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09-08-05 Minutes
September 8, 2005
Chairman Dilley called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.  Those present at this meeting of the Pawcatuck River Harbor Management Commission held at the Edythe K. Richmond Homes Community Building were:
Mr. Scott Dilley, Chairman                    Dr. Richard Berman, Regular Member
        Mr.George M. Smith, Secretary         Mrs. Joyce Ballou, Regular Member
        Mr. Steven Schaub, Alternate Member    Mr. Bernard Chalecki, Regular Member
Mr. David Forbes, Member ex-officio     
Absent:  Mr. Garry Preble, Alternate

The minutes of the August 11, 2005, regular meeting were reviewed and changes made.  Mrs. Ballou made a motion to accept the minutes as amended.  Dr. Berman seconded, and motion passed unanimously.

The report by the Harbormaster was presented, followed by a short discussion.  Mr. Tebbets, public member present, questioned the mooring waiting list issue, as well as the recently approved moorings.  Discussion followed.  Mr. Chalecki  made a motion to accept the report, seconded by Mr. Smith.  Motion passed unanimously.  Mrs. Ballou will see that a copy of it is on file at the Town Hall.

There were no reports presented by local, state and federal representatives.

Correspondence received was from the CT Harbor Management Association, asking this commission to join.  Fee for “Commissions in Process” is $40.00.  Mrs. Ballou made a motion to join, seconded by Mr. Smith.  Motion passed unanimously.  Mrs. Ballou will look into the payment process.

Chairman Dilley passed out copies of the 2005-2006 budget.  He asked for a motion to enter the Budget as a standard agenda item.  Mrs. Ballou made the motion, seconded by Dr. Berman.  Motion passed unanimously.

Chairman Dilley informed those present that this Commission’s activity, including the recent changes to the Plan can be viewed on the Town’s web site by going to, clicking on Boards and Commissions, PRHM Commission.  This site lists the commission members, meeting agendas, finalized meeting minutes, the Ordinance, as well as the most recent draft of the Plan.

Mr. Schaub reported on his findings regarding the duties of the harbormaster and assistant harbormaster.  He will fine tune it to pertain specifically to the Pawcatuck River harbormaster, after input from commission members.

Chairman Dilley reviewed FOI rules regarding discussion of the Plan outside of meetings.

Recent changes to the Plan made after the August 2005 meeting, were discussed.  Part 2 – Ordinance, Section 2 is being updated.  Sections 1, 2 and 3 are being rewritten.

Chairman Dilley would like to add to the Plan, information obtained from DEP pamphlets regarding “Who Owns the Shore.”  Mrs. Ballou suggested the addition of a footnote indicating where information for the history, background and current water quality were obtained.  Mr. Forbes will get additional copies of the DEP pamphlets.

Mr. Tebbets suggested a better definition for commercial moorings.  The harbormaster will look into this.

Mr. Chalecki brought up for discussion the speed limit on the river.  Discussion followed.  Chairman Dilley advised that specific wake zones be addressed at a future time.

The groups given the opportunity to review the Plan were decided upon.  There will be 15 such groups, boards or commissions.  Mrs. Ballou made a motion to this effect, seconded by Mr. Chalecki, and it passed unanimously.

Under New Business, Chairman Dilley presented an email to the selectman from Center Edge Project regarding an upcoming meeting.  Mrs. Ballou will look into it, and if applicable to this Commission’s work, may attend.

The issue of this Commission’s recommendation that a member who has missed four consecutive meetings be removed from this commission was discussed.  Chairman Dilley will look into the reason behind the continued absence.

The procedure to obtain a surplus boat to be used by the Harbormaster was discussed.  Mrs. Ballou and Mr. Forbes will both look into who pays the expenses for the upkeep of the boat before applying.  Dr. Berman made a motion to accept the previous three items as New Business.  Mrs. Ballou seconded, and motion passed unanimously.

There being no further business, Dr. Berman made a motion to adjourn at 9:08 pm, seconded by Mrs. Ballou.  Motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

George Smith,