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September 17, 2013 Board of Selectmen Minutes


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Selectman Melvin called the meeting to order at 6:06pm.  In attendance were Selectman Charles Melvin, Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr. and Office Manager Mary Winglass.  Chairman Raymond D. Thayer arrived at approximately 6:40pm due to attending a Recreation Commission Meeting.

Selectman Melvin motioned to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) - Interim Treasurer.  Second by Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote.

Chairman Thayer motioned to close the nonpublic meeting at 6:40pm.  Second by Melvin.  Per a unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the following:

  • The Board set a date/time to meet with an applicant for the position of interim Treasurer.
  • The Board approved sending out memos on the town’s policies, rules and regulations.
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated September 3, 2013
The Board tabled this item to allow the Board additional time to review the minutes.

  • Scheduled Business
  • Cont review of budget for Dry Hydrant project
Present were Fire Chief Bill Ingalls

Selectman Melvin recommended paying for the Dry Hydrant work with $4,500 paid from the Fire Department budget and $4,600 out of the General Government Buildings budget.

Fire Chief Ingalls discussed that last year the Board of Selectmen changed the proposed warrant article for funding for dry hydrants to $1 and stated that they would find the funds to cover the cost.  The Board agreed to pay the full cost the repairs in the amount of $9,100 for the Dry Hydrant from the General Government Buildings budget.

Selectman Donovan motioned to pay for the Dry Hydrant work out of the General Government Buildings budget for the amount of $9,100 under General Ledger Account #4194-00-360.  Second by Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Cont review of landscaping contract
The Board reviewed invoices, contract and pictures of the landscaping at Greenie Park.  The infields have not been maintained compared to past years for the gates are now locked and Baseball has been unable to get a tractor into the area.  The Board discussed that the gates are now locked for the town was having problems with broken sprinkler heads due to vehicles driving on the fields.  The Board discussed giving a key to Baseball in order to allow them to take care of the infields but nothing larger that a tractor is allowed on the field due to the sprinkler heads in the ground.

Chairman Thayer motioned to give Newton Baseball a key to the gate so they can get into the area for the maintenance of the infield.  No other vehicles allowed on the fields; only the lawn tractor due to the sprinkler heads in the ground.  Second by Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The Board asked to have Statewide Materials Corp come in to speak with the Board about fertilizing and weed control.  

  • Cont review of fence installation at Transfer Station
Selectman Melvin went down to mark out the area for the tree and brush removal before the installation of the new fence.  Melvin added that he met with Barry Tree Service in order to get a quote to take down five spruce trees, pine trees and brush; the quote came in to do it all for $1,400.00.  Melvin will work as a ground man and plans on doing the work on a day the Transfer Station is closed.  The trees will be dropped to the ground and then Melvin will cut them up and haul them to the brush pile.  This is a time sensitive issue for this work needs to be completed before the fence is installed.

Selectman Melvin motioned to hire Barry’s Tree Service for $1,400 to do the cutting at the Transfer Station starting at the first gate to Amesbury Road.  Melvin will oversee the work.  Second by Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.
  • Kingston and Newton Re: Discussion on renaming & renumbering Country Pond Road and Wilders Grove Road
Approximately 20 Newton and some Kingston residents were present for this discussion; a list of names is available at the Town Hall.

This item is on the agenda due to a phone call on Thursday from Kingston Police Chief Briggs to the Town Administrator asking if Newton would be interested in joining them in renaming and renumbering Country Pond Road and Wilders Grove Road in both Newton and Kingston.  This would help with emergency calls and mutual aid calls in both towns.

Cynthia Wilson of 42 Wilders Grove Road asked why Kingston is coming to us when they need to clear up their signs which will help straighten out some of the confusion.  

Ray Donald of 6 Concannon Road concurred that the signs need to be updated and changed to read “to Concannon Road” and to clearly show the town line and street names as they change along the road.  Keep it simple for the residents for they do not want to change their mailing address.

Ken Thompson of 2 Wilders Grove Road added that he has lived in the Grove for about 60 years and he also feels that Kingston needs to fix the signage and that would clarify property addresses along the road.  Some signs in Newton need to be moved and cleared of vegetation.  

Clara Donahue of 48 Wilders Grove Road likes the idea of Wilders Grove due to its history.  

Based upon a show of hands, it was a unanimous agreement by all to keep things as they are but to work on the signage.

Joanne Thompson-Nastri, President of the Wilder’s Grove Association talked about the many emails going around about this issue.  The overall consensus is that the Newton residents are not interested in changing the name of the street.    

Tully Zipkin of 58 Wilders Grove Road was interested to find out from the emergency personnel about the response time and the percentage of issues in finding residences.  The residents felt that the percentages of those with a problem finding properties along the road are companies delivering in the area.

A discussion took place on the expense of changing the name of the road would require them to change their licenses, registrations, mortgages, deeds, checks, etc.  There was an assumption made by the residents in attendance that there would also be a large financial impact due to this change on the town’s tax rate which is already too high.  

Fire Chief Bill Ingalls was present and was in favor of renaming the road - one name - Wilders Grove Road.  Ingalls added that Kingston has two Country Pond Roads.  As far as safety concern, we really have not had a problem.  The problem lies more with homes not being numbered properly and with apartments over a garage.  Ingalls added that he has done this for 50 years; if the road had one name with consecutive numbering is better for safety.  A few years back the town renamed Whittier Street Extension to Crane Crossing Road and it worked out fine.  Renaming the entire road to Wilders Grove Road with consecutive numbers is a good idea.

Mike Fortin 22 Wilders Grove Road a prior Selectman in 1999 added that changes were made during his time as Selectman and he pushed hard for signage so we are in pretty good shape.  Newton has solved the problem with signs so there is no problem.

Chairman Thayer added that he is in agreement and is not in favor of change.  Thayer asked EMD Larry Foote if he had any input.  Foote responded that he agrees with the Chief and maybe we should have a meeting with Kingston and E9-1-1 to hear their reasoning.

A brief discussion took place on having a joint meeting to hear clarification on the proposal.    

David Hatch of Wilders Grove Road responded that it is Kingston’s problem; let’s not waste any more time on this subject.  Instead Newton can talk with the Road Agent to take a look at the signage.  The Board then asked for a show of hands on how many want to leave it the way it is; the public in attendance overwhelmingly agreed to leave things the way they are but to take a look at the signage.  The Board asked for any resident that may see the town out there working on the signs to help guide them.  If there is a problem then we can always bring this discussion back to the table.  The Board asked the residents to please get their houses numbered correctly.  Large blue numbered signs are sold by the Fire Department.

Selectman Melvin motioned to send a letter to Kingston Police Chief Briggs stating that Newton is not interested at this particular time.  We are going to work on our signage and ask Kingston to do the same.  Second by Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Review of Bulky Item Fee Schedule
The Board will review the schedule for their next meeting.

A discussion took place regarding the generator at the Transfer Station.  The Board asked for electrician Pat McCusker to take a look at the generators owned by the town to see if there is one that will work at the Transfer Station for emergencies.  

  • Transfer Station Re: Type 1-B Modification Permit
Office Manager Winglass updated the Board on the permit required by the State of NH Department of Environmental Services.  Items currently being worked on are training, site plan and generator.

  • Set date for Trick or Treat
Chairman Thayer stated that he has had more requests to hold Trick or Treat on the weekend either before or after the 31st.  Selectman Melvin and Donovan disagreed and felt that it should be held on Halloween.

Selectman Melvin motioned for Trick or Treat to be held on Thursday, October 31st using the same hours as last year.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Motion passed with Chairman Thayer opposed.

  • Review job description for Transfer Station Attendant/Maintenance
The Board reviewed a list of maintenance duties currently being done by Attendant Pete Gagnon.  

#1 ok
#2 ok
#3 ok
#4 ok
#5 - Kubota Tractor Service, repair and maintenance as needed.
The Board discussed that since Pete is not a certified mechanic then he should not work on the equipment but needs to contact a mechanic to do the repairs as needed.  The Board agreed that changing the oil is the only maintenance Pete is allowed to do on the equipment.  Use a mechanic that services that type of equipment.  
#6 ok
#7 ok
#8 ok
#9 - Service, Maintenance and repair of all power tools.  The Board asked to define this by stating that Pete is the go to person to get equipment fixed, we have no problem with him being in charge or the overseer of the service of the equipment.  But we need to make sure we have a certified mechanic working on the equipment and power tools.  
#10 ok
#11 ok
#12 ok

  • 2013 Budget review and timeline for submission of 2014 Budgets
Office Manager Winglass discussed that the budget worksheets should be ready by October 1st.  Winglass asked when the Board wants to start scheduling budget reviews with departments.  The Board decided to start reviewing them at their second meeting in October, on October 15th we can start with the smaller budgets, if they are ready.

The Board discussed that since they are starting the budget review earlier this year they want to see an additional column on the budget worksheet labeled “Additional Anticipated Expenditures through 12/31/13.  This column will show what departments plan on spending in addition to the YTD expenditures.

Therefore the budget worksheets are to include the following; 2013 budget, YTD expenditures, anticipated expenditures through 12/31/13 (in addition to YTD), and proposed 2014 budget and the last column to show variance between 2013 and 2014 budgets.

  • Announcements
  • Household Hazardous Waste Day for Residents Only, Saturday, September 28th from 8am to 4pm
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
  • Chairman Thayer announced that Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) has been found in mosquitoes trapped in Newton near Willow Grove.  Spraying to control adult mosquitoes will occur on Friday, September 20, 2013 from 5pm to 9:30pm at the Middle and Elementary Schools, Greenie Park, Packer Meadows Senior Housing and Willow Grove Trailer Park.  Residents at these locations should remain indoors with windows closed when spraying is being conducted.  People and pets should stay inside for 30 minutes after spraying is complete.  Change water in outside bowls used for pets or bird baths.   
  • The Board signed the Payroll Manifest dated for 9/13 for the pay period of August 25th - September 7th.  
  • The Board signed the Vendor Manifest in the amount of $38,637.41 dated September 17th.
  • The Board signed a paper abatement for Map 014-01-009 in the amount of $2,024.21 per a mutual agreement signed by the Board on August 20th.
  • The Board signed a Welfare Manifest in the amount of $133.49.
  • The Board signed a request for time off from two employees at Town Hall
  • The Board signed a letter of thanks to Sheila Bergeron as a volunteer on the Conservation Commission.
  • The Board signed a letter to prior Town Treasurer Brenda Fiers.
  • Alan French of the Zoning Board of Adjustments informed the Board of a Site walk at Puzzle Lane this Saturday at 8am at Lot 4 per a request for a setback variance.  
  • Newton Town Day is this Saturday at the Memorial Elementary School.
  • Adjourn
Chairman Thayer adjourned the meeting at 9pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Winglass, Office Manager