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August 16, 2010 Board of Selectmen Minutes

August 16, 2010

  • Call to Order
Chairman McCarthy opened the public meeting at 6:05pm.  In attendance were Chairman Trisha J. McCarthy, Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The meeting was audio and video taped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr. was not in attendance.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) – Code Enforcement Officer and Transfer Station Attendant; (a) – Employee Performance Evaluations; (e) Attorney Communication RSA 155-B.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Roll Call Vote: Chairman McCarthy – aye, Selectman Thayer – aye.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to close the nonpublic session at 7pm.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the following;

  • To hire Bonnie J. Burnham as a Part Time Transfer Station Attendant, a permanent part time employee, at Grade V, step 1, $9.16 per hour with a six month probation pending a background check and a 30-day review, effective today.
  • To give a merit increase to Part Time Transfer Station Attendant Peter Gagnon from Grade VI, step 8 to step 10, effective date of July 27, 2010.
  • To give Part Time Transfer Station Laborer Josh Olsen a merit increase from Grade V, step 2 to step 4, effective May 14, 2010
  • To extend Tom DiFalco’s probationary period as Lead Attendant to December 14, 2010.
  • To increase Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator Kimberly Hughes from Grade XVIII, step 9 to Grade XIX, step 9, effective date of June 24, 2010.
  • To give a 5% merit increase to Welfare Agent Tina O’Rourke, effective date of April 8, 2010.
  • The Board addressed an Attorney Client Communication
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Police Department Re: Building Issues
Police Chief Lawrence Streeter showed a power point presentation outlining the legal and operational risk factors the town is currently facing with the poor working conditions at the Police Station.  The legal risk factors include poor air quality, building code violation and archived files destroyed, an RSA violation.  The common denominator is the square footage and some options were to add another trailer for the two fulltime female employees, wait until next March and ask the voters again for an addition and renovation project, do nothing or seek another alternative.  

Chief Streeter’s recommendation is for the town to seek another alternative.  The Bearce’s are offering their property located at 8 Merrimac Road; 5.5 Acres and the two (2) buildings to the Town for $600,000 with one stipulation that the Bearce’s are allowed to remain in their residence for the next ten (10) years.  Since the Bearce’s currently reside in the upper right quarter of the main building, they love the town and their property and they don’t want to move; therefore the project becomes a (10) ten year plan.  This current proposal with the Bearce’s holding the “paper” at no interest.

There are two benefits to the Town; one short term and one long term.

Short Term – There is approximately 2,200 square feet immediately available for the Police Departments use which would require approximately $7,000 in expenditures for a bathroom and miscellaneous updates such as an entrance ramp, second entrance and reception area.

Long Term – Would allow for an expansion to the Police facilities to include a Sallyport, cells, booking room etc.  The renovations could be paid from the sale of the existing Police Department.  The expansion would allow for space for the Fire Department, Emergency Management, Highway Department, Recreation Commission and Town Hall.  It would solve multiple capital space and cost concerns over the next several years.        

The Board thanked Chief Streeter for they were very interested with this alternative solution.  Chief Streeter responded that currently he has an immediate need with a female employee working for him that is pregnant therefore we need to make a change fairly soon.  A discussion ensued with holding a site walk and a department head work meeting to get the other departments involved with this project.  The Board decided to first hold the department head meeting and to move forward with this as soon as possible.  The department head meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 30, 2010 starting at 6pm.

  • Old Business
        1.  Letter from Gale Library Trustees Re: Withdrawal from the Energy                    Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant

The Board reviewed a letter from the Chairman of the Gale Library Marilyn Landry and Alternate Trustee Kathy Meserve stating that the Trustees of the Gale Library wish to withdraw from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant award of $12,948.93.  The reason for withdrawing is due to at the time of the application process, the rules have expanded to a much more complicated extent.  The town would have to pay the contractor up front and given the complexity of the federal requirements, if any of the work was judged inadequate then funding could become a problem.  The Trustees do not feel comfortable with taking any chances with the Town money based upon the ongoing changes with the federal requirements with no assurances that the dollar amount is what we would need to complete the work.

Meserve spoke on how she is a “lay” person dealing with federal grants and feels she is out of her comfort zone with all the changes and requirements for this grant.  After informing the Gale Library Trustees of the ongoing hurdles with this grant, the Trustees voted to withdraw the grant for there is far too much red tape and we need to protect the town.  Meserve prepared a letter to be signed by the Selectmen withdrawing from this grant process and award.

Selectman Thayer motioned to sign the letter to Tom Rooney, Sub-Grant Manager of TRC Energy Services stating that the Gale Library is withdrawing from the grant award.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

        2.  Glacial Energy proposal for Commercial/Industrial Electricity Agreement

The Board reviewed a memo from Kim Hughes, Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator stating that after researching the billing and payment options with town employees/officials and with Glacial Energy, Kim is in favor of the payment option to remit by check.  This will allow for all account activity to be tracked efficiently and there are no fees to the town.  If the town wishes to move forward, please advise Kim so she can complete and remit the credit application.

Chairman McCarthy stated that the town also received a business reference from the Town of Atkinson who has seen up to a 22% savings per year on their electric bill for all town buildings.  The Board discussed that they have put this off now for so long and they are ready to move forward with the estimated 13% per year savings.  There is no contract and we can get out of it in 30 days, if necessary therefore the risk is low.

Selectman Thayer motioned to sign the credit application and to move forward with Glacial Energy.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.  

        3.  Planning Board: Land Use/Transportation Planning Grant Application

Chairman McCarthy explained that this grant is for $20,000 with a town match of $5,000 to contract with an engineering consultant to provide information on potential roadway and intersection improvements in support of implementing village zoning.
Chairman McCarthy motioned to sign the grant application as approved by the Planning Board.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

        4.  Kyle Kozec Re: Eagle Scout Project, The Pavilion at Greenie Park

The Board received a letter from Kyle Kozec stating that he completed the Pavilion at Greenie Park and asked for a letter from the Board of Selectmen that the project has been completed to their satisfaction.  On August 12, 2010 Chief Building Official Ron LeMere signed off on the final inspection.

Selectman Thayer motioned to sign the letter to Kyle Kozec thanking him for his time and commitment to the project of building a Pavilion at Greenie Park.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

        5.  Thank you letter from Paul Taylor, Lone Tree District, Yankee Clipper                       Council

Chairman McCarthy read a letter from Paul Taylor on behalf of the Boy Scouts, Lone Tree District, Yankee Clipper Council thanking the town for the use of the Busch Farm Conservation Property for their Spring Camporee.  Chairman McCarthy responded that the Conservation Commission checked the property and the Boy Scouts did a great job leaving the property in good condition.

        6.  Public Works Mutual Aid Program

The Board reviewed this program again; for only $25 per year the town would be part of the mutual aid program to give or receive aid during any emergency or natural disaster.  Per Road Agent Mike Pivero the town will only list the town’s two Public Works employees for the town does not own any equipment.  Emergency Management Director Larry Foote recommends that this be approved for it is a great resource to the town in the event of an emergency.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to approve the NH Public Works Mutual Aid Program.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

        7.  EMD Larry Foote: NIMS Update

Emergency Management Director Larry Foote was present and handed out a packet of information from FEMA about NIMS (National Incident Management System).  NIMS provides a comprehensive and consistent national approach to all-hazard incident management at all jurisdictional levels and across all functional emergency management disciplines.  Foote added that the support of elected and appointed officials in the NIMS implementation process is crucial to the nations’ success in preventing, preparing for, responding to and recovering from disasters, regardless of their cause.  NIMS compliance objectives are regulated at the organizational or jurisdictional level, and Federal policy requires jurisdictions and organizations to meet NIMS compliance requirements as a condition for receiving Federal preparedness assistance (through grants, contracts and other activities).  The NIMS compliance objectives for training typically require that stakeholders are providing their personnel with appropriate NIMS training.  

Foote added that the town adopted NIMS in 2008 and it makes sense to move forward as it is in the best interest of the town.  There is a five year NIMS training plan and at this point some elected as well as appointed officials still have not completed the 2008 and 2009 training.  The Board discussed having a point person within each department who would take on the responsibility to keep the department up to date with their NIMS training.  The Board decided to hold a work meeting in the near future to address this issue.

EMD Larry Foote informed the Board that the generator at Packer Meadows is in the process of being installed.  Chairman McCarthy thanked Foote for his hard work in making this happen for the residents at Packer Meadows.

EMD Larry Foote informed the Board that he contacted Unitil about the old tree with wires attached at 32 Peaslee Crossing Road.  A complaint was filed on August 3rd from the homeowner who contacted all the appropriate individuals concerning this tree and the bottom line is due to the electrical wires attached to the tree, no one would touch it.  Foote made some calls to Unitil and they have committed to taking care of the problem.  McCarthy thanked Foote again for his help with this situation.

  • New Business
A.  Alex Dzengeleski Re: Eagle Scout Project, “Welcome to Newton” signs

The Board reviewed an Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook submitted by Alex Dzengeleski of 2 Pheasant Crossing to construct “Welcome to Newton” signs where Route 108 enters and exits Newton to the North and South.  The new signs will replace the current signs, located within the same spot on the side of the road.  The new signs will be slightly larger and have granite posts.  Selectman Thayer discussed the three signs donated by residents and businesses back in 1999; they lasted 11 years and are now in bad shape.  The Board questioned if Dzengeleski knew that there were three signs, the third is located in Newton Junction.  Another issue that should be addressed is to make sure the State of New Hampshire Dept. of Transportation have been contacted and for Dzengeleski to receive approval for this project.

The Board decided to send Dzengeleski a letter to inform him of the requirement to receive approval by the State of NH Dept of Transportation Division Six and to find out if he was aware of the third sign.

Selectman Thayer motioned to send a letter to Boy Scout Alex Dzengeleski with the town’s approval to move forward with the signs but to check with NHDOT and to follow all the required guidelines as long as there is no cost to the town.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

B.  Welfare Agent Tina O’Rourke Re: Welfare & Food Pantry Policy

The Board reviewed the new Welfare & Food Pantry Policy prior to the meeting and both Selectmen stated that both Town Administrator Wrigley and Welfare Agent O’Rourke did an outstanding job.  

Selectman Thayer motioned to adopt the Food Pantry Policy effective August 16, 2010 as written.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to accept the Welfare Guidelines effective August 16, 2010 as written.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

C.      Revised Transfer Station Bulky Fee Schedule

Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicoeur informed the Board that the revised fee schedule was minor in that he removed the minimum when there is very little variance but left it on furniture and building materials.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to accept the Newton Transfer Station Bulky Fee schedule for Newton residents and for East Kingston, Kingston and South Hampton as written and amended.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

D.  Use Violations from residents at the Transfer Station

The Board reviewed an excel spreadsheet detailing a resident’s violator list prepared by Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicoeur.  The list shows the date, resident sticker number, name, address, violation and plate number.  Jolicoeur stated that violations have been extensive and he has been working to bring the facility up to code and to follow town policies.  Five letters of violation have been prepared to be mailed to repeat offenders; the Board signed the letters and added that a copy of the Town’s Transfer Station Policy will accompany the letters.

If any resident has any problem with the rules or the employees at the Transfer Station, please address your concerns to the Selectmen.

The Board discussed that the elderly and handicapped can receive help when at the Transfer Station, just ask an Attendant.

E.  Police Department Re: Letters of Commendation

Chairman McCarthy read two letters of commendation.  One was from Roger King who is grateful for the help Officer Robert DeFlumeri gave in getting a replacement air condition for his 95 year young sister.  The second one was from Northern New England Police Accreditation Coalition thanking Chief Streeter for allowing Rebecca Bergeron to serve on the Executive Board as the Training Coordinator.  Job well done from members of Newton’s Police Department.

F.  Recreation Commission Re: Recreation Credit Card

The Recreation Commission recommends transferring the Recreation credit card to the Chairman’s name: Deborah Holden and to increase the credit limit to $2,000.
Selectman Thayer motioned to transfer the Recreation credit card to Deborah Holden and increase the credit limit to $2,000.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

G.  Newton’s E9-1-1 Addressing

Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley informed the Board that she authorized moving forward with Newton’s E9-1-1 Addressing Program which will encompass the verification of all existing addressing as it currently exists in order to provide to the town a mapping and addressing maintenance program.

Police Department Office Manager Linda Meisner will be the contact person with Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley being the helper.  

H.   Letter to Sanborn Regional School District Re: 2010 Impact Fees

The Board received a letter from the Sanborn Regional School District with the total eligible cost from Newton is $1,043,633 for the capital apportioned costs related to growth that the School District will expend for the 2010/2011 school year.

I.  Letter from Resident Re: Transmission Fluid acceptance at Transfer         Station

The Board reviewed a letter from resident Wayne Stanley regarding the acceptance of transmission fluid at the Transfer Station.  When visiting the Transfer Station he was told that they do not accept transmission fluid but after placing a call to the recycling company he was told that they do indeed take transmission fluid and have always done so, even as mixed with motor oil.  Manager Kevin Jolicoeur added that when the resident talked to him about this issue he offered to contact the recycling company and in fact did on the next business day and found out the same information.

The Board asked for a letter to be sent back to the resident thanking him for his letter and the information that it provided to the town.

J.  Invitation to Bid Re: Transfer Station – 2 Concrete Pads & Relocate 2                       Buildings

Transfer Station Kevin Jolicoeur prepared an Invitation to Bid plus specification sheet and a copy of the Transfer Station site plan for the installation of two concrete pads for two of the buildings at the Transfer Station.

K.   Planning Board: Sustainable Communities Initiative Grant Application

The Board signed a letter to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the sustainable communities’ initiative for New Hampshire Regional Planning Commissions.

V.       Announcements

The Board regretfully accepted a letter of resignation from Lisa Babcock, Planning Board Administrative Assistant.  A help wanted advertisement should be out by the end of this week.

VI.     Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
  • Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes of May 3, 2010, May 10, 2010, May 18, 2010, May 24, 2010 and June 1, 2010
  • Selectmen’s Nonpublic Meeting minutes of May 3, 2010, May 18, 2010, May 24, 2010 and June 1, 2010
Chairman McCarthy motioned to accept the May 3, 2010 Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes as written.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

Selectman Thayer motioned to accept the May 10, 2010 Public Meeting minutes as written.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to accept the May 18, 2010 Nonpublic and Public Meeting minutes as written.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

Selectman Thayer motioned to accept the Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes of May 24, 2010 as written.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to accept the Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes of June 1, 2010 as written.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

VII.     Reports from Department Heads
VIII.   Other Business
  • Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
Payroll Manifest

The Board reviewed an email from Kimberly Hughes, Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator stating that it came to her attention that Emergency Management Director Larry Foote requested to not receive payment for 20.75 hours he worked for the Town.  When Hughes questioned him it was apparent that Foote is making a concerted effort toward not over expending his Town budget and would rather expend his payroll budget for the office clerk and deputy as both are busy with training courses to achieve NIMS compliance.  Hughes included Foote’s payroll in this payroll cycle.  The Board agreed with Hughes to pay Foote for his time for his work as Emergency Management Director.

The Board approved and signed the Payroll Manifest for the pay period of August 1, 2010 to August 14, 2010.  

The Board signed a Notice of Intent to Excavate on 185 South Main Street, owner Stephen Early, SPE Real Estate, LLC.

Fire Department Requisition

The Board reviewed the requisition for the purchase of a Mod 62 1/2AI-GX390 pump.  This is a replacement pump for the one damaged by the storm.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to accept the bid for the purchase of the MOD 62 1/2AI-GX390 pump for $3,695 from O’Keefe Equipment.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

The Board signed the MS-5 Financial Statements prepared by the Town’s Auditors, Vachon & Clukay.  

The Board signed a cover sheet for the Town’s Personnel Polices and Procedures.

The Board approved a Veteran’s Credit effective 2011.

The Board signed and approved the Vendor Manifest totaling $56,613.66 dated August 16, 2010.

IX.    Adjourn                          

Chairman McCarthy motioned to adjourn at 10:20pm.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                        Respectfully Submitted,

                                                        Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager