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Last Updated: 2012/11/21

The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, November 20, 2012, in meeting room 3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
PRESENT: Chairman Donald Sharpe, Joseph Humeston, Jean Leonard, Allan Song & Elana Bertram
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development & Bob Rau
Chairman Donald Sharpe called the meeting to order at 7:05pm.
Public Participation: NA
Acceptance of Minutes: Upon motion of Joe Humeston, the minutes of October 16, 2012 were approved. Seconded by Elana Bertram and unanimously passed.
Director of Economic & Community Development – Report and discussion
Ms. Stocker discussed the report submitted by Betsy Paynter regarding all the businesses she has visited around town. Ms. Paynter is currently dedicating one day a week for business visitations which are prompted by a couple things such as a phone call to the office, new business opening, and referrals. These visits are also part of the business retention and expansion program.
Celebrate Connecticut is being held on Wednesday, November 28 from 4:30PM-7:30PM, at the Bushnell Theater in Hartford. The Connecticut Economic Resource Center holds the event to celebrate different economic development successes in the state. The Housatonic Valley Region has recognized two companies for their contribution the first one being Boehringer Ingelheim located in Danbury which pertains to the addition and renovation project they are conducting. The second company being Kimchuck Inc. also located in Danbury they design and manufacture products serving 15 different industries with emphasis on safety, security, medical, military and the nuclear industry.
Ms. Stocker attended a meeting with the Naugatuck Valley Corridor, and they had a speaker from the Department of Labor who talked about various programs available for businesses for hiring and training. Ms. Stocker passed this information on to Ms. Paynter to incorporate in the next newsletter which will be released in December.
Fairfield Hills EDC marketing plan, RFP-
Chairman Don Sharpe reported that the Fairfield Hills EDC marketing project is moving through the Legislative bodies which was approved by the Selectman and heard by the Board of Finance.  
Round Table Updates-
Mr. Rau discussed American Fusion Systems (AFS) which have been in Newtown for a little over a year now. They are currently about 90% done with reconstruction for retrofitting the building for what the company needs. The company is also putting on a 2000 square foot addition to install a generator. The construction is predicted to be completed by February or March of 2013. AFS also has to build their own propane facility to provide the power that they require for operational purposes such as manufacturing the equipment, testing the equipment and running the equipment. The main product the company manufactures is to protect the electric grid against sudden shock whether natural or man-made.
SHU Business Incubators-
Jean Leonard discussed that she is wants to work with Sacred Heart on taking the position of researching out what other incubators have done, how they operate, what they focus on, what is and isn’t successful, and different types of incubators. Then take that information and determine how to attract people to those incubators and provide the necessary information.
Serving Newtown’s existing commercial base-
Joe Humeston discussed that himself and Ms. Paynter visited Queen Street Gifts & Treats last week. Mr. Humeston also had a meeting with Mr. Sharpe and Walter Motyka and discussed visiting larger businesses within town and working with them on development.
Old Business:
Approve 2013-2014 EDC budget-
Upon motion of Joe Humeston, the 2013-2014 EDC budget as discussed last month was approved. Seconded by Allan Song and unanimously passed.
Business Incentive Program Review and Recommendations-
Mr. Sharpe, Ms. Stocker and Mr. Song have been working on moving the Business Incentive Program along which is a complex project. They have been discussing comparisons between the State plan which offers support for 10 different types of businesses compared the Towns which is differently structured and offers support for 3 types of businesses. Discussed expanding the types of businesses that would be eligible for the program such as possibly adding Information Technology, Recreational Facilities, and Warehousing. Also going to examine the cost of the program and how it affects the town.
New Business:
Draft EDC bylaws-
Mr. Sharpe discussed that the EDC should form a bylaws committee to construct a new set of bylaws for the commission.
Select nominating committee for December officer elections-
Mr. Sharpe discussed that the EDC has to select the nominating committee and present officer’s slate for the December officer elections. Also, going to have two positions for Vice-Chair in order to spread out the work load. Joe Humeston is head of committee and if anyone would like to help or has questions to contact Mr. Humeston.
Approve 2013 meeting schedule-
Upon motion of Joe Humeston, the 2013 EDC meeting schedule was approved. Seconded by Jean Leonard and unanimously passed.
Executive Session: NA
Upon motion of Joe Humeston the meeting adjourned at 7:46pm. Seconded by Elana Bertram and unanimously passed.