APRIL 7, 2009
Bill Davidson, Chairman, determined a quorum and called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Bryan Piepho – Southbury William Davidson - Brookfield
Ross Carley – Newtown Alexis Hawley - Brookfield
Bernd Woerner – Bridgewater Shannon Young - Roxbury
Arthur Niedzielski – Newtown David Kendall – New Milford
Sara Howard – Roxbury Ron Faanes – Roxbury
Joe Briody – Bridgewater Jerry Simmons - Roxbury
Linda Leaden – New Milford
Sharon Ward – New Milford
Armand Luzi – Southbury
Brian Boodry - Brookfield
The minutes of the Regular Meeting held on March 3, 2009 were accepted as presented.
Bill reported that Chris is recovering and may be back next month. Everyone sends their well wishes.
Bill attended the Debris Management Advisory Committee meeting where First Light Power presented their FERC report on debris management activities and compliance. Bill presented our response to the FERC report. Bill stated that there is a basic disconnect between FirstLight Power and LLA. FirstLight Power believes that the volume of wood they remove is significant and should be acknowledged; LLA feels that insufficient attention is paid to floating debris that inhibits recreational activities. LLA will continue to present the Authority’s point-of-view with FirstLight Power. Also discussed at the Debris meeting was the possibility of a debris drop-off location mid-lake or at the northern section of the lake. FirstLight Power proposed a possible corral by the Route 133 boat launch
but stated that the CTDEP would probably not let them construct it. FirstLight Power is not considering an “up-lake” drop off location at this time. Bill also stated that FirstLight Power believes that the new skimmer is performing well, but that it still needs adjustments to reach its potential.
Bill also attended the Shoreline Management Plan meeting. He reported that most of the discussion centered on Candlewood Lake issues. It is clear that FirstLight Power has dropped the idea of charging fees. At the same meeting, FirstLight Power stated that they were in the midst of executing Land Use Agreements with the Towns adjacent to Candlewood Lake to allow the Towns to enforce the zoning regulations on First Light Power owned lands. These agreements are being drawn up due to an earlier court ruling granting FirstLight Power zoning enforcement authority on their lands adjacent to Candlewood Lake.
Bill, Linda, and Representative Clark Chapin (R-New Milford) had a meeting with CTDEP in Hartford regarding No Wake Buoys in Barkwood Cove and near the GMS Rowing Center. Representing the CTDEP was Eleanor Mariani, Office Director, CTDEP Boating Division. Current regulations would prohibit the installation of no wake buoys in the proposed locations. However, CT State boating law currently states that there is to be no wake within 100’ of a dock. Therefore, .the CTDEP is considering permitting the placement of a no wake buoy north of the railroad bridge in addition to a no wake buoy by the rowing center, which would create a no wake zone from the marina to the rowing center.
Bill inquired to the CTDEP regarding the definition of “the waters of Lake Lillinonah.” Eleanor Mariani, Office Director, CTDEP Boating Division told Bill that it was complicated and she will have to speak to the Coast Guard. Until LLA receives a response, LLA will enforce the Connecticut State Boating laws.
Bill reported that FirstLight Power proposed renting a hydro-rake to remove debris from cove areas. However, CTDEP advised that they would not support a hydro-rake operation. According to the CTDEP, the hydro-rake barges are known for spreading invasive plant species and there are concerns that hydro-rakes destroy fish habitats.
Bill stated that Bryan Piepho has volunteered to take over the Danbury Sewage Treatment Plant committee because Alexis has work conflicts that prevent her from giving the Committee as much time as it needs.
Bill reported that the executive boards of LLA and Friends of the Lake (FotL) met recently. FotL will be contracting with CCA engineering firm to update the shoreline monitoring program. It is proposed that LLA will split the cost of the program FotL. LLA will get back to FotL regarding this cost-sharing. FotL will hold its annual Save the Lake Day on May 16th, 2009 from 8 am to 12 pm at the Route 133 boat launch.
Bill announced that he will be running for First Selectman in the Town of Brookfield this year and that he would be unable to continue his duties as President of the LLA should he be elected.
Shannon reported that he located his original Lake Authority orientation package. Arrangements will be made to post this info and the current membership list on our website for the private use of members.
Shannon stated that he received a request from the Contractor who applies the weed control on the Lake. The contractor informed him that there is a proposed regulation that will make the application of weed control a much more stringent process that may render it cost prohibitive. Shannon submitted a letter to show LLA’s support in opposing the proposed regulation.
Shannon inquired whether any members would be interested in touring the Danbury Sewage Treatment Plant. Many expressed interest. The LLA and FotL will tour the facility and then several members of each organization will meet with representatives from the Danbury Sewage Treatment Plant for a technical conversation.
Shannon developed a comprehensive inventory of all of the buoys on Lake Lillinonah. Based on the inventory, ten buoys are currently in need of permits. Shannon will submit the appropriate applications to Mike Peyton of the CTDEP. An action plan has also been developed for what needs to happen with the buoys. LLA will hire a subcontractor to install/remove buoys.
Shannon discussed removing the red and green buoys at the mouth of the gorge and replacing the green buoys with hazard buoys. He said that he has received complaints about their aesthetic quality and complaints from rowers who say that they are difficult to navigate. Bryan said that the idea of using hazard buoys in that location has come up before and that Mike Peyton of the DEP insisted on the red and green buoys. Shannon said he would discuss it with Mike Peyton again. A discussion brought out that the current red/green buoy system is not effective because it is not readily understood by the typical boater.
Linda inquired as to when buoys would be in place this spring. She also stated that one of the no-wake buoys is missing in the gorge area. Shannon stated that that type of buoy has a potential for sinking but that the anchorage is very strong and the buoy is most likely still there. Linda then asked if the buoy cable could cause a boating hazard. A discussion ensued.
Bryan reported that the buoy marking the rocks in the Shepaug arm is 150 ft off position. Shannon stated that we need to anchor that buoy.
Ross had no report.
Joe stated that there was no accounting to discuss. He did state that the Town of Bridgewater had contacted him with questions regarding the budget. He asked the Town to put their questions in writing but had not heard back from them.
Jerry stated that new pictures and new contact information was put up on the website. He is also working on creating an area of the website for LLA board members only. Jerry said the website is currently getting 5 to 10 hits per day. Bill asked members to send more pictures to Jerry for the website.
Danbury Sewage Treatment Plan
Bryan reported that the interim denitrification project is scheduled to be completed by the Fall of 2009. Additionally, $500,000 has been appropriated for the design of the permanent phosphorous/nitrogen reduction program. Black and Veatch has been hired to do the design. Shannon stated that the phosphorous and nitrogen reduction project is not scheduled to be completed until 2014.
Wood Debris
Armand Luzi was not present to report. However, wood debris had been discussed under the Chairman’s Report.
Bill stated that the purpose of committees was to get all members involved with the LLA in an area that might interest them.
Bill discussed an Eagle Scout Project being done by Alex Calder. He is building a buffer garden at the Newtown Boat Launch and will have a kiosk that explains the project. Alex has approvals and is working cooperatively with the LLA, FOTL, and FLP. He has approached the LLA to sponsor his kiosk sign. The cost of the sign is $276. Motion by Art Niedzielski to support Calder’s project by contributing $276 toward the cost of the sign. Motion seconded by Bernd Woerner and carried unanimously.
Bill wants to review the bylaws before the next meeting for compliance and then update the members. Two areas that may need modification are committees and financial controls.
Bill will send a letter to First Light Power requesting that they post a “real time” pond level for Lake Lillinonah. Friends of the Lake has previously asked and has received no response from First Light Power. Shannon stated that it was important to have that information made public so that people can tie the water level of the Lake to the lack of or presence of floating debris.
Bill stated that we have to create a new map of Lake Lillinonah. He showed an old map that noted buoy locations at the time. Bryan said that we have to use the CTDEP map. The LLA will go through the DEP to update after our updated buoy request is approved.
Linda reported that she had seen “brown globs” floating in the Lake south of the gorge on Sunday, April 5, 2009. She said it seemed like a strange occurrence this time of year. Jerry said he has also seen these “brown globs”. A discussion ensued about their source.
David reported that recent high water levels had caused a tremendous amount of debris to be deposited up on his marina property. He had workers removing the debris when David Pudlow of FLP approached him to tell David that he could not put the debris back in the water. In response, David then asked that since he cannot put it back could First Light Power remove it for him as the high water levels had been the cause. David Pudlow refused. The matter was unresolved as of the start of the meeting.
Bill reported that the executive boards of the LLA and FotL had been discussing what type of testing we may want to do in 2009. Funding from DEP for George Knocklein will not be available. Water-user “safety” tests were proposed (i.e. coliform). Bryan stated however that Bob Moss had performed coliform tests for many years and had told the LLA that additional testing would be wasteful because he never had a report with a high count. A discussion ensued about what type of testing. The matter will be continued.
Bryan asked Shannon if he could check with Aquatic Control to find out the cost of a 10 to 20 acre alum treatment and whether it could still be scheduled for this year in the Shepaug arm in exchange for the copper treatment. Shannon said he would look into the matter.
Motion to adjourn at 8:30 pm. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alexis M. Hawley
Alexis M. Hawley
on behalf of
Christine M. Giordano,
Administrative Assistant