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Minutes of the Taunton Conservation Commission May 23, 2011
Present: Vice Chair Neil Kelly, Commissioners Ernest Enos, Marla Isaac, Steven Turner, and Renwick Chapman. Absent Chair Brian Marques and Commissioner Debra Botellio.
Motion to approve the minutes of May 9, 2011, ST, second RC, so voted.
Certificate of Compliance
1. Lori Lane, Archambault, (COC), SE73-2061 Field report states that this project was to construct a single family home with a septic system, concrete slab foundation for a future garage, and associated utilities. All work has been completed in significant compliance to the Order of Conditions issued on 8-9-05. All lawn areas are stable and there is no indication of disturbance to the adjacent wetlands. MR recommends that the TCC issue a COC for this project. Motion to approve, RC, second MI, so voted.
2. 80 Woodland Trail, Woodstead, (COC), SE73-1821 Field report states that this project was for the construction of a garage and breezeway. The construction was completed in significant compliance to the order of conditions issued on 8-25-03. All lawn areas are stable and there is no indication of disturbance to the adjacent wetland. MR recommends that the TCC issue a COC for this project. Motion to approve, ST, second MI, so voted.
Public Meeting
1. 9 Lorie Lane, Archambault, (RDA), DSE-1010 Field report states that this project is for the construction of a wood framed garage on an existing slab foundation. It is assumed that the roof drains will connect to the existing dry wells. The garage is outside conservation jurisdiction and the plan shows a siltation barrier marked as the limit of work. There were also three areas that required the removal of beetle-infested trees per recommendation of the forestry department. These areas are stable. The applicant should call this office if there are new outbreaks of bark beetles. MR recommends that the TCC approve this project and issue a negative determination to include the attached special conditions. Motion to approve with special conditions 1, 2, 3, 4,
and 16, RC, second ST, so voted. ST asked the applicant if drains were going into dry wells? The applicant said yes they are. Abutters in favor: Glen Foley of Lori Lane in favor of the garage. Brad Smith of Lori Lane, in favor of the garage. No abutters opposed at the meeting.
2. 82 Landing Drive, Rocha, (RDA), DSE-1011 The field report states that the project is for construction of a 25’ x 24’ attached garage with an extended driveway and retaining wall within the 100-foot buffer zone of a BVW. The plan shows the proposed garage approximately 75 feet from the wetland and pond; however, when MR paced it off it appeared to be 54 feet from the wetland, which is where the chain link fence is located along the back. The pond is about 15 feet beyond the fence. A detention basin is located along the driveway. The applicant is proposing to erect a retaining wall along the driveway extension/addition as this area slopes down to the basin and he will need to add fill to level off the additional driveway section. MR recommends that a sketch
of the retaining wall be included in the plan. MR also recommends that roof drains go into a dry well. MR recommends that the applicant show a siltation barrier on the plan and show it as the limit of work. As presented, the construction of the garage, driveway extension and retaining wall should not negatively impact the adjacent BVW and pond. MR recommends that the TCC approve the plan and issue a negative determination to include the attached special conditions. RC asked where the wetlands line came from on the plan? MR said when Landing Drive was originally built. MR paced it off, its usually not needed for public meetings so that’s why she didn’t have them put it on the plan but rather, paced it out. MR asked applicant if he could show the hay bale line and contours? The applicant agreed. RC would like to see topo and wetland line. ST asked if we normally request this? MR said not usually, its
50/50. ST said 54 feet or 75 feet, its not really a huge difference. RC said building so close to wetland line is a risk, if the building is 1/3 off, now its too close. Motion to issue a negative determination with conditions, ST, no second, motion fails. Motion to issue a positive determination continue this, have applicant come back with an engineered plan including wetlands lines and topo, all still under the RDA, RC, second MI, ST opposed. Motion carries 3-1. There was no date give for continuance. Motion to continue to June 6, 2011, ST, second MI, so voted.
3. 80 Woodland Trail, Woodstead, (RDA) DSE-1012 Field report states that this project is for the addition of a 24-foot diameter above-ground pool and extension of the deck will be 60 feet from the wetland. The deck will be erected on sona tubes dug by hand and the area under the pool will be leveled. The filter should be a cartridge filter and not a filter dependent on backwashing. The project as presented should not negatively impact the wetland; therefore, MR recommends that the TCC issue a negative determination to include the attached special conditions. Motion to issue a negative determination with special conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, and with the applicant giving MR a revised plan with pool on it tomorrow, ST, second RC, under discussion. RC asked where did the info
come from that’s on this plan? MR original from the office, did research and this is the plan on record. RC wetland line is based on? MR flags originally checked when house built, no flags there now. MI how many feet from pool to the edge of the wetlands? MR pool is 38 feet from edge of the wetlands, deck is 60 feet from the edge of the wetlands. MI asked what is there now? MR said lawn. MR is comfortable with these measurements, not with the previous ones. There’s less impact, less construction. Applicant said only touching lawn, not any vegetation. RC even is this is all accurate, regs are written a certain way. RC has never filed an RDA or seen one approved without an engineered plan. ST and NK disagree with this statement. Motion is pressed, and carries 3-1, RC opposed.
1. 272 Winthrop Street, Dbaib, (Amend), SE73-2414 Field report states that the applicant has requested an Amendment to the order of conditions issued on 10-21-09. The applicant has erected a fence on each side of this property and had started to install it along the rear property line when MR was called to check the work. Clearing within this area was also started. MR told Mr. Dbaib that he needed to file an Amendment, as this work was not included in the original filing. Work within the buffer zone was stopped until the Amendment is approved. MR recommends that any future work along the rear property line not included in this order of conditions be brought to the attention of the Conservation Office prior to the start of work. MR also recommends, per SC5,
that all disturbed areas be loamed and seeded or mulched and planted after the fence is erected. The fence will be 37 feet at its closest point to the wetland. The fence will leave a gap of at least 8 inches for turtle migration (this has already been done during the erection of the fence). MR recommends that the TCC approve this request and issue an Amendment to the current order of conditions to include the original general and special conditions. The Amendment does not change the expiration date of the original order. Motion to approve the amendment with the existing order of conditions, ST, second RC, so voted.
Continued Public Hearings
1. 97 Ingell Street, Cooperative Production, Inc., (NOI), SE73-2452 Motion to continue to July 11, 2011, ST, second MI, so voted.
Public Hearings
1. 109 E. Water Street, Saba, (NOI), SE73-2469 Field report states that this project is to replace the decking on an existing deck with no change to the size or location of the deck. This property is located within the 200-foot riparian zone of the Taunton River and is in Flood Zone AE (elevation 12) according to the Flood Insurance Rate Map (July 7, 2009). The rear of the property, approximately 42 feet up from the river, is NHESP habitat area. MR recommends that the TCC approve this plan and issue an order of conditions to include the attached special conditions. Motion to approve with special conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 167, 21, and 25, ST, second RC, so voted.
1. 5 Riverside Drive. It is a rental property, the problem has already been fixed. They took care of it right after MR spoke with them. A tree had fallen and broke the fence so they need to cut it down. The owner and maintenance guy were sure if they could make the meeting, which explains why they are not present tonight. Motion to remove the violation, RC, second EE, so voted.
2. 49 Worcester Street. Motion to continue this violation to June 6, 2011, ST, second EE, so voted.
Other Business
1. SE MA Appalachian Mt. Club. Requesting the use of Boyden on June 18, 2011 from 10-3. Motion to approve the request, ST, second RC, so voted.
2. Pack 45 from Dighton. Requesting the use of Boyden on August 27, 2011. Motion to approve the request, MI, second EE, so voted.
Motion to adjourn, ST, second RC, so voted.
Meeting ended at 7:45pm
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