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11-02-06 Minutes
The Mystic Harbor Management Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Fourth District Voting Hall.  Commission members present were:  Chairman David Carreau, Lou Allyn, and Oliver Wilson.  Harbormaster Paul Watts was present.  Student Tyler Sanford was present.

Call to Order
Chairman Carreau called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

The Commission said the pledge of allegiance.

Approval of Minutes
Mr. Allyn made a motion to accept the October 5, 2006 minutes.  Mr. Wilson seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by the Commission.

Harbormaster Mooring
Harbormaster Watts has written to Mr. and Mrs. Augusciak thanking them for donating their mooring to the harbormaster.

Derelict Boats –Mongoose (Maroon Sloop Abt 28’)
Mr. Allyn spoke with Mr. Fred Lesieur of Springfield, MA, the owner.  It was first aground off Allyn’s Alley on Masons Island in the Commission’s jurisdiction.  It is now aground on the marsh north of Andrews Island on the mainland.  Currently, there is no harbor commission for this area.  It is in Harbormaster Bob Tabor’s jurisdiction.  The owner cannot afford to have it removed.  He was informed about the possibility of the Town disposing of it.  Mr. Carreau will inform First Selectman Brown that we have discussed this with the owner even though it is outside of our jurisdiction.

CT 2553 AL 03
Mr. Murphy, the owner of CT 2553 AL 03, will still not abandon his derelict boat.  There are questions on the charges regarding the location and time of the upcoming Murphy court trial.  Mr. Murphy has recently submitted a mooring application for a pontoon boat off his marsh and property.  The Commission advised Harbormaster Watts not to take action at this time.

Pumpout Boat
Upon receipt of a bill from the Town of Groton, the Commission will contribute $1500.00 for the pumpout boat.

Reckless Operation Beacon Sign
The wording for the Morgan Point “No Wake” sign will include the applicable Connecticut General Statutes and the 6 mph speed limit.  The total cost of the two signs is $220.00.

Transient Anchorage Buoys
Mr. Jack Morehouse of Masons Island Marina pulled the 4 transient buoys.  Chairman Carreau and Mr. Wilson will refurbish them with new hardware and counterweights at a cost of approximately $200.00.

Mooring Float Policy – Ledger/McGugan
Ms. Sue Bailey of the DEP indicated to Mr. Ledger that his dock application is being processed.  Upon permit issuance and dock completion, his mooring float permit, the only one in the Commission’s district will be replaced by the dock float.

“Rock” Buoy at Morgan Point
Mr. Allyn will contact the USCG regarding placing a private buoy at this hazardous location under the new computerized application process.  Another option would be to petition the USCG for placement of a green can as a new federal channel marker to indicate the edge of the rock ledge.  The Commission will work with the Groton Harbor Commission on this matter.

Appointment of Deputy Harbormaster
The Commission is seeking candidates for a deputy harbormaster.  The position will provide assistance to Harbormaster Watts.  The Governor’s office will require 3 names to be submitted.

Mr. Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.  Mr. Allyn seconded the motion and it was so voted.

Respectfully submitted,

David Carreau, Chairman