ROOM 209
CALL TO ORDER: S. Young began the meeting at 7:30pm. Members Present: S. Young,
B. Boodry, R. Carley, J. Simmons, J. Ginnetty, S. Howard, S. Bowman, B. Piepho.
S. Ward, J. Briody, and L. Leaden arrived at 8:40pm.
Absent Members: A.Ruot, R. Faanes, and G. Petriccione
Also Present: G. Bollard – Friends of the Lake, Reggie McLellan, Aquamarine Environmental Solutions, and Joel Zeisler, Wounded Warriors.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by B. Boodry, seconded by R. Carley to approve the May 4, 2010 Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting minutes as amended.
INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS: S. Young introduced the two new Lake Lillinonah Authority members; Andrea Haas from Newtown and James Ginnetty from New Milford
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: S. Young gave an overview of the DEP meeting he attended with S.Howard, G. Petriccione, and Friends of the Lake members. Discussed at the meeting was:
MS4 Permits – to help municipalities manage their infrastructure in relation to their storm water.
TMDL for the Still River – S. Young stated that it was proposed to do TMDL studies some time ago for e-coli. Comments addressed by FOL and LLA will be answered through next phase.
Debris discussion – discussed was what the DEP’s take was on documentation that LLA was inquiring about in reference to the annual reports that go to FERC from First Light, and asked if LLA was given due process. DEP’s response was that LLA was not given due process and that it was unlikely that FERC would pull the water quality certificate in reference to problems with debris.
S. Young reported that the buoys from last year that were in ice bars have been replaced with their annual correct navigational buoys and markers. The buoys are in and some have been updated and replaced. Proposed buoys to be placed at the corner by GMS and other areas around the lake should take place in approximately two weeks.
VICE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: B. Boodry stated that he has received Kevin Seeley’s June report. He also reported that patrol has written six infractions on the lake thus far. He also stated that the patrol is in and that all three boats are running. B. Boodry will contact Echo Bay regarding the engine which is being held at Echo Bay Marina. Ross Carley volunteered to place the engine on Craig’s List.
TREASURER’S REPORT: J. Briody reported on monthly transactions. He stated that he has paid the buoy invoice, marine patrol monies, gas, oil, taxes and telephone bills. J. Briody also stated that budget vs. actual expenses were about 70% of total expense that was projected. J. Briody stated that there is $8,500 left in water quality.
Preliminary Lake Lillinonah Authority Meeting Minutes – June 1, 2010 Page Two
- Membership – S. Young stated that there are still two vacancies; 1 vacancy in Bridgewater, and 1 vacancy in Southbury.
- Report on Lake Clean Up Day and New iPhone Application from Friends of the Lake:
G. Bollard stated that there were approximately 60 people participated in the Lake Clean Up Day as well as some Lake Lillinonah Authority and Friends of the Lake members. He stated that the event was well organized this year. He also stated that the Lake Clean Up day could possibly be held later in the year next year. G. Bollard reported that Friends of the Lake is in the process of installing automatic electronic data monitoring sensors to measure water quality
parameters to include; lake elevation, water temperature, acidity, conductivity, and chlorophyll fluorescence. Weather data will be recorded to include; wind speed, wind direction, sunlight
sensitivity, rainfall amount, relative humidity, and air temperature. This continuous recorded data will be available to scientists from around the world through the GLEON network.(Global
Lake Ecological Observatory Newtowk). An upgraded Friends of the Lake website has been launched. Contained in the website will include; the latest announcements, data, articles and
documents, real-time water level, programs and events, and GLEON data. The Photo Gallery
will be displayed according to category; i.e. pollution, algae, debris, the beauty of the lake, etc.
G. Bollard reported on the new iPhone Application which will be up and running within three weeks. This service will be available at no charge to anyone that owns an iPhone. This iPod application is geared to easily report and record debris sightings as well as other issues related to Lake Lillinonah. If one does not own an iPhone, they can take digital photos and submit them to the website.
- Wounded Warriors: J. Zeisler was present to represent the Wounded Warriors. He stated that this event is scheduled for June 25 & 26, 2010 from 9:00am until 4:00pm. He also stated that all permits have been filed with the DEP and First Light has been notified. Joel reported that there are expected to be 20-30 soldiers at the event. There will be 2 jet skis, 1 pontoon boat, 3 ski boats and 6 kayaks. S. Young reported that the Lake Lillinonah Authority will provide marine patrol to this group at no charge.
OTHER BUSINESS: R. Carley will be on the next regularly scheduled meeting agenda to present information on Pond Brook with respect to the transfer station from the railroad company.
S. Young asked for any comments with regard to algae and debris. L. Leaden stated that she has seen large algae blooms very early in the season. J. Briody stated that he witnessed driftwood heading up the river by the bridge.
Reggie Mclellan, Aquamarine Environmental Solutions, introduced himself to the Lake Lilinonah members. He stated that he does a lot of work for Candlewood and First Light. He stated that he has had a lot of experience with issues on Candlewood Lake and offered his assistance to the members to answer any questions or share any information that they may require for any similar LLA issues that Reggie has experienced and witnessed on Candlewood Lake.
A motion was made by B. Boodry, seconded by J. Briody to adjourn the meeting. Motion was passed unanimously. The meeting ended at 9:10pm.