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04-25-06 Minutes
A Regular Meeting of the Water Pollution Control Authority was held April 25, 2006, at the Stonington Police Station Meeting Room.

Members in attendance: James Sisk, Chairman; James Petrosky, Secretary Stephen Bessette, Member; Richard Cody, Member; and Lynn Young, Member.  Also present: Harold Storrs, Director

Members absent: None
1.      Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.

2.      Fire Exit Plan

3.      Contract Operations

        a.      United Water monthly Report – March 2006
        b.      Special Projects
- replace chlorination systems
        - SCADA study
c.      Staffing of the Facilities
        d.      October storm event – Stonington Borough WPCF – October 14-17- closeout

4.      Jack Gorby, 77 Water Street made a presentation to the Authority regarding Alternative (wastewater) Treatment Method
5.      Wastewater Facilities Plan

6.      Comments from the Public

The following individual addressed the WPCA
                . Willis Arndt, 330 North Main Street
7.      Capital Projects

8.      Budget
-       FY 05-06 status
-       FY 06-07 proposed

9.      FOG – (fats, oils, grease)

10.     Bills:
Michelson, Kane, Royster &  Barger
– United Water                          $ 368.75
        S. Bessette moved to pay. L. Young seconded. Motion carried 5-0

11.     Director’s Report

12.     Chairman’s Report

13.     Minutes – March 28, 2006

J. Petrosky moved to accept the minutes of March 28, 2006 as presented. L. Young seconded. Motion carried 5-0.  

Meeting adjourned 8:50 p.m.

Harold W. Storrs
Clerk pro-tem