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Minutes of the Taunton Conservation Commission October 15, 2012
Present: Vice Chair Steven Turner, Commissioners Neil Kelly, Marla Isaac, Debra Botellio, Ernest Enos, and Renwick Chapman. Chair Brian Marques was absent.
Motion to approve the minutes of October 1, 2012, DB, second RC, so voted.
Certificate of Compliance
- 100 Industrial Park Road, Nadeau Development, (COC), N-998 Local Only Field report states that this project was for the proposed construction of a 12,000 square foot one-story medical building with associated parking, driveway, and stormwater management area. Approximately 7,900 square feet of ILSF was filled and 11,740 square feet of new wetlands were constructed. This project was ony subject to the TCC By-Law. The site is located between Industrial Park Road and Crane Avenue North, and is accessed via a driveway off of Industrial Park Road. All work has been completed insignificant compliance to the Order of Conditions issued on 9/15/10. The constructed wetlands have gone through two growing seasons and have at least 75% wetland vegetation per the requirements under
the local By-Law. MR recommends that the TCC issue a COC for this project. Motion to approve, DB, second RC, so voted.
Public Meeting
- 53 Paula Drive, Newton, (RDA), DSE-1045 Representing the applicant is Peter Lyons from Collins Engineering. Field report states that this project is for the installation of a new 2,000 gallon septic tank, distribution box, and leaching field. Walter Hewitson flagged the wetlands on the adjacent property on 8-31-12 with pink flags. MR reviewed the wetland flagging and is in agreement with the delineation and recommends that the TCC approve the delineation as follows: for reference purposes only flags 1 WH to 7 WH. A siltation barrier is depicted on the plan and is 63 feet from the wetland at its closest point. The leaching field will be 70 feet from the wetland. Work will include removing a tree in the southwest portion of the property and placing a vent near the
rear of the existing shed. The project as presented will not negatively impact the wetlands, therefore MR recommends that the TCC approve the project and issue a negative determination to include the attached special conditions. Motion to approve the flags, DB, second MI, so voted. They are being forced to the rear of the property due to 3 different wells, one on the property and 2 on abutting properties. Lyons believes the house has been sold and the current system has failed. DB asked how far away was the old system? Lyons said this new one is going pretty in the same area as the old system. RC asked so are you pretty much removing the old and re-installing the new right in that same area? Yes, the site doesn’t have room for it anywhere else. Motion to approve with special conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 14, 18, and 19, RC, second DB, so voted.
Continued Public Hearings
- 223 Fremont Street, Teager/ForeKicks, (NOI), SE73-2519 Representing the applicant is Rich Riccio from Field Engineering. Riccio went over the letter from H & W, the TCC peer reviewers. He stated that though they are requesting possible decreasing the field size to not disturb wetlands, this cannot be done. The fields need to be regulation size or they cannot be used for games. Riccio stated they will at all times during this part of construction, have a wetland scientists on site. They will need to clear site to construct the building, then in spring replication and basins will be done. MR’s concern is the entrances, she would like the construction entrances stabilized. MR also questioned the cleaning of the basins? Riccio said it is currently
stated that they will check and clean them in mid-summer. He agrees this can be changed to twice a year. MR agrees and said an updated O & M will need to be submitted prior to construction. NK asked if they expect any larger boulders on site as they have seen with other sites in that area? Riccio said not sure at this point, never know. NK would also like to commend them on putting the USG marker that is onsite, on their plan so it will be preserved and not disturbed during construction. ST commented on the statement by H & W that they will defer to TCC regarding the OOC. MR basically they are saying that if the TCC is satisfied that all requests are met, basins, wetlands, replication, fill amount, etc, they can go ahead with it. DB was hoping that this new plan and movement of the larger basin, would make it so less wetlands would be filled. This is not the case and she is not in agreement with filling wetlands.
Motion to approve with special conditions, NK, no second, Motion fails. ST asked what would DB need to see in order to go forward with this plan. DB wants less wetland filling. Riccio said this is impossible, they cannot put in less fields, they need all the parking shown, the building has to be the size it is. They reconfigured this set up numerous times, this is the best fit regarding the site and the wetlands on it. Motion to approve with special conditions, NK, second ST, show of hands, Opposed EE, DB, MI (3), In Favor NK, ST (2), Motion fails. Motion to continue, MI, no second, MI withdraws this motion. Mr. Teager arrived, the owner of ForeKicks. He spoke with the TCC. He stated that his company has always strived with all of their facilities to be environmentally friendly. He did remind the TCC that the current owner of the property is going to put in large commercial buildings with truck bays if
this does not go through. Mr. Teager stated his project is much more environmentally friendly. He polices the wetlands for trash constantly and does not want to see them disturbed in any way. Putting fields rather than buildings is a much better use of this property. He does not want to walk away but will be forced to if this does not go through. Mr. Teager stressed how long they sat and configured this project so as not to disturb too much of the wetland and replicate it and more somewhere else. He felt after the last meeting that the only main request of the TCC was to move the larger basin, which they did. He had no idea this other little “finger” of wetland would now come into play. DB is concerned with the close proximity to the wetlands and keeping them protected. Mr. Teager stated that a 16-18ft high fence will be all along the field edge parallel to the wetland. He will also police trash on the site,
especially near the wetland, but the entire property too. He is not making promising, this is a fact. This is how he also runs his two other facilities. DB wants it put into the special conditions that they police the wetland area. Motion to approve with special conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and conditions added by TCC- 1. Updated O&M plan with regards to invasive species control, 2. SWPS and NPPDS reports, 3. H&W letter with their recommendations, 4. Stabilization of entry points, 5. Applicant to police the area for trash and trespassing in the wetlands, request made to MR to send a copy of the Order of Conditions to each of the TCC members, NK, second ST, so voted.
- 68 Dunbar Street, Cabral, (NOI), SE73-2521 Motion to continue to November 5, 2012, DB, second MI, so voted.
Other Business
- Use of Weir Park. Weir Corp requesting use of Weir Waterfront Park on 6/1/13 with a rain date of 6/2/13 for their Weir River Festival. Motion to approve, DB, second MI, so voted. ST voted present, as he is a member of Weir Corp.
- Cutting along Sabattia Lake. DB witnessed tree and shrub cutting/removal along the lake, them disposing of it into the water. MR will look into this.
- Quequechan Road. Cutting along the bridge out in this development. MR will look into it.
- 117 Arlington Street. MR is still working on it. She did go to the property to see if she could speak with a renter. She was successful and was able to confirm who they make their rent payments to. She is also trying to follow up on the owner who was living in Hyannis recently but has had some issues there. The search continues with the owner and MR has spoken to the Assistant City Solicitor regarding the information from the renter. She will keep TCC up to date.
- Ken from Field Eng. He just wanted to speak with the TCC regarding their upcoming project. It is Phase II of the Industrial Park at the Paul Dever School area. Ken is requesting permission to pay ahead $3000.00 in order to get the peer review started on this project. He wants to kick-start the review so that the project can get moving. TCC is in agreement on this request. Motion to allow them to pay ahead $3000.00 to kick-start the review of this project, DB, second MI, so voted.
Motion to adjourn, DB, second RC, so voted. Meeting ended at 8:00pm.
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