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09-26-06 Public Hearing Notice

L E G A L   N O T I C E

Stonington Water Pollution Control Authority

Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Rate Increase

    Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to Section 7-255 of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Stonington Water Pollution Control Authority will hold a public hearing regarding a proposal to increase its sewer use charges for all classes of customers by five (5%) percent.  A public hearing will be held in the Community Meeting Room at the Stonington Police Department Building, 173 South Broad Street, Pawcatuck at 6:00 p.m. on September 26th, 2006 concerning such proposed increase.  A copy of the increase is on file and available for your review in the Stonington Town Clerk’s Office as well as in the office of the WPCA.

Dated at Stonington, Connecticut this 12th day of September 2006.

                                                  /s/ James E. Sisk
                                                James E. Sisk, Chairman WPCA


        In accordance with Section 7-255 of the General Statutes of Connecticut, the Water Pollution Control Authority of the Town of Stonington has proposed a use charge to apply to owners of all properties connected to the Town sewers.

        The amount of the proposed charge shall be $3.93 (three dollars and ninety three cents) times the number of 100 cubic feet of water metered to each property as determined by meter readings of the Aquarion Water Company and the Town of Westerly Water Division; effective November 1, 2006.

        Since each billing area (Mystic, Stonington and Pawcatuck) will have one billing period which is partly prior to November 1, 2006 and partly following that date, the following rates are established to apply to total water usage with the six month billing which includes November 1, 2006:  (effectively this will revise the use charge to $3.93 as of November 1, 2006)

        Mystic: August 1, 2006 through January 31, 2007 $3.835 per 100 cubic feet.

        Stonington:     June 1, 2006 through November 30, 2006 $3.772 per 100 cubic feet.

        Pawcatuck:      October 1, 2006 through March 31, 2007 $3.898 per 100 cubic feet.

        For each succeeding six month period the charge shall be $3.93 per 100 cubic until otherwise revised.

        The minimum charge for any six month period the charge shall be $30.00 (thirty dollars)

        The Water Pollution Control Authority recognizes that some part of the water being metered to a property may not be returned to the Town sewers.  Any property owner who wishes to install a suitable metering system to distinguish between water returned to the Town sewers and water otherwise used, may do so.  Suitable metering systems would include separate water company supply meters, privately installed water meters at points within the property, or sewage discharge meters.

In the case of a residential property which has a private water supply, the use charge shall be the same as that calculated for the average residential water use within the sewered area for the same time period, unless the owner elects to install a private water meter.  The well rate for a single family residence shall be $103.50 (one hundred three dollars and fifty cents), multi family shall be charged at one and one-half times the single family residence rate or $155.25 (one hundred fifty five dollars and twenty cents).

        Non-residential users having a private water supply shall install a suitable water meter.

        All such metering systems installed as described above shall be done at the expense of the property owner and not until after a plan for the installation is approved in writing by the Water Pollution Control Authority.  After installation, the Authority will arrange to read such meters at appropriate times.

        In the case of a property which was not connected during an entire period, total water consumption shall be prorated for the actual number of days within the stated period that the property was connected.

        The use charge shall apply to all connected properties, without exception, including municipally-owned and other tax exempt properties.

        The owner of property against which the use charge is levied shall be liable for the payment thereof.

        Bills will be mailed semi-annually and are payable within thirty days of the mailing.  After thirty days, interest as required by Statutes will be added to unpaid balance from mailing date, until payment.

        Any person aggrieved by this charge may appeal as provided by Statute.

Dated at Stonington, Connecticut this 12th day of September 2006.


                                                  /s/ James E. Sisk
                                                James E. Sisk, Chairman