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March 29, 2016 Board of Selectmen Minutes
DATE: TUESDAY, March 29, 2016
TIME: 6:00PM


I.      Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Doggett opened the meeting at 6:04.  In  attendance were Selectmen James L.
Doggett, Chairman; Matthew A. Burrill, Vice Chairman; Robert S. Donovan Jr.; Lisa Gonyer, and Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley. The Public Meeting was recorded; minutes were transcribed and typed by Barbara White. The Non-Public Minutes were transcribed and typed by Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley.

Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a-c) HR Matters

Selectman Burrill stated the Board just came out of a non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a-c) and moved that the Board keeps things that were discussed confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the Board the circumstances no longer apply.  Selectman Donovan seconded with a unanimous role call vote.  Doggett - aye; Burrill - aye; Donovan - aye; Gonyer - aye.

Chairman Doggett opened the Public Meeting to order at 6:53 pm.

II.     Pledge of Allegiance
III.    Introduction of Guests
IV.     Approval of Minutes (this will be addressed at the next meeting)

A.  2016 Budget Review

The Board began reviewing the various department budgets which had been asked to be reduced by 3% in alphabetical order.

Assessing Budget — this item is non-reducible as it is contractual.
Selectman Burrill suggested the Board review the budgets of those department having representatives in attendance in lieu of continuing in alphabetical order. The Board agreed.

Cable — Diane Morin and Marilyn Landry spoke for the Cable Committee. The cable budget had been reduced from $6,200 to $6,013 for a total reduction of $187. They discussed taking the reduction from the salary line and reducing the functions to be recorded to meet the 3%. The Selectmen accepted the cable budget as presented.

Cable also submitted a requisition for drop box ($99) and headphones ($14.99).

Selectman Gonyer moved to pay the two invoices from the Cable Revolving Fund; Second by Selectman Donovan with a unanimous vote.

Cemetery—Bill Landry spoke for the cemetery budget. The Cemetery Trustees have submitted a budget that had been reduced from $14,046 to $13,621 for a total reduction of $425. Mr. Landry asked how they came up with the 3% figure for the reductions; he thought the default budget would cover everything without a need for budget reduction. Chairman Doggett explained the default budget did not account for expected increases that are non-contractual. The Selectmen accepted the cemetery budget as presented.

Fire Department — Chief Alcaidinho spoke to the Fire Department Budget. They had lowered their budget from $274,020 to $265,270 for a total reduction of $8,750. This reduction leaves no monies for apparatus/equipment repair and maintenance; at this time engine 2 and tanker 5 need some repairs.

Selectman Burrill would like to see the FD keep their budget intact due to safety matters. The Board will reassess total budget numbers after reviewing all the budgets.

Gale Library — Lynn Camp and Kathleen Meserve spoke for the Library budget. The
library has cut their budget from $114,276 to $110,848 for a total of $3,428 and hopes they would not be asked to reduce it further. They had taken the reduction from the media line item and not salaries/operating expenses. Selectman Donovan asked about taking from the programs line item.

Highway - Mike Pivero spoke to the Highway Budget.  The Highway Budget has been reduced from $350,820 to $339,820 for a reduction of $11,000.
Mr. Pivero stated that after 2 years of waiting, he had finally received the permit from the State for the culvert on Wilders Grove Road,  The permit has an expiration date and he is not sure where they will find the funds for the work.

Police Department — Chief Streeter asked Sergeant Jewett to present the proposed budget reductions. They had cut their budget from $672,572 to $652,667 for a total reduction of $19,905.

Selectman Burrill noted $7,000 had been cut from the PT Officers salary line and $850 from the internet services line for high-speed internet. There was discussion on what had been paid on the cruisers and what payments were remaining. Chairman Doggett noted the vehicle line budget for the Police Department will not be expended this year. Again, the Board will reassess total budget numbers after reviewing all the budgets.
Chief Streeter discussed his concern with the Board's budget review.

Planning Board — Chairman Doggett presented the Planning Board budget as he is the ex-officio to the Planning Board. The Planning Board cut their budget from $50,612 to $48,612 for a total reduction of $2,000 or 3.9% (from the salary line as they had reduced the Administrative Assistant position hours from 25 to 20 per week).

Chairman Doggett noted they would now review the rest of the list alphabetically. Select-man Burrill explained to the audience (both present and at home) that the departments had been asked to come up with new budget amounts that reflected a 3% reduction and had the opportunity to discuss their individual budget with the board if they felt they needed something different.

Town Administrator Wrigley noted some budgets had not been cut because of contractual agreements.

Care of Trees — Chairman Doggett noted they could perhaps take $60 from that budget.

Conservation Commission — Reduced their budget from $3,356 to $3,256 for a reduction of $100.

Dept of Building Safety Reduced their budget from $21 ,052 to $20,402 for a reduction of $650.

Election, Registration, Vital Statistics - Reduced their budget $2,500.

Emergency Management - State — Had already been zeroed out.

Emergency Management - Town - Reduced their budget from $17,290 to $16,771 for a reduction of $519.

Executive - Reduced their budget from $165,700 to $165, 175 for a reduction of $525.

Financial Administration and Financial Administration - Tax Collection — no reductions.

Forest Fire — not under our jurisdiction.

General Assistance - Reduced their budget from $25,445 to $25,157 for a reduction of $288.

General Government Buildings - Reduced from $185,700 to $184,000 for a reduction of $1,700.

Health Officer — Had already been zeroed out

Insurance — no reduction.

Legal — no reduction.

Personnel Administration — no reduction.

Recreation Commission - Reduced their budget from $11 ,420 to $11 ,000 for a reduction of $420.

Solid Waste Disposal - Reduced their budget from $350,000 to $302,800 for a reduction of $47,200. Town Administrator Wrigley had reworked the budget numbers to reflect more  than the 3%.  Selectman Burrill noted there was a memo from Transfer Station Manager Tom DiFalco asking that the Town not cut the grounds maintenance and disposal line items.

There was discussion about keeping the reduction to the Transfer Station budget and allowing the reduction of funds to be used to help with the repairs on the Fire Station. Further discussion will follow at the end of the review.

Street lighting — non-negotiable

West Nile Virus — non-negotiable

Totaling the reductions from the budgets, adding back in the grounds maintenance and disposal line items for the Transfer Station, the total is $84,30 in reductions.
Selectman Burrill stated that the difference between the proposed budget and the Default Budget is $72,652.4212016_40338_0.png

The Board reviewed the total impact and reviewed all the budgets.

Chairman Doggett stated there are deficiencies in the budget which will need to cover deficiencies in structures or services provided to the Town of Newton.

B. Discussion of the Central Fire Station

Chief Alcaidinho reviewed proposed quotes obtained so far in order to make some of the needed repairs to the Central Station, noting none of the quotes included required electrical work. There was also discussion regarding the caving in of the driveway and not wanting to put $60,000 into steel plates to temporarily correct the problem. Prices were read for the quotes received so far.

Chief Alcaidinho reminded the Board there were several items that would go into the Central Station that could be transferred to a new building, should the Fire Department  move in the future.

The Board discussed leaving the $8,750 in the Fire Department budget and finding more funds from some other budgets.
Chief Alcaidinho noted the outside light pole was rotted and it was a matter of time before the wind knocks it down. Also as the new Tanker and the Forestry Truck were temporarily stored at 8 Merrimac Road, he asked to have a light installed on the Building
for the responder's safety. He asked the Board to approve the purchase of a new pole and lights, but as he did not have a requisition, was told it would need to wait until the April  5 Selectmen's Meeting.

When longer-term storage of the vehicles at 8 Merrimac Road was discussed, the question arose if it was worthwhile to check out the heating system to see if it worked or if it could be made to work, as the vehicles currently stored there could not stay there if the temper-ature went below 32 degrees. Mr. Pivero suggested not putting a lot of thought into 8 Merrimac Road as it did not meet the proper requirements. He is willing to work with the Chief using the Highway Department personnel to fix the driveway and be done with it for approximately $15,000. 

He stated it would be up to the board to make that decision (not going out to bid and everything else that goes with current policies).  Selectman Burrill noted the Bid Policy is the Selectmen's Policy and they can do what they feel is in the best interest of the Town.

The new Fire Department proposed budget is $272,770 (keeping in the vehicle maintenance and repair line items).

Chairman Doggett noted taking the original reductions from the Transfer Station budget could help offset the needed repairs to the Fire Station. He also stated that reducing the vehicle line item in the Police Department budget could also be used to offset those repairs.

Selectman Gonyer stated by not further reducing the Fire Department budget, by keeping the original budget reduction number for the Transfer Station and taking an additional $20,000 from the Police Department Vehicle line item to be added to the original reduction (for a total of $39,905), the total reduction would be $91,527; 18,875 more than the default budget. Chairman Doggett noted that would not cover everything needing to be done at the fire station.

Chief Alcaidinho presented a requisition (#2524) for $2,960 for a 2-year maintenance agreement that was signed in 2014 for the automatic defibrillator in the ambulance. The warranty expired last month and Chief Alcaidinho recommended renewing the agreement as it is more economical for the service agreement than once-a-year service.

Selectman Burrill moved to approve the Fire Department requisition #2524 in the amount of $2,960 for service and preventive maintenance of the ambulance defibrillator for a 2- year contract; second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

The Board came to a consensus to review the final budget numbers with a clean copy at their next meeting.

Selectman Burrill suggested the punch list for the Fire Department be placed on every agenda from now on to see what needs to be repaired next.

V.  Other Business — Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments.

Selectman Donovan moved to sign the 3/29/16 Vendor Manifest for $198,731.99; second by Selectman Burrill — three in favor, one abstained.

Selectman  Donovan moved to sign requisition #2532 for the Cable Committee for one year drop box service and to purchase new headphones in the amount of $113.99 to be paid from the Cable Revolving fund; second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Burrill moved to approve a 2016 veteran tax credit for PID# 10-10-33 as recommended by the Town Tax Assessor Andrea Lewy; second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Burrill moved to sign the MS-232 actually voted; second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Burrill moved to sign the Timber Tax Levy for Tax Map 10-10-01 ; second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Gonyer moved to sign the Payroll Manifest dated March 6 - March 19, 2016 with a pay date of March 25, 2016; second by Selectman Donovan with a unanimous vote.

Chairman Doggett moved to appoint Vanessa Burrill as a Recreation Alternate for a 3-year term expiring in 2019; second by Selectman Donovan - three in favor, one abstained.

Selectman Burrill moved to appoint Angela McVey as a Recreation Alternate for a 3-year term expiring in 2019; second by Selectman Donovan with a unanimous vote.

VI.  Adjourn

Selectman Gonyer moved to adjourn at 9:16 pm; second by Selectman Burrill with a unanimous vote.


Barbara White