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North Beach Board of Appeals Vacancy
There is currently one vancancy on the North Beach Board of Appeals.  Individuals interested in serving on this Board please send a letter of interest to Stacy Wilkerson, Town Clerk at  

The following is a general description of the responsibilities of a Board of Appeals Member.  If you have any questions please contact Stacy Wilkerson.


8-201   Purpose

In recognition that many of the provisions of this Ordinance are of a nonspecific and general nature, and that they are not perfect and are subject to interpretation, the Board of Appeals is established to vary specific terms of this Ordinance to the end that the intent of these provisions may be effectuated, but only in a manner that the spirit of the Ordinance is maintained and upheld. More specifically, the Board of Appeals, with the advice and assistance of the Town staff, shall:

A.          Hear and decide appeals from any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by the Zoning Administrator       or his agent in the administration or enforcement of this Ordinance, as provided in Article 7, Part 4.

B.          Hear and decide applications for Special Exceptions as are authorized under Article 3, Part 4 of this Ordinance.

C.          Authorize, upon appeal in specific cases, a Variance from the terms of this Ordinance, as provided in Article 7, Part       5.

D.          Hear  and  decide  applications  for  interpretation  of  the  Zoning  Map  where  there  is uncertainty as to the                   location of a zoning district boundary, as provided in Article 2, Part 2.

The entire North Beach Zoning Ordinance can be located on the Town website at