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Minutes of the Taunton Conservation Commission April 14, 2014
Present: Chair Steven Turner, Vice Chair Debra Botellio, Commissioners Marla Isaac, Ernest Enos, Neil Kelly, and Luis Freitas. Commissioner Renwick Chapman was absent.
Motion to table the minutes from February and March, until the May meeting, DB, second MI, so voted.
Motion to go out of order to hear from the Eagle Scout, DB, second MI, so voted.
Eagle Scout
Jamie Bowman was here to present his Eagle Scout project. He will fix and paint the bridge at Boyden. TCC asked him how he will come up with the funds for the project, he said probably a candy bar fundraiser. He was asked to take before and after pictures and to contact MR when finished so he can come back before TCC. TCC gave him their approval on this project.
Motion to revert back to the regular order of business, MI, second DB, so voted.
Certificate of Compliance
1. 15 Bliss Street, Laffan, (COC), SE73-2527 Field report states that this project was for the installation of a sewer service located at the above address and within the 100 foot buffer zone of a BVW. All work has been completed in significant compliance to the order of conditions issued on 1-7-13. MR recommends that the TCC issue a COC for this project. Motion to approve DB, second NK, so voted.
Continued Amendment
1. Howard Street, Cornaglia, COT/DPW, (Amendment), SE73-2423 Present Angela Saunders. Installation of the new pipes will be in the contaminated ground water as the current ones are. If the water quality system was to be installed it would be another 10 feet below where the current pipe is now. Not putting in the water quality system means less area to dry out, there is no easement for a water quality system but there is an easement for the pipe. They feel the least amount of work in the contaminated area the better. There is contaminated lead at the hazardous level. Its at the worst level on this project and they are trying to limit exposure. BETA will have an LSP on staff, contractor is required to mitigate as per state and federal law. Groundwater will be treated
before being discharged. Motion to approve NK, second DB, so voted.
Public Meeting
1. 103 Arabian Drive, Sikorski, (RDA), DSE-1068 Present Megan Sikorski and Ron Laranco. Field report states that this project is for the construction of a 18’x 24’ pressure treated wood deck onto the rear of the existing house and for the installation of a 27’ above ground pool. Holes for the sona tubes will be dug by hand. A BVW is located in the rear of the property. All work will be outside the 25 foot WPZ. The pool will be 45 feet from the BVW and the deck will be 64 feet at its closest point to the wetland. The applicant will use a cartridge filter on the pool. The work as proposed should not negatively impact the adjacent wetland, therefore MR recommends that the TCC approve this filing and issue a negative determination to include the attached special
conditions. Motion to approve with conditions 1, 2, 3, 5, NK, second MI, so voted.
2. 124 Plain Street, Wheeler, (RDA), DSE-1069 Field report states that this filing is for a septic system replacement with a new system in accordance with Title V. MR reviewed the wetland line and requested flags 2 and 3 be moved further to the southwest (toward the road). MR received a revised plan showing that flag #2 was moved 12 feet and #3 was moved 10 feet to the southwest. MR recommends that the TCC approve the line. The existing cesspool, 76 feet from the BVW in the rear of the house, will be abandoned in accordance with 310 CMR 15.354. The new leaching field, located on the other side of the existing driveway, will be located 75 feet from the wetland and grading will fall within 52 feet of the BVW. A siltation barrier is depicted on the plan at least 50 feet from the
BVW and is considered the limit of work. The work as proposed should not negatively impact the wetland therefore MR recommends that the TCC approve the wetland line, ESC3 to ESC6, with ESC1 and ESC2 for reference purposes, and issue a negative determination to include the attached special conditions. Present Paul Patnaude for applicant. Soils are difficult, did find some suitable where they are placing septic. Motion to approve with special conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 19, DB, second EE, so voted.
Public Hearing
1. 137 Hart Street, Fruchtl/Ayoub Engineering, Inc., (NOI), SE73-2574 Field report states that this project consists of razing and removing three single family homes and a former lumber yard, and developing the property by constructing a convenience store with gas station, independent restaurant/bank, and a large retail building for multiple tenants, as well as the grading, paving, and infrastructure that goes along with the development. This site will consist of not only 137 Hart Street, but also numbers 670, 680, and 702 County Street, and parcels 93-153, 93-155, and 93-262. The wetlands were approved and an ORAD was issued on 12-11-13 under DEP #73-2564. The city engineer stated in his report dated March 18, 2014, that “the site drainage system and storm water management report”
were acceptable. All existing buildings, foundations, concrete slabs, manholes, and asphalt pavement will be removed. The overall plan depicts an increase in impervious area, although the area adjacent to the ditch will be changed from impervious to pervious with the addition of the landscaping buffer. The additional impervious area will consist of required landscaping under the zoning regulations as well as the “relocated ditch” area which will be loomed and seeded with a wetland mix as well as wetland plants. Currently most of the storm water flows eastward to the existing “ditch” and ILSF. The remainder of the storm water flows to Hart Street and to the abutting property to the south. The project calls for six Cultec Infiltration Systems throughout the site. Four of the six systems utilize overflow outlets to allow for storms larger than the 10-year storm to discharge from the onsite system. Units #1 and #2,
situated on the north side of the property, will connect to the storm water system on Hart Street. Units #3 and #4, located to the east and south of the proposed restaurant, will connect to the ditch at the southeast corner of the lot. Unit #5 will collect roof runoff from the proposed convenience store, while Unit #6 will collect the roof runoff from the proposed stand-alone restaurant. Units 1 through 4 will collect storm water runoff from 9 deep sump catch basins and treated by 6 Stormceptor 450i treatment structures. Roof runoff from the large retail building will discharge through riprap to the existing ditch in the east and the area behind the building will discharge through a water quality swale, to a sediment forebay, through riprap, to the existing ditch. The majority of the storm water on site will be treated prior to discharge into the resource areas. In addition, there will be a decrease in net runoff over all storm events.
Total runoff to Hart Street will be decreased 100% in the 2 year and 10 year events, decreased by 86% in the 25 year storm event, and 8% in the 100 year event. Total runoff to the ditch will be decreased by 67% in the 2 year, 69% in the 10 year, 70% in the 25 year, and 70% in the 100 year storm events. Total site runoff will be decreased 70% in the 2 year and by 72% in the 10, 25, and 100 year storm events. Work on this project falls within the 25 foot WPZ, much of it along the east property line where the current lumber yard storage buildings are located. The area closest to the resource area will become vegetated, and a water quality swale and sediment forebay will also be located within this area. The convenience store and gas station will be farthest from the resource area and out of jurisdiction. An operation and maintenance is included in this filing. The property owner is responsible for all maintenance of storm water
conveyances. Inspection schedules and cleanouts of the Stormceptors and sediment forebay are outlined in the plan. There will be no vehicle maintenance or washing conducted on the site. The project as presented will make a marked improvement on the quality of water running from this in storm events with the Stormceptor structures and Cultec infiltration systems. Runoff from storm events will be treated prior to any discharge into resource areas, and the overall runoff from the site to Hart Street and adjacent properties will be decreased. MR recommends that the 25 foot WPZ and the 100 foot buffer zone be marked on the plan. MR recommends that the TCC approve this project and issue an order of conditions to include the attached special conditions. Present Bruce Thomas owner and Tony Furchtl from Ayarb Engineering. They are not going any further, staying within the current footprint. Motion to approve with conditions 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28-an O&M plan should be kept in the file, MI, second DB, so voted. Public Input: Dorothy Letour 120 Hart Street. Her concern is with traffic, it is already horrible leaving her driveway, what can she do it will only get worse. She was advised to speak with city engineer. Concerned that with so many homeless and we are knocking down perfectly good houses? DB told her this is not TCC jurisdiction. Dorothy also asked about air quality in that area? Told not TCC jurisdiction. ST did apologize that her concerns could not be handled by TCC but advised her to speak with Mr. Thomas. Douglas Brooks from Briarwood Drive spoke as well. His concern is about water coming onto his property. He is worried the current elevation will be raised and it will cause water to come onto his property. He was told it will follow contours of the existing property. Brooks
asked if drains will go out to Hart or towards Briarwood? They will actually go into the ground into an infiltration system. He is also concerned about the stream there, if its sloped and concrete pad put in where will water run? ST they cannot put water onto anyone else’s property and it sounds like this design may be better than whats out there now. Engineer explained more clearly what will happen out there.
2. 440 Winthrop Street, Hamadeh/Westbay Associates, (NOI), SE73-2576 Field report states that this filing is for the construction of an addition to an existing building within the 100 foot buffer zone of a BVW. The wetland was delineated by Pinebrook Consulting on 3-4-14. MR reviewed the wetland line and is in agreement with the placement of the flags. MR recommends that the TCC approve the wetland line as delineated. The addition will be a total of 800 square feet and will wrap around the current building in the rear and side farthest from the road. As part of their storm water management, the applicant proposes to have roof drains go into a drywell. The proposed drywell is located behind the new addition along the slope, and will be 25 feet from the wetland (flag WF9).
The riprap at the outfall of the current drain should be cleaned of debris. Trash and debris should also be cleaned out of the wetland area to the rear of the property. The dumpster will be moved to an area between the underground tanks and the propane tank enclosure and will be on a concrete slab. A siltation barrier should be depicted on the plan and marked as the limit of work. MR recommends that the TCC approve the wetland line WF1 to WF9 with WF10 for reference purposes and approve the project and issue an order of conditions to include the attached special conditions. Present Abdul Hamadeh. MR requested some changes, she will go out to check the siltation barrier. Debris was asked to be cleaned up. DB would like as part of conditions. Motion to approve with special conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28-wetland area to be kept clean, MI, second LF, so voted.
3. 220 High Street, Young/Young Electrical, (NOI), SE73-2575 Field report states that this filing is for the construction of a storage building and gravel access driveway within the 200 foot riverfront area of the Mill River. This property abuts #30 Sherwood Drive which is entirely paved and closest to the river. The area is currently paved in the rear of the existing building and gravel and lawn where the new building is proposed. The applicant is proposing to build a 30’ x 60’ building on a slab and will have roof drains that will empty into two Stormtech SC-740 Chambers. This product is designed to hold a high capacity of storm water under parking areas and tight spots. A dewatering area and concrete washout area are located outside the riverfront area. A
siltation barrier is depicted at the property line in the rear and will be the limit of work. Grading will be within 123 feet of the river while the corner of the new building will be 143 feet away. The area is currently used for storage and because of the location of the house and existing commercial building, there is no other location in which to construct this storage building. The total proposed alteration to the riverfront area is 5,150 square feet, with 300 sq ft within 100 ft of the river, and 4,850 between the 100 ft and 200 ft riverfront area. MR recalculated the proposed alteration and found it to be a total of 3,982 sq ft this is the portion of the proposed gravel drive that is currently graveled and will not be altered. This project will not create any significant adverse impacts to the riverfront area. The area is already zoned industrial, the lot behind the property is closer to the river and already paved, the alteration is less
than previously calculated, and any additional storm runoff will be captured by the underground roof runoff interceptors. MR recommends that the TCC approve this project and issue an order of conditions to include the attached special conditions. Present Paul Patnaude for the applicant. General concept equipment stored in various locations, they want it all to be kept in one place. DB asked all equipment, no chemicals? Paul said that is correct. Motion to approve with conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 15, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27, DB, second MI, so voted.
4. 30 Cara Circle, Wasylow, (NOI), SE73- Field report states that this filing is for the construction of a 20 foot diameter above ground pool and the removal of 7 trees within the 100 foot buffer of a BVW. The pool will be placed 14 feet from the house and 10 feet from the edge of the wetland. The trees are 10, 16, and 18 feet from the BVW. The stumps will not be removed. A siltation barrier should be placed prior to taking down the trees. A cartridge filter should be used for the pool so that there is no backwash. The project as proposed will not adversely affect the adjacent wetlands, therefore, MR recommends that the TCC approve the project and issue an order of conditions to include the attached special conditions. Present Steve Wasylow owner. ST issues with no
DEP #, ST and MR did go out to the site. Paperwork has been filed with DEP but no number yet. MR said TCC has approved in the past pending DEP #. Steve Wasylow said he followed what he was supposed to do as far as filing his paperwork. MR said yes he did and it does take 30 days to get a number. Wasylow asked if he will be penalized because of it? No MR did go out and also read the report, so far DEP has nothing negative to say. There is a P&S on property and the buyers want the pool installed. LF asked if it is possible to approve with condition that it’s pending DEP #? LF we could be holding up sale by waiting for number. MR it’s a legal thing, even if TCC approves it, nothing can be done without number. DB and MI do not feel right about approving without a DEP # being issued. Motion to approve pending DEP #, with conditions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28-cartridge filter must be
used, backwash is not allowed, LF, second NK-vote taken In Favor LF, NK, EE=3 to Opposed MI, DB=2, motion carries 3-2.
5. 1380 Bay Street, Henderson/Taunton Dev/Mass Dev Corporation, (ANRAD), (Local Only), N-1070 Matthew Waldrip and Mark Gabriel present from BSC. Field report states that this filing is for the approval of a wetland delineation of an ILSF under the local by law only. A Federal IVW is delineated by flags WF1 to WF19 and was flagged by BSC Group on 10-16-13 and surrounds a depressional area which meets the local definition of an ILSF but not the state definition. The IVW is not regulated under state or local by law, but will be regulated by the Army Corps of Engineers. There are two BVWs located off site and their 100 foot buffer zones are depicted on the plan. Lake Sabbatia is located to the east of the property, across Bay Street. On 12-5-13, Matt Waldrip from BSC, Kenny Motta
from Field Engineering, and MR visited the site to review the wetland flags and confirm the boundaries of the ILSF. On 4-8-14, MR again visited the site to assess whether there was any vernal pool activity. MR observed no vernal pool activity on her site visit. There were neither audible wood frog songs nor any egg masses in the water. It can be concluded that this ILSF is not a vernal pool. MR recommends that the TCC approve this filing as an ILSF under local by law only, and approve flags WF1 to WF19 for reference purposes, thus issuing an ORAD under the local by law. DB glad they fixed the plan, it had some streets wrong. Motion to approve, DB, second NK, so voted.
Other Business
1. Conservation Report by MR
1. Type letter to send to Police Chief re: complaints damage to wetlands at Glebe
Street. MR will call EPA.
2. Marla-certification
3. Animal Shelter- request to use Boyden on Sunday 6/22 with a rain date of 6/29. Motion to approve, they must clean up after animals, DB, second MI, so voted.
4. Duffy Drive-Wayne Farley is not happy with what is still out there behind his house. Marilyn is working on it, they will be planting new trees.
5. Barstow’s Pond. More trees are down, MR will call and see where they are with this area.
Motion to adjourn, NK, second DB, so voted. Meeting ended at 8:00pm.
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