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04-29-09 Minutes

April 29, 2009          




            The Board of Finance held a special meeting on this date at the Police Department meeting room.  Members present were Glenn Frishman, Chairman; Andrew Rines, Secretary; Dudley Wheeler; John O’Brien; Bryan Bentz and Kevin Burns.    Also present Maryanna Stevens, Director of Finance; First Selectman Edward Haberek and Town of Stonington staff and residents.


Mr. Frishman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Set Mil rate

Mr. Rines made a motion to set the mil rate at 15.10.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Wheeler and unanimously approved.


Previous minutes

Mr. Wheeler made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 18 and April 8 meetings.  Mr. Burns seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.


Suspense List

Tax Collector Gisela Harma provided the Suspense list for members review.  These are uncollectable property taxes to be transferred to the suspense tax book.  Mr. Frishman asked Mrs. Harma if these were ever collected.  She replied yes sometimes she receives $1500 to $2000 a month. Mr. O’Brien made a motion to transfer these accounts and to file the suspense list provided.  Mr. Rines seconded and voting was unanimous.  Mr. Frishman signed and dated the suspense list. 



Finance Director- Wastewater Facilities invoice

Mr. Wheeler stated that he has spoken with Raymond Smedberg, P.E. and was told that that the operational review is about 85% complete.  They are currently waiting to meet with the WPCA Director.  Members stated that they look forward to an independent review and after receiving and reviewing the report will ask Mr. Smedberg to come before the Board.  Mr. Bentz made a motion to approve payment of the invoice submitted for $4080.50 for the period of March 4 through March 31, 2009.  Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.




  • Budget Transfer

Highway Department expenditures FY 08-09 – Mr. Joe Bragaw, Director of Public Works was present to discuss the overages in the Snow Removal labor and Diesel lines.  Members discussed the following: Mr. Burns would like to have specific information as to where funds will be transferred to and from prior to approval, all agreed to keep the funds available for the necessary work on paving and sidewalk repairs. At this time a transfer request was submitted by First Selectman Haberek and Mr. Burns made the following motion:


 to approve a transfer of


$40,000          from    #10126-80193         - Comm. Dev.-Program Management

$38,997          from   #10125-80371          - Property & Liability Insurance


$77,907          to         #10151-80240          - Highway-Snow removal labor

$ 1,090           to         #10151-80242          - Highway-Meal allowance                       


Mr. O’Brien seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.


  • Additional Appropriation/Bid Waiver

Emergency Signal Preemption System – Members had received the response from Town Attorney Thomas Londregan in which he stated that it was his opinion that the Town of Stonington is responsible for the repair/replacement of the EVP at the intersection of Flanders Road and Route 1 (next to the Shell Station).  Mr. Wheeler stated that he disagrees with this decision as to why this one light should be paid for by the Town.  He foresees the Town ending up with the responsibility of all the districts.  Mr. Bragaw stated that he is working on a Memorandum of Understanding clearly defining the Town of Stonington as not responsible for any other traffic signals within the Town.  Members agreed this was a good idea.

Mr. O’Brien made a motion to waive the bid process and approve an additional appropriation not to exceed $6800 to replace the emergency signal preemption system at the intersection of Flanders Road and Route 1.  Mr. Rines seconded the motion, Mr. Bentz and Mr. Frishman also approved, Mr. Wheeler was opposed and Mr. Burns abstained from voting.


Stonington Public Administrator’s Association – SPAA thanked the Board of Finance for the decision to return the cost of living increase to it members.  At this time Mr. Rines stated that he was most appreciative of the offer by the SPAA members to forgo their cola to help with the budget process in that they were the only union to do this.


Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center building – Request from First Selectman Haberek for an additional appropriation/transfer for painting of the Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center.  Mr. Sylvestre had received a quote of $9180 provided by the contractor awarded the bid for painting the Senior Center.  The Board members all agreed that this was much too high and tabled the item requesting Director Bragaw to obtain three quotes for this work.


GIS and Document Imaging programs – Letter from First Selectman Haberek informing the members of an opportunity to purchase a wide format KIP 3000 scanner/copier/printer machine for $9500.  Members asked the following questions:     Age of machine? – 3 to 4 years olds

                        Life expectancy? -   8 to 10 years

                        Cost of new?                        $10 to 20 K

                        Service plan?      -    NO


Members also questioned the service life and how long and often it would be used.  This item was tabled and it was agreed that Bryan Bentz would look into this further and report to the Board.



Subcommittee reports

John O’Brien reported for the Pension committee and stated that it does not look good.


Mr. Burns questioned the funding in the CIP fund.  Mrs. Stevens stated that she would gather this information and forward to the members.


At this time, Rob Marsiglia asked the Board to consider some type of vision for Fund balance as discussed at the Public hearing.  Mr. Frishman replied that he agrees and plans to work on a formalized policy in the coming months.



There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Wheeler made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Bentz seconded the motion and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:17 p.m.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,



                                                                        Andrew W. Rines

lp                                                                     Secretary