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November 1, 2010 Board of Selectmen Minutes

November 1, 2010

  • Call to Order
Selectman Donovan opened the meeting at 6:03pm.  In attendance were Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  Minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Chairman Trisha McCarthy was not present.

Selectman Donovan motioned to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) – Code Enforcement and (a) Town Clerk/Tax Collector.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Selectman Donovan polled the members which resulted in a unanimous roll call vote.

Selectman Donovan motioned to close the nonpublic session at 6:41pm.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Per unanimous roll call vote the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the following;

  • to appoint Lawrence Middlemiss for the permanent position as an on-call Code Enforcement Officer effective today with a remaining four month probationary period.
  • to approve a merit increase for Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector Cheryl Saunders to Grade XIII step 6 effective as of her anniversary date of July 31, 2010.
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Old Business
  • Road Agent Re: Marcoux Road Drainage Improvements
Present was Road Agent Mike Pivero who requested the Selectmen to approve a requisition totaling $18,281.03 for the Marcoux Road drainage improvements to be paid out of the Road System Improvements Trust Fund.

Selectman Thayer motioned to approve payment for the Marcoux Road Drainage Improvements for a total of $18,281.03 paid from the Road System Improvements Trust Fund.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

IV.     New Business
V.       Announcements
VI.     Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
  • Selectmen’s Public Meeting Minutes dated August 2, 2010, August 16, 2010, August 30, 2010, September 7, 2010, September 13, 2010 and September 20, 2010
  • Selectmen’s Nonpublic Meeting Minutes dated August 2, 2010, August 16, 2010, September 7, 2010, September 13, 2010 and September 20, 2010
No minutes were accepted for Chairman McCarthy was not at the meeting.

VII.     Reports from Department Heads
VIII.   Other Business
  • Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
  • The Board approved and signed a Vendor Manifest in the amount of $48,970.40.
  • The Board approved and signed two copies of the 2010 Tax Collector’s Warrant Property Tax Levy.
  • The Board approved and signed a Welfare Manifest in the amount of $895.00
  • The Board approved and signed a letter to the Town of Kingston asking to set a meeting in mid January to discuss the Country Pond Culvert.
  • Selectman Thayer asked if the Board was in favor of donating Recreation funds for the Boy Scout Eagle Scout project for new signs as you enter both ends of Route 108.  The Board discussed that the last Eagle Scout project received donated funds from Recreation due to the new installation of a pavilion at Greenie Park.  The Board agreed that this project should not receive Recreation funds for the project does not improve any Recreation facility.
IX.    Adjourn

Selectman Donovan motioned to adjourn at 7:06pm.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager