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10-16-06 Minutes
The Permanent Committee to Study the Needs and Use of Town Public Buildings Including Town Hall Facilities held a special meeting on October 17, 2006, at the Stonington Town Hall.  Also present were members of the public.

Present:  Charles Ballato, George Brennan, Stephen Singer, and Steven Small.  

Absent & Excused:  John Gomes

(1)  Call to order/Approval of Minutes
Mr. Steven Small, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and reviewed minutes from the meeting held on September 18, 2006.  A motion was properly made by George Brennan, seconded by Charles Ballato, and it was voted to approve the minutes as distributed.  

(2)  Old Business
       Nothing to come before the Committee.   

(3)  New Business
Steven Small acknowledged that the Committee met earlier to do an onsite inspection of the Town Hall and Town Garage.  Stephen Singer stated the agenda for the November meeting with focus on a formal public meeting.  He suggested that the Committee prepare a plan to supply valid projections into the future.  There is a need to look at historical information and assimilate the information to determine solutions for the infrastructure of the Town Hall.  George Brennan provided a historical background on need and growth, and stated growth is continuously evolving, as well as new legislation requirements, and the Town will have to meet those needs.  

The Committee discussed at length developing a process, perhaps a Charter, and developing an objective view for this project.  In addition to documentation already provided the Committee discussed obtaining any additional studies or benchmarks that would include forecasts/trends for the future. It is important to provide a basis of substantiation for the community to have an understanding of the real needs, archival storage, staffing space, meeting space, etc.  Stephen Singer stated if the Committee is going to meet a long-term objective to satisfy the needs of the Town, we need a basis for achieving that objective.  

The Committee once again discussed buildings under its purview and Steven Small with contact the Town Hall for a definitive answer.  Also, clarity is needed as to the process to request funds for architectural information, etc. if it should become necessary. George Sylvestre could provide data by department and identify primary drivers within departments, i.e., tax bills, building permits.   George Brennan stated the Committee should agreed on data needed, look at old studies on functionality, and formulate questions.  Stephen Singer stated it may not be feasible to work within the allocated funds for the project.  George Brennan commented we should exhaust all other sources for funds.

In summary, Steven Small will draft a letter to the Board of Selectman requesting minutes that established the Committee, request clarification of the buildings under the purview of the Committee and copies of previous studies.  The question will also be raised as to the need for a Committee Charter.  In addition, Steven Small will contact Groton officials to discuss what the drivers were to build the Town of Groton annex.

(4)  Comments from the Public
Bill Sternberg, 153 Elm Street, Stonington, sated he does not believe additional funding for the project has been pursued.  At the last Board of Selectman meeting he encouraged Selectmen to look at the vote language.  He also stated grant monies cannot be withdrawn and requesting waivers are not usually rejected.  He discussed the proposed plans and stated neighbors received short notice for the meeting.  The Town is required to notify neighbors due to the requirement of a special use permit.  Also, one specification for this project is the effect on historic features of the neighborhood.  A big issue is parking.  Mr. Sternberg stated he has not seen an analysis to support any conclusion of the service life of any plan and there may be other options.  

David Christina, 141 Elm Street, Stonington stated not all neighbors received a letter of notice for the meeting.  He wrote a letter for the First Selectman stating that the neighbors had issues and he requested a committee be formed.  He stated he received a message from Mr. Brown.  George Brennan requested that it be brought to public comment meeting and it can be made part of the permanent record.  Mr. Christina stated the neighbors want to make sure the project is done with public input while protecting the neighborhood.  In terms of the elevation on the south lawn and the 125 parking spaces it is right at Mr. Christina’s bedroom level.  It would be prudent for the Committee to do a survey of all Town owned buildings.  With all the buildings owned by the Town, not one can accommodate meetings even on a temporary basis?  Could someone serve as a meeting space coordinator?  He would like to see a survey of existing space and evaluate opportunities for a coordinator and perhaps look at the possibility of leasing space.  If we look at a minimum of two years before construction is complete, there are potential violations to accommodate large meetings.

(5)  Next Meeting/Adjournment
The next meeting of the Permanent committee to Study the Needs and Use of Town Public Buildings Including Town Hall Facilities will be held November 20, 2006, 7 p.m., at the Stonington Police Station.  It will be devoted to public input.  George Brennan suggested recording the meeting.  There being no further business, George Brennan entertained a motion to adjourn at 8 p.m., seconded by Charlie Ballato, and it was so voted.

Submitted by,

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