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Minutes of the Taunton Conservation Commission Meeting March 2, 2015
Present: Chair Steven Turner, Vice Chair Neil Kelly, Commissioners Ernest Enos, Luis Freitas, Renwick Chapman, Marla Isaac, and Debra Botellio.
Motion to approve the minutes of January 2015, DB, second NK, so voted.
Certificate of Compliance
- 37 Short Street, Aboukheir, (COC), SE73-2562 Field report states that this project was for the construction of a single family home with septic system, driveway, utilities, and associated grading on a lot created in 2005. The house, septic system and driveway have all been constructed; however, the lawn is not established. There is marked erosion at the front right (west) corner of the house from the downspout. MR recommends that this filing be continued until May 11th meeting so that the lawn has time to become established. Motion to continue to May 11, 2015, DB, second MI, so voted.
Public Meeting
- 26 Walker Avenue, Matos, (RDA), DSE-1096 Field report states that this filing is for the proposed construction of a 16’ x 20’ pole barn style shed on the southeast side of the property and within 100 feet of a vernal pool. This vernal pool was certified in 2004 and the boundaries on the plan are accurate. The shed will be 27 feet from the vernal pool and will have a concrete slab for a floor. In addition, 8 12” x 48” holes will be dug by hand for footings. The area is relatively flat with a very gradual slope toward the pool (1:12). The applicant should place a siltation barrier between the work and vernal pool-at least 15 feet away, to ensure no siltation goes into the pool. At the end of work, all disturbed areas will be re-seeded around the shed. The work
as presented should not negatively impact the vernal pool, therefore MR recommends that the TCC approve the project and issue a negative determination to include the attached special conditions. Homeowner Carlos Matos is present. ST went out and it’s 27 feet from the vernal pool, he saw where the shed will be placed and is ok with it. RC why not put the shed at the bottom right hand corner of the plan? It would move it 50ft more away from the vernal pool. Carlos said because of the setbacks and it would be right into the middle of the backyard. It would block the play area and just would not work there. MI asked what will be stored in the shed? Carlos said the kid’s toys and lawn furniture. Motion to issue a negative determination with conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 14, and 18, NK, LF. Show of hands In Favor: ST, NK, LF, and EE, Against: DB, RC, and MI. 4-3 motion carries.
- 21 O’ Connor Street, Bon Vivant, LLC/DaSilva, (RDA), DSE-1097 MR did give permission that if this failed they may do the septic system replacement and file after the fact. RC one issue to speak with Brad Fitzgerald about. On the proposed grading, it looks as though water may pond at the end of the driveway, proposed pump chamber, and corner of the house. It looks like it blocks off drainage. MR will ask Brad if the proposed mounding will block water and create ponding. Motion to continue to April 13, 2015, DB, second NK, so voted.
- 414 West Water Street, Shea, COT/OECD, (Amend), SE73-2317 Field report states that the location of this project is along the Taunton River and on the property previously housing the FB Rogers Silver Company, once makers of silver plate articles. This area is within the City of Taunton Densely Developed Area and as such has a riverfront area of 25 feet. The project originally consisted of converting historic mill buildings into modern condos with parking and stormwater management structures. The plan also consists of razing two buildings and was approved under DEP file SE 73-2309. There are exemptions within the WPA for projects within an historic mill complex, including exemption from the requirements under the Rivers Protection Act, and compensatory storage under the Stormwater
Management BMPs. Buildings A and A1 were not demolished in the hopes of redeveloping them for affordable housing. Over the years the buildings have fallen into disrepair and cannot be rehabbed economically. The amendment calls for razing buildings A and A1 and to redevelop the entire 1.5 acre parcel into a riverfront park. MR recommends that the TCC approve the request for an Amendment to be issued with the original Special Conditions and effective through May 15, 2015. The Applicant may wish to request an Extension before the order expires to avoid re-applying for this project. Once this project is completed, this applicant should apply for a COC for both DEP file SE 73-2309 and this file. Motion to open, DB, second NK, so voted. Jim Howland Office of Economic Development was present. DB it will be a park, no buildings? Right remove all the buildings etc, except the bar. That does not belong to the city. They
are looking into putting in boat ramps, benches, etc. RC has questions on the park, but for right now this is just to approve the amendment for demolition. The park will come before TCC at a later date. Motion to approve, RC, second DB, so voted.
Public Hearing
- 24 Winthrop Street, Crespi/Malloch Construction, (ANRAD), SE73-2604 Field report states that this filing is for the approval of a resource line located at 24 Winthrop Street and within the 25 foot Densely Developed Riverfront Area of the Mill River. This property is on the west side of the river at the former Baron Brothers Property. The line is located along the mean annual high water (MAHW) mark along the bank and was delineated by Dan Thissel of Outback Engineering, Inc., in December 2011 using blue flags numbered MAHW-1 through MAHW-10. Because of the large amount of snow Taunton received in the past 10 days, MR reviewed the line from the opposite bank, at the TMLP property, 55 Weir Street. MR agrees with the placement of the flags and recommends that the TCC approve the
delineation, flags MAHW-1 to MAHW-9, with MAHW-10 for reference purposes only, and issue an ORAD. Motion to open, DB, second RC, so voted. Miles Zager present for Outback Engineering, Inc. Motion to approve, RC, second DB, so voted. Motion to close, DB, second MI, so voted.
- 436 Whittenton Street. Lester Hooben present. He admits to putting snow into the river. He cleared parking area and pushed it over. He has done it before, did not know it should not be done. Lester has since removed all the snow and taken it off property. DEP was called and they called MR. ST asked what the wishes of the board are? TCC advised Mr. Hooben to not do this again, the violation will be removed, he needs to communicate with MR and DEP on situations that arise there. MR one positive is that the snow was untreated when it went into the river, no chemicals or sediment. Also river was moving at a good clip and snow was almost all gone. Motion to remove the violation, ST, second DB, so voted.
Other Business
- Taunton’s Open Space & Recreation Plan
- Myles Standish, Martin Eddy’s building at the end of Pilgrim Drive, proposal to be signed. Motion to approve, DB, second NK, so voted.
- Request from Friends of the Taunton Animal Care Facility to use Boyden on 6/14/15. Motion to approve, DB, second MI, so voted.
Motion to adjourn, LF, second EE, so voted. Meeting ended at 7:20pm.
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