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August 5, 2014 Board of Selectmen Minutes


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Vice Chairman Doggett called the meeting to order at 6pm.  In attendance were Selectmen James L. Doggett, Matthew A. Burrill, Lawrence B. Foote, Charles R. Melvin, Sr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The meeting was audio and videotaped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr. was not in attendance.  

Melvin moved to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) - Transfer Station; (d) - Lease Agreement.  Second by Foote: Roll Call Vote: Doggett - aye, Burrill - aye, Foote - aye, Melvin - aye, unanimous vote.

Foote moved to close the nonpublic meeting at 6:45pm.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous roll call vote; Doggett - aye, Burrill - aye, Foote - aye, Melvin - aye.  The minutes will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply.

Burrill moved that the Human Resources minutes be stored in a confidential locked cabinet which is the designated cabinet in the Town Administrators Office.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated July 1, 2014 and July 15, 2014
Foote moved to accept the Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated July 1, 2014 and July 15, 2014.  Second by Burrill.  The vote passed with Melvin abstaining.

  • Scheduled Business
  • Tanker 4 Repair Estimate
Fire Chief Ingalls asked to hold off on this item until the next Selectmen’s meeting.  The Board concurred.

  • Review Transfer Station Bulky Item Fee Schedule
The Board reviewed the Newton fee schedule due to the change for the cost of disposal of air conditioners.

Burrill moved to change the fee schedule to reflect the cost for the air conditioners as $10 for Newton residents only.  Second by Melvin with a unanimous vote.  Effective date of August 7, 2014.

Doggett moved to reaffirm the Transfer Station fees with the change made this evening.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.    

  • Resident Rebecca McGowan Re: Speed Limit on Gale Village Road
Doggett read an email from Rebecca McGowan requesting to reduce the speed limit on Gale Village Road to 20 mph.  McGowan wrote about her concern with excessive speed.
Melvin moved to change the speed limit on Gale Village Road to 25 mph.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.
A response email will be sent to McGowan and notice to the Fire, Police and Road Agent.

  • Update from Recreation Commission
Recreation Chairman Annie Collyer was unable to attend tonight’s meeting therefore Selectman liaison to Recreation Matt Burrill pitch hit for Collyer tonight.

Town Beach porta-potties are being misused at night and we have found needles and defecation on the floor and would like more police patrols.  Recreation questioned whether the custodian could lock it every night and unlock in the mornings.  Unfortunately the town custodian works a limited schedule therefore would not be able to take on this task every day.

Recreation has been informed that Whispering Pines is directing non-residents staying at the campground to use the town beach.  Recreation received a response from Whispering Pines that they felt that as a taxpayer in town they have the right to let their customers use the town beach.  Burrill then referenced the “Town Parks and Recreation Areas Ordinance” which may need to be updated in order to further protect town property for residents.  Winglass will forward to Recreation a copy of 2013 letters sent to the (2) town campgrounds in Newton informing them that the town beach is for residents only.  Recreation will review this further and bring a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen.

More sand is needed at the Town Beach and requires a state permit through the Shoreline Protection through the Department of Environmental Services.   Once Recreation figures it all out the proper procedure they will bring back the information for further discussion.

Vendor Fair hosted at Greenie Park by Lara Pare.  The Board heard about an option of having a vendor fair at Greenie Park on Columbus Day weekend with local businesses and musicians.  Lara has been working on this event as the coordinator with a portion of the proceeds going to Greenie Park.  Vendors will complete an application form and pay $30 per day for a 10x10 space.  Food vendors will need to provide a certification of insurance.

The Board will have town counsel review the indemnification agreement after Lara makes a minor correction.  Melvin questioned how this will work with checks being written out to Lara Pare, can we do that?  Should the checks be made out to the Town of Newton and then we pay Lara.  The Board agreed that we need to check on it.  Do we hire Lara as the vendor fair coordinator?  If the town is sponsoring it then we need signed indemnification, insurance certificate and an agreement signed by both parties.  Burrill responded that he will try to get the answers to these questions.

Greenie Park Improvements - Recreation is planning events but has not been able to put anything together due to the fact that they have not been having any meetings due to quorum problems.  We need additional members on the Recreation Commission so if there is anyone that is interested, please contact the Town Hall.

At a future meeting, Recreation would like to recognize Tyler Mackey for putting together trail signs at Greenie Park as his senior project at the High School.

July 16th World Series Trophy - the event was very successful with a great turnout.  The Recreation Commission would like to thank Principal Jonathan VanderEls from the Memorial Elementary School for hosting this event due to inclement weather.

Upcoming events
  • September 20th - Town Day in conjunction with the 5K race at the Memorial School.
  • October 8th - Castle in the Clouds trip
  • Email from Seacoast Charter School Re: Looking for available space
The Board reviewed an email from the Seacoast Charter School who is looking to relocate for they have outgrown their current space.  The Board asked to send a response stating that Newton does not have any unoccupied space or structure.
  • Review bid documents for #2 Fuel Oil and Grounds Maintenance
#2 Fuel Oil

Office Manager Winglass asked the Board for their decision on whether or not to go out to bid this year.  In the past the Selectmen have waived the bid process for we were not receiving a good bid response for this service.  Last year we received a bid from Palmer Gas/Ermer Oil only.  The Board reviewed a contract history list back to 2006 showing the town has used Palmer Gas/Ermer Oil since then whether we went out to bid or not.

The purchase policy allows for an exception to the bid process if the Department Head is satisfied with the service that is being provided and the bid price has not increased more than 2% from the previous year, the Department Head is not required to go out to bid for a total of 2 years.  After two years, the Department Head is required to re-advertise any service over the advertised, sealed bid price of $3,500.

Burrill moved based upon the fact that it is consistent with our purchase policy that we go with the same company this year for #2 fuel oil.  Second by Foote.  After further discussion, Burrill amended his motion and moved that the town get prices from local vendors for #2 fuel oil and come back to the Board to review the prices.  Second by Foote in agreement with the amendment.  Vote passed with Melvin opposed.  

Burrill asked to send the purchase policy to Board members via email for further review.

Grounds Maintenance

The Board approved the bid documentation as written.

  • Review and discuss direction on town-owned generators maintenance agreement
Office Manager Winglass informed the Board of the need to purchase a maintenance agreement for the Transfer Station and the Town Hall.  As well as starting next year the Town will be responsible for maintaining the generator at 8 Merrimac Road.  Foote inquired about the generator that is stored at the Police Department that came from 2 Amesbury Road.  (Old Police Department).  Foote would like to use this generator at Fire Station 2 in the Junction.  A discussion took place that there is currently a generator at Fire Station 2 but it is not currently working.  The Board agreed that the Fire Chief needs to speak with the owner of the building to find out how this will work best for all.  Melvin responded that he will move the generator when it is ready to go.

Foote moved for the Newton Junction Baptist Church along with the Fire Department to use the used 17K Kohler generator originally used at the Police Department at 2 Amesbury Road due to the fact that the original generator at that location is broken down.  Second by Melvin.  Melvin asked if we should put something in writing that says if we leave the building we get the generator back.  We need to get prices to install the unit and look at the agreement with the owners.  Burrill would like to move ahead but first look at the agreement.  Foote withdrew his motion, Melvin withdrew his second.

Burrill moved in regards to the 2009 17K Kohler generator that we find out what the cost involved and all relevant information and to come up with a plan to move it to the Newton Junction Fire Station.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Melvin moved to put the generator service agreement out to bid.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • First Aid Employee Training
Office Manager Winglass addressed the Board on the option of holding First Aid training.  The cost is for 3-5 hours for the instructor as a member of the Fire Department and an additional cost of $10 for each attendee’s certification card.  The Board would like each department to pay for the certification cards.  Wrigley added that she recently became aware of an increase to the cost of the cards which are now $12 each.

The Board strongly encourages all employees to take the class but it is not mandated and they talked about having snacks available since training will be over by approximately 6:30pm.

  • Per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $18.20 from the Newton Learning Center to the Newton Food Pantry
Melvin moved per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $18.20 from the Newton Learning Center to the Newton Food Pantry.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Announcements
Foote announced that the town conducted Seabrook training this past Saturday and the drill is scheduled for August 20th starts between 7am and 8am.  

  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
Foote moved to approve the Vendor Manifest in the amount of $40,099.22.  Second by Burrill passed with a unanimous vote.

Doggett motioned that all motions are moved.  Second by Foote as long as we remind him.  Vote passed with Burrill abstaining for he does not want his name next to a motion that says we have to move.  Burrill added that we should all remain consistent but we all do not have to make a motion on this.

Foote moved to sign an abatement refund for Map 014-01-27-1 in the amount of $6,722.92 for tax year 2011; sign an abatement refund for Map 014-01-27-1 in the amount of $6,376.08 for tax year 2012; sign an abatement refund for Map 014-01-27-1 in the amount of $1,745.97 for tax year 2013; sign an abatement refund for Map 014-01-27-4 in the amount of $2,390.61 for tax year 2011 only.  Also a Welfare Manifest dated July 24th in the amount of $450.00.  Second by Melvin passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Adjourn
Foote moved to adjourn at 8:36pm.  Second by Burrill passed with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Winglass, Office Manager