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07-06-06 Minutes
The Mystic Harbor Management Commission held a regular meeting on Thursday, July 6, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Fourth District Voting Hall.  Commission members present were:  Chairman David Carreau, Jack Washburn, and Oliver Wilson.  Harbormaster Paul Watts was present.

Call to Order
Chairman Carreau called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
The Commission said the pledge of allegiance.

Approval of Minutes
Mr. Wilson made a motion to accept the June 1, 2006 minutes.  Mr. Washburn seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by the Commission.

Harbormaster – Mooring Relocations
Two bids were submitted for relocating the harbormaster’s mooring and the NITA – CT 8487X mooring.  Mr. Washburn made a motion to accept the $600.00 bid from Noank Village Shipyard.  Mr. Wilson seconded the motion and it was so voted.

Pumpout Boat
Harbormaster Watts reported that the pumpout boat is not currently in service. The Town of Groton is soliciting bids for a private contractor to operate the boat.

Derelict Boat – CT 2553 AL 03 – June 19, 2006 Letter
This court matter is pending.  Chairman Carreau wrote a letter to Senator Diana Urban summarizing the derelict boat problem.  The plan is for further revisions to the Connecticut General Statutes for the 2007 legislative session.

Boat In Transient Anchorage
The maroon colored sloop “Mongoose” was observed in the T-2 area on July 5, 2006.  This is the same boat that stayed beyond the 7 day limit and dragged anchor into a moored boat last summer.

Public Dinghy Dock
The ribbon cutting ceremony scheduled for June 29, 2006 was postponed.  The new date has not been set.

Fairway Buoys
After the boating season, the Commission will work with area marinas to buoy the fairway south of the “T-2” transient anchorage area.

LI Sound Stewardship Act of 2006
A discussion of the bill proposed by Rep. Simmons was held at the Marine Affairs Committee.  This bill would provide $25 million dollars per year from 2006 to 2013 for the preservation of shoreline property. This would be restricted to land use with no waterside constraints.

Property Owner’s Rights
Docko gave a presentation at the Marine Affairs Committee regarding shorefront property rights.  The obligation of shorefront owners is to obtain a DEP permit for building a dock.  Additionally, Docko suggested that property owners be allowed larger floats to accommodate midsize boats.  This would save the total space taken by a dinghy at the float and the larger boat at a mooring.  Docko is also in favor of allowing shorefront owners more freedom in protecting their property against erosion.

Summer Schedule
Mr. Wilson made a motion that the Commission will meet on August 3, 2006 and take its summer recess during September, 2006.  Mr. Washburn seconded the motion and it was so voted.

Transient Area Mooring Floats
Mr. Washburn made a motion to purchase replacement chain and shackles not to exceed $500.00 for the transient area mooring buoys.  Mr. Wilson seconded the motion and it was so voted.

Mr. Wilson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m.  Mr. Washburn seconded the motion and it was so voted.

Respectfully submitted,

David Carreau, Chairman