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12-06-06 Minutes
December 6, 2006

        The Board of Finance held a regular meeting on this date at the Police Department meeting room.  Members present were Glenn Frishman, Chairman; Andrew Rines, Secretary; John O’Brien; Dudley Wheeler; Bryan Bentz and Kevin Burns.  Also present Maryanna Stevens, Director of Finance and First Selectman William Brown.

Mr. Frishman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Previous minutes
Mr. Wheeler made a motion to accept the minutes of the November meeting as presented.  Mr. Rines seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.

Open Space Bonding Committee
Jennifer Herbst and Dora Hill were present to discuss the correspondence received via mail by the members.  Mr. Frishman asked about the maps included in the packet and whether the areas marked as dedicated Open Space parcels included Town owned property.  Mrs.Herbst and Mrs. Hill did not know.  After a brief discussion, Mr. Frishman stated that he does not feel it is the proper time to approve a bond issue.  Mr. Bentz added that he felt it was important to protect private purchases of open space.  There is currently a line for land acquisition in the budget.  Members of the Board agreed that the Committee should provide specific and concrete proposals to go before Town Meeting to set aside funds for the future.  Mr. Ed Hart spoke in support of the Open Space but stated that he is aware of the Towns current fiscal responsibility.

Additional Appropriations
P&Z - Voice amplification and recording equipment- Mr. Brown spoke on behalf of the request for additional funds for 10 voice activated wireless lapel microphones and feedback eliminators enclosed in a portable 30 x 23 enclosure.  These are an absolute necessity for the Planning and Zoning commission meetings held at the Mystic Middle School.  Mr. Rines made a motion to approve the supplemental appropriation of $12,000 from the Fund Balance to the Equipment line for the purchase of a portable wireless lapel microphone system.  Mr. Bentz seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.

P&Z – Reproduction & Printing funds – Written request from Jason Vincent, Director of Planning for $10,000 for augmentation of the department line item for Reproduction & Printing to resolve current and future expenditures related to preparing Commission decisions for review by the courts.  He added that he intends to increase the line item during the 2007-2008 budget process.  Mr. Wheeler made a motion to accept the appropriation of $10,000 to augment the Reproduction & Printing line item for FY 06-07.  Mr. Rines seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.

Letter to file from Avalonia Land Conservancy, Inc.

Director of Finance
Lt. Ray Curioso and Capt. Jerry Desmond were present to discuss correspondence received from Chief David Erskine regarding an Enhanced 911 subsidy award from the State of Connecticut, Department of Public Safety.  This award is retroactive to March 3, 2006; therefore the amount for FY 06-07 will be $54,777.55.  The funds can be used solely for the purpose of providing 911 emergency telecommunication services.  Chief Erskine stated that since the 911 equipment is up to date, he would like to use the funds to offset the dispatchers’ salaries in the General Fund resulting in a surplus of funds.  He asked that this surplus be used for proposed capital projects, i.e.  Purchase of new Mobile Data terminals for the cruisers, update the Police station security system and dispatcher overtime.  Mr. Burns asked why the money shouldn’t be given to the ambulance 911 system.  After a brief discussion, Mr. Frishman requested written proposals for exactly how much would be used for the MDT’s and Security system update.

Payment to the Borough- Mr. Callahan and Borough Warden Andrew Maynard were present.  Mrs. Stevens provided for the members a draft calculation of the formula of the payment to the Borough.  Mr. Maynard stated that he is pleased to see the additions to the formula but it has remained the same for fifteen years.  The Borough is a huge historic and business section of the Town and he doesn’t understand why a higher amount of funding isn’t provided. Mr. Callahan confirmed that the Town and the Borough are now on the same track but would like to see liability, operations and maintenance of the Highway garage and a portion of engineering services included in the formula increasing it by about $25,000.  Mr. Frishman assured Mr. Maynard that he understands his concerns and pledged to review the formula in detail.

Mrs. Stevens provided the members with information prepared by Financial advisor Jeanette Marcoux.  Mrs. Stevens added that the S&P was used.  Mr. Frishman stated that the debt service to the operating budget is about 10%.  

Subcommittee reports
Members briefly discussed the CIP projects and Sewer facilities.  Mr. Frishman suggested it may be prudent to meet with the WPCA.  Mrs. Stevens provided for Mr. Burns a list of complete capital projects where the appropriated funds have not been entirely expended.

There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Wheeler made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Rines seconded the motion and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Andrew W. Rines
