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Size: 293K
Last Updated: 2010/5/4
Size: 238K
Last Updated: 2010/5/4
Newtown Youth and Family Services
Board of Directors Meeting April 26, 2010 - 6:30 PM

Members Present: Joan Piscitelli, Layne Lescault,  Ron Pekrul, Leonard Penna (Police Department), Rosalie Newman, Diane Savinelli, Susan Improta, Cindy McIntyre,       Maureen Birden, Aileen Nosal,   Jim Solomon, Denise Rodriguez,                                  
Members Not Present: Shay Carmichael, Tom Murtha, Jim Whitley, Ashley Mele.

 Staff Members Present: Joan Bird, Beth Agen, Jessi Zeigler, Jill Pluta

Guests Present: Eileen Meeker, Joy Kopesky

1. Call to Order
        The meeting was called to order at 6:32 pm on April 26, 2010 by Layne Lescault in the upstairs meeting room at 17 Church Hill Road.
        a)Roll Call- the roll of the Board of Directors was taken by signing in and a quorum was established.
b)Approval of February 2010Minutes - Motion made by Joan Piscatelle to amend the minutes to correct the date of the Little Sweethearts Ball from June 2 to June 4. Motion seconded by Ron Pekrul to approve minutes as amended. Motion passed unanimously.

2. Presentation by Road Race Committee - Eileen Meeker and Joy Kopesky distributed handouts to the board members regarding the status of the Road Race. Still looking for more sponsors and discussed how to do that.
3. Chairman’s Report
        Independent Living Day went well with 57 volunteers present
4.  Executive Director’s  Report - See Attachment titled Executive Director’s Report, April 26, 2010.
        Discussed the DMHAS Strategic Prevention Grant presentation asked to give at State Conference. Also discussed Underage Drinking in Newtown document prepared by NYFS. NYFS and Parent Connection have decided to send postcards throughout Newtown regarding underage drinking as well as yard signs.   
5. Treasurers Report - See attachment titled Treasurers Report for theNine Month Period July - March 2010
6. Reports of Committees
        a) Executive/Governance/Personnel
        Joan Piscatelli moving and will not be on the Board next year.
        Bylaw revision update - handout given and will discuss at next month’s meeting.
b) Finance Committee - Revised Financial Policies and Procedures and Cost Allocation Plan - Recommended to Board for approval. Motion to approve made by Cindy McIntyre and seconded by Layne Lescault and passed unanimously.
c) Development and Fundraising - Little Sweetheart’s Ball happening on June 4. Still need sponsors. Board needs to find sponsors - hopefully at least $250 each.
Save Mocha Contest - purchase items at Mocha indicating that represent NYFS to win money for Agency.
d) Long Range Planning - no report      
e) Audit and Quality Improvement - no report
        f) Facilities - Termite issue at Mt. Pleasant being looked into. Still do not have signed lease for that building. Working on getting lease worked out.
        g) Nominating Committee - Need nominations for Board Positions - still need Chairman and secretary. Need slate by May meeting.
7. Old Business - Criteria for Annual Awards will be sent. Use Survey Monkey link to Nominate someone for an award.
8. New Business - None
9. Adjournment
        8:16  pm motion made by Rosalie Newman and seconded by Jim Solomon to adjourn. Motion passed unanimously by the Board.

Respectfully submitted by Diane Savinelli March 30, 2010