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The North Beach Master Planners are Coming!
8172015_110430_0.pngTown of North Beach
“The Jewel of the Chesapeake Bay”
8916 Chesapeake Avenue
P.O. Box 99
North Beach, Maryland 20714
Phone:  301.855.6681 or 410.257.9618 Fax:  301.855.0113

Mark R. Frazer, Mayor
Council Members:  Mike Benton, Gregory McNeill, Mickey Hummel, Randy Hummel, Gwen Schiada, Kenneth Wilcox

The North Beach Master Planners are Coming!

The Town of North Beach will be hosting a team of top ranking Planners from across the United States from August 20 through August 24, 2015. The Planner Team, members of the American Planning Association, are donating their time and talents, pro bono, to the Town to create a plan for the downtown business area (principally centered around 5th Street, but radiating out from there) of North Beach, which, at this time, is largely undeveloped or underdeveloped. The plan they help create will lead development now and into the future in a direction that will assure that growth and development occurs in an economically sound and sustainable way that benefits the town’s population, its businesses and its future. The team of Planners will hold a public Visioning Meeting to gather input from the public on Thursday evening, August 20, 2015 starting at 6:30 PM at Town Hall. All members of the community are urged to come to this meeting and give the Team feedback about their vision for North Beach’s future. The Team will also be meeting with the business community on Friday morning, August 21, 2015 starting at 9:00 AM, at the Plaza Mexico restaurant to gather input from that community. Owners of businesses or potential future business owners are invited to attend that meeting also. Finally, the Team will present their draft recommendations to the Mayor and Town Council in a public meeting on Sunday, August 23, 2015 beginning at 5:00 PM, again at Town Hall. All members of the community are invited to attend that meeting also to hear the draft results of the study.

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