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Minutes 11/23/05
November 23, 2005

        The Board of Selectmen held a special meeting on this date at 2:30 p.m. at the Stonington Town Hall.  Present were First Selectman William S. Brown, Selectman Stephen E. Bessette, and Selectman Peter L. Balestracci.

(1)    Call to Order
        Mr. Brown called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.

(2)     Comments from the Public - None.

(3)     Consider and act on bid award for Edythe K. Richmond Roofing Project            
        Mr. Brown read a memo dated November 22, 2005, received from Jason Vincent, Director of Planning, recommending the bid for the Edythe K. Richmond Roofing Project be awarded to the low bidder, AVT Construction of Meriden, Connecticut ($81,444.00).
        A motion was made by Mr. Bessette, seconded by Mr. Balestracci and unanimously voted to award the bid for the Edythe K. Richmond Roofing Project to the low bidder, AVT Construction of Meriden, Connecticut ($81,444.00), and authorize the First Selectman to sign the contract documents.

(4)     Adjourn
        There being no further business to come before the Board, the special meeting was adjourned at 2:34 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathy A. Kent
Recording Secretary