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09-11-07 Minutes
                                                                        September 11, 2007
            The Waterfront Commission held a regular meeting on this date at the Town Dock meeting room.  Members present were Sandy Grimes, Chairman; Rose Raffo, Vice Chair/Treasurer; Arthur Medeiros; Bill Robinson; Ethan Grimes and new member Mike Grimshaw.  Randy Minor was absent.
Chairman Grimes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Previous minutes

Mr. Medeiros made a motion to approve the minutes of the July meeting as presented.  Mr. Robinson seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.
Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Robinson made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as read.  The balance in the WFC account is $950.00.  Mr. Grimes seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.
Old Business

Dock Area housekeeping – Mr. Medeiros reported that all is O.k.

Maintenance items – Mr. Medeiros reported that the work on the building is completed; Doug Riley and Steve Turisi did a great job. 

Engineer’s Task list – Ongoing.


South Dock extension – Nothing to report.


Pawcatuck Park – Mr. Robinson and Mr. Grimshaw commented that there were Drilling trucks parked at the Park.  Chairman Grimes mentioned he would contact the First Selectman for more information.
Town Dock electrical project – Mr. Medeiros reported that no workers have been at the site for over a week.  He has no information as to why.  The Commission members agreed to submit a letter to the First Selectman, Director of Public Works and the Town Engineer for information.

Donated whale discussion – After a brief discussion Mr. Robinson made a motion to approve placement of the whale donated by Walter Houlihan outside the gate of but near the park. Mrs. Raffo seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.  Members agreed that Chairman Grimes would notify Senator Andrew Maynard who in turn could contact Mr. Medeiros or Mr. Grimshaw regarding exact location.

New Business

Members discussed Chairman Grimes’s letter to the First Selectman regarding Pawcatuck Park and the Farmer’s Market at the Town Dock.  It was unanimously approved.
Mr. Medeiros reported that there were cost overruns totaling $11,574 with regard to the work at the south side of the Dock building as well as repairs to the doors.  He added that they were very pleased with the work and requested a transfer of funds.  Mr. Robinson made a motion to approve the transfer of $11,574. from the Wharfage Account to the Working Account to cover these additional costs for repairs.  Mr. E. Grimes seconded the motion and voting was unanimous. 
Mr. Robinson made a motion to approve the transfer of half of the estimated $72,000 expected to come in from the Wharfage fees from the Wharfage Account to the Working Account toward the electrical project.  Mr. Grimshaw seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.  Mr. Medeiros mentioned that the fees are $2000 under 40 ft. and $45.00 a foot over 40 feet.
Mr. Medeiros informed the members that Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Maine have requested Federal relief for fishermen.  The Town of Stonington has a total of 30 boats; 12 lobster, 9 scallopers and 9 draggers.  He added that he is most concerned for the draggers.  SNEFLA has written a letter to the Governor also seeking relief with the support of the CT. Seafood Council.  All members present are also in favor.

The WFC received a copy of a letter from the First Selectman to Mr. Neil Fletcher at the Environmental Practice Group, Chevron U.S.A. regarding remediation work at Pawcatuck Park.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mr. Robinson made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. E. Grimes seconded the motion and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:35 p.m.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted,




                                                                        Rose Raffo

                                                                        Vice Chair/Treasurer