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02-08-06 Minutes

                                                February 8, 2006

        The Board of Finance held a special meeting on this date at 7:30 p.m. at the Wequetequock Fire Department meeting room.  Members present were Glenn Frishman, Chairman; Andrew Rines, Secretary; John O’Brien; Dudley Wheeler; Bryan Bentz and Kevin Burns.  Maryanna Stevens, Director of Finance was also present.

Mr. Frishman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Budget Hearings
Solid Waste & Recycling
Mr. John Phetteplace was present to discuss FY 2006-2007 budget for Solid Waste and Recycling.  Mr. Phetteplace stated that rising fuel costs and the increased cost for Vendor bags have had the greatest impact on his budget needs. In response to a question posed by Mr. Frishman, Mr. Phetteplace stated that SCRRRA has agreed to fund the expansion of electronics collection so now would be a good time to implement the program.  Mr. Rines asked about Solid Waste CIP requests.  Mr. Phetteplace replied that the Landfill is in dire need of an office trailer for the employees.  They currently work out of an old boat house with no amenities.  Members thanked Mr. Phetteplace.

Human Services
Mrs. Beth-Ann Stewart was present to discuss the Department of Human Services budget for FY 06-07.  Mrs. Stewart provided for the members detailed charts showing program participants, callers/walk-ins and registered clients.  Mrs. Stewart discussed with the members the growing needs for residents of the Town due to increases in fuel, electricity, job cuts, etc.  

Mr. Bentz questioned the method and follow through to help those in need and those that cannot be helped through the Town services.  Mrs. Stewart replied that there are guidelines her department must follow and there are times that residents are forwarded to other outside agencies.   Mrs. Stewart then presented Sharon Bousquet, Recreation Director and Michael Crowley, Recreation Commission.  

Mrs. Bousquet provided for the members statistical information describing the increases in participation and number of classes provided by the Rec program.  Mr. Frishman stated that he would like to see the revenue increases as a result of the Recreation Director’s increased hours.   Mrs. Bousquet replied that she did not readily have this information.  Mr. Burns commented that he doesn’t want to see residents overcharged for Recreation programs.  Members thanked Mrs. Bousquet and Mr. Crowley.

Director of Finance
Mrs. Stevens provided for the members an Analysis of fees for the Health Department.  This resulted from a previous discussion regarding the Part time Sanitarian to assist the Full Time Sanitarian.  The Town license fees for Restaurants and Septic systems are definitely lower than those charged by the Heath district.  Mr. Frishman suggested that these fees be reviewed further yet he does not want to over impact the taxpayers.  

Members than briefly discussed an analysis of Motor Vehicle collections as a result of the Governors speech.  Mrs. Stevens stated that it is too early to make definite projections.

Previous Minutes
Mr. Wheeler made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 1, 2006 meeting with a typing correction.  Mr. Burns seconded the motion and voting was unanimous.

Subcommittee reports
Mr. O’Brien reported that the K-12 Building Committee is meeting the 13th of February and are working on a solution to the lighting issue.

Mr. Wheeler commented on the Ambulance budget requests.  He suggested leaving the funding as adopted in 2005-2006 budget.  

Mr. Burns and Mr. Bentz have met with the Outside Agencies and will present their suggestions at the next meeting.  Mr. Rines requested a funding breakdown.

Mr. Bill Sternberg was present and mentioned his issues against the Town Hall addition.  Mr. Frishman informed him of the March 1st meeting.

There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Burns made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Bentz seconded and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:42 p.m.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Andrew W. Rines
