion to approve COC, DB, second MI, so voted.
- 181 Craven Court (Lot 37), Hopgood, (COC), SE73-2390 Field report states that this project was for the construction of a single family home with associated utilities, grading, and driveway. All work has been completed in significant compliance to the Order of Conditions issued on 5-20-09. There is no evidence of impact to the adjacent wetlands and roof drains go into dry wells. MR recommends that the TCC issue a COC for this project. Motion to approve COC, DB, second RC, so voted.
- 118 Woodland Trail, Roth, (COC), SE73-2187 Field report states that this project was for the construction of a 28’ x 40’ three-car attached garage with an upstairs addition. All work has been completed in significant compliance to the Order of Conditions issued on 6-6-06. Roof drains go to dry wells and all lawn areas are stable. There is no indication of any impact to the adjacent wetlands. MR recommends that the TC issue a COC for this project. Motion to approve COC, DB, second RC, so voted.
- 7 Robert Street, Fortin, (COC), SE73-1950 Field report states that this filing was for the construction of a single family home with two driveways, a retaining wall, and associated utilities and grading. Work was never started on this project, therefore, MR is requesting that the TCC issue a COC to close this file. Motion to approve COC, RC, second MI, so voted.
- 7 Robert Street, Fortin, (COC), SE73-2005 Field report states that this filing was for the construction of two driveways and the removal of an existing driveway. The work was never completed on this project. The work that had been started did not negatively impact the adjacent wetlands. MR requests that the TCC issue a COC to close this file. Motion to approve the COC, ST, second RC, so voted.
- 100 Industrial Park Rd., (COC), N-998 (local only) Field report states that this project was for the proposed construction of a 12,000 square foot one-story medical building with associated parking, driveway, and stormwater management area. Approximately 7,900 square feet of ILSF was filled and 11,740 square feet of new wetlands were constructed. This project was only subject to the Taunton Conservation By-Law. The site is located between Industrial Park Road and Crane Avenue North, and is accessed via a driveway off of Industrial Park Road. All work has been completed in significant compliance to the Order of Conditions issued on 9-15-10. The constructed wetlands need to go through two growing seasons before the COC can be issued (Conservation Ordinance: Section 3.6.2
Replication Plan). MR requests that the TCC continue this filing to October 2012-date to be determined following the Commission’s vote on meeting dates. Motion to continue to October 2012, DB, second RC, so voted.
Continued Public Hearings
- 206A Tremont Street, DeOliveira, (NOI), SE73-2407 Motion to continue to the first meeting in May 2012, ST, second MI, so voted.
Public Hearing
- 565/569 Winthrop Street, Lopes, (NOI), SE73-2483 Field report states that this project is for the extension of a construction and demolition debris processing building, expansion of a repair garage, reconfiguration of an existing detention basin, and installation of sewer lines within a 200-foot riverfront area and a 100-hundred foot buffer zone to a wetland system. This work is considered a redevelopment and as such follows the Wetlands Protection Act 310 CMR 10.58 (5) (a) through (h), as well as DEP’s Stormwater Management guidelines. The wetland line was previously approved and issued an ORAD on 8-12-11 (DEP file SE 73-2478). The new building will be connected to the existing C & D Processing Building and will be 120’ x 98’. Stormwater from the roof will be recharged
within an infiltration trench to the south and east of the new building. Stormwater from the parking area will be picked up by drain manholes and carried to another infiltration trench and then carried to the re-designed detention basin. There is an increase in impervious area, and in order to meet Stormwater Management Standard #7, the Applicant will remove 4,200 sf of existing pavement in the front of the property and construct a 7,564 sf wetland replication to the northeast. This will provide a 2:1 reduction of impervious area on site. A concern is that the replication area and grading associated with the re-configured detention basin are located off-property and at the time of this writing there is no document from that property’s owner permitting the Applicant to do so. MR spoke with the City Engineer and he has no issues with the stormwater provisions but he is concerned with the location of the replication area. The Applicant has
provided a planting plan and invasive species control plan as well as an O & M plan. Erosion and sediment control is depicted on page 7 of 7. Hay bales/silt fence are shown as the limit of work, and around the proposed wetland replication area. The work as proposed should not negatively impact the wetland. It will increase impervious area to the site and the new building will keep work from going into the environment. Permission to alter the neighboring property should be received prior to commencement of any work. MR recommends that the TCC approve this project and issue an Order of Conditions to include the attached Special Conditions. RC would like a peer review on this. ST feels no peer review is needed, as does NK. DB feels as a commissioner that she owes the people who put her on this board the benefit of having a peer review. She feels is she isn’t sure of something, a review is necessary before she makes
her decision. Motion to send out for peer review, RC, second DB, 4 in favor, 2 opposed, motion carries. Motion to have 1 test pit dug in each infiltration system, RC, second DB, so voted. Motion to continue this to January 2012, DB, second RC, so voted.
- 46 General Cobb Street, DeMelo, (NOI), SE73-2484 Representative Jon Delano present. Motion to open the hearing, DB, second ST, so voted. Motion to issue a NOI with conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, and 28-work with MR on what trees are to be taken down per her discretion, ST, second NK, so voted. Motion to close the hearing, ST, second RC, so voted.
Other Business
- Discussion of Boyden. Lopes will give all equipment and trucking to pull out everything in river. TCC needs the “bodies” to go in and do the actual work. Motion to take this under advisement and get back to Lopes on this matter, DB, second MI. so voted.
- Reconsideration of Peer Review Vote. Motion to reconsider the peer review vote, ST, second NK, 4-2 does not carry.
- Discussion of 2012 Meeting Dates. Motion to not have a meeting on 12-19-11, DB, second ST, so vote. Motion to have meetings on 1st date listed on each month but have a conditional meeting on the 2nd date listed each month, NK, second DB, so voted.
- Brickhouse School. MR will speak with them. Motion to have MR speak with them and come back to TCC, DB, second ST, so voted.
- Nominations. NK/RC for BM as Nominee for Chair. NK/MI for ST as nominee for Vice Chair. Motion to have BM remain Chair of TCC, NK, second RC, so voted. Motion to have ST as Vice Chair, NK, second MI, so voted.
Motion to adjourn, DB, second NK, so voted. Meeting ended at 8:07pm.
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