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November 6, 2006 Technical Review Committee Minutes
Technical Review Subcommittee
of the Newton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
November 6, 2006

In attendance:
Kim Pettit, Ann Miles - NPB
Eric Weinrieb - Altus Eng.
Reuben Hull – RPC Circuit Rider
Mike DiBartolomeo - Building Inspector

1) Woodhouse
Discussed plan & revision dates and proposed plans for recording, and error-proofing plans for recording

Rob Woodhouse has cleared the lot numbering with the Assessor’s office

Altus to review bond estimate provided by CCMI and outstanding comments, needs feedback from PB on “discretionary” items, ie. Maintenance of berm, off-site improvements

Altus still has concerns about the integrity of the berm and potential for breach/point discharge into wetland on abutting property; an overflow weir has been proposed by Sublime; Woodhouse & Sublime to discuss a potential alternate proposal & work out details with Altus

R. Woodhouse to follow up on plans with Chief Ingalls

Discussion about prohibition against further subdivision of these 19 lots or further/future wetlands impacts

All state approvals are in except dredge & fill which is pending – Rob Woodhouse has followed up with DES & expects the approval next week

2) Deshaies application
Subdivision of an existing lot on the corner of Williamine & Smith Corner Rds. was conditionally approved March 2004; because conditions not met until summer 2006, well outside of six months’ window, conditional approval had expired and applicant wishes to reapply. Proposed subdivision/site plan is modified from that proposed under the 2004 application and is tentatively scheduled for December public hearing.

Applicant has requested a waiver of application, per lot and engineering review fees based on the application being redundant.

Preliminary review of available documentation turns up the following:
-       well radius issues – old septic is within the 75’;
-       can an abandoned old septic system be reused to connect to a proposed SF home?;
-       new septic system was approved and constructed in June 2006 – may have been graded into ROW, graded into proposed new lot, property line for which is shown in the application but is not existing, as there is no current approval ; is likely that multiple easements will be necessary
-       More discussion of further subdivision of “oversized” lots in subdivisions
-       Wetlands

TRC does not recommend waiver of fees, as this is a new application, not a “renewal” or “extension”, and will require review by Town engineer and Planner

3) Storey walking paths
TRC discussed the original concept of requiring sidewalks or other amenities within subdivisions; however, all agreed that the gravel detail & installation is problematic and needs to be fixed or the concept abandoned at this location.

Altus will review plans and plan comments/inspections and will report back to PB. Issue should be taken up by the Board with the developer and property owners, preferably at the December meeting.

4) Whispering Pines
Discussion of natural expansion; no precedent in state of NH for natural expansion other than as the expansion of an existing nonconforming use within an existing building/structure. Discussed looking at the threshold of density of use first, and of the various tests or thresholds noted by Atty. Ratigan in his letter to the PB; he has sent s subsequent letter which is very clear and succinct; to be distributed to Board members, engineer & planner Friday with packets for 11/14 meeting.

Other TRC business:

Date for next TRC meeting TBD.

Discussion of recent computer crash & a work-around while it is being rebuilt. TRC recommends that applicants be encouraged to copy their correspondence to the Board directly to the Town engineer and Circuit Rider Planner.


Minutes recorded by Kim Pettit, NPB.