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December 21, 2009 Board of Selectmen Minutes

December 21, 2009

  • Call to Order
Chairman McCarthy called the meeting to order at 5:37pm.  In attendance were Chairman Trisha J. McCarthy, Selectman Raymond D. Thayer, Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and BOS Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The meeting was video taped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Chairman McCarthy motioned at 5:38pm to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) – Code Enforcement and Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) – Transfer Station.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Roll Call Vote: Chairman McCarthy – yes; Selectman Thayer – yes; Selectman Donovan – yes.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to close the nonpublic session at 6:03pm.  Per unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce that Code Enforcement will be looking into alleged home business sign violations and the Transfer Station Manager will be checking references on an applicant that applied for a position at the Transfer Station.

  • Introduction of Guests
  • Old Business
        A.      Cont review of the proposed 2010 Budgets

Solid Waste Disposal budget

Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicouer handed out his proposed budget with backup documentation for the Board’s review and comment.

Jolicouer discussed when reviewing the budget he found the compactor box rental budget to be lower than what was budgeted and after researching it found that his numbers were correct therefore this line item has been reduced.  Chairman McCarthy asked if this was due to the fee free weekend; Jolicouer responded that all charges from the fee free weekend are paid out of a separate warrant article.  Other cost savings discussed were using the Highway Department to smash down the contents of the containers which extends it up to a week and is saving so much money.

Jolicouer added that recycling has increased and he is pushing for a usage of 40% recycling from the town.  Tire Removal reduced for many wait to bring them to the fee free weekend therefore they are paid out of the special warrant article funded for this purpose.

Selectman Donovan motioned to accept the 2010 Transfer Station budget for a total of $428,308.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote:  Unanimous.

Resident Gus Medeiros asked about the town holding another Hazardous Waste Day for he feels residents are throwing it into the trash.  It was explained to Mr. Medeiros that in the past the town participated in a joint effort with Kingston but the town did not feel it is appropriate to allocate funds when the town’s participation was very low.  Another issue is the town would have to host a Hazardous Waste Day and we do not have a location to handle the activity, although hazardous material is an ongoing problem.

Chairman McCarthy asked for Jolicouer to keep his eyes and ears open in case there is an opportunity to be had in this area.   Jolicouer talked about some of the hazardous material that he has onsite such as fluorescent bulbs and the high cost to dispose of them.  Jolicouer added that he will look into any grant opportunities that might be available for recycling and hazardous waste.

Mr. Medeiros spoke about his concern on the Country Pond catch basin that has never been cleaned and his concern for there is a lot of runoff into Country Pond.  Another issue is the Wilders Grove Boat Ramp which also allows for a lot of runoff into Country Pond.  Chairman McCarthy replied that Road Agent Mike Pivero will be addressing a water quality structure for an area near the Pond later in the meeting.

Police Department budget

The Board reviewed this budget at a previous meeting which was not approved at that time for the figures for the health insurance had not been finalized.  The Board had no further questions.

Selectman Thayer motioned to accept the 2010 Police Department budget as amended at $650,788.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Vote: Unanimous.
Conservation Commission budget

Chairman McCarthy stated that she was not present at the Conservation Commission meeting when the budget was approved but was told by the Chair of the Conservation of the increase to the Consultant Fees due to increased activity.

Selectman Donovan motioned to accept the total of $3,917 for the Conservation Commission 2010 budget.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote:  Unanimous.

Executive budget

Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley spoke on this budget with the increase to cover the 2009 approved merit raises and funding for some overtime for next year which generally happens during budgeting season.  

Chairman McCarthy motioned to approve the 2010 Executive budget of $191,399.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

Tax Maps

The Board read a memo from the Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley informing them of her conversation with Cartographic Associates to clean up and reprint our current tax maps so that all of the dimensions, map numbers, street numbers and acreage are legible for a cost of $5,000.  Per State Law the town is required to keep the maps up to date and legible.  The option of paying for this out of this year’s budget or next was discussed and the Board asked for Wrigley to have Cartographics draw up a contract agreement.

Copier Lease

The Board reviewed a memo from Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley outlining options for a new copier, printer, scanner, duplexer machine for the Town Hall.  Wrigley explained the difficulties the Town Hall is facing with the current copier and the need to replace it with one that all operating systems can see.  Three options were reviewed; one reconditioned Kyocera/Copystar CS-5035 /Digital Copier (50 copies per minute) for $1,944 per year, 36 month lease, a new Kyocera/Copystar CS-420i Digital Copier (42 copies per minute) for $4,272.00 per year, 36 month lease and a new Kyocera/Copystar CS-520i Digital Copier (52 copies per minute) for $4,560.00 per year, 36 month lease.  TA, Wrigley’s recommendation is to purchase the new Kyocera/Copystar CS-420i Digital Copier, 42 copies per minutes with the addition 3,000 sheet large cassette for an additional $27 per month.  This machine has the USB “Documents on the Go” capability which would allow us to perform our document retention and provides colored scanning.  For a difference of $2,328 per year, Wrigley feels that this machine is a far better choice and will meet the needs of the Town Hall.

Selectman Donovan questioned if Wrigley received three bids for this purchase/lease per the Purchase Policy.  Wrigley responded that she contacted the company that works with the Police Department and Planning Board and just today received a quote from the town’s current vendor.  Selectman Donovan questioned if we received a price to purchase versus a lease agreement.  Wrigley responded that she did not get a price to purchase for the lease agreement includes all the maintenance, parts and toner and to purchase it outright you would see an additional expense for these items.  The Board decided for Wrigley to get a couple more lease/purchase proposals for next Monday’s meeting from other companies in the area.

Insurance budget

This budget includes the Property Liability and Public Officials/Surety Bond, Workers’ Comp Ins, Provident Insurance for Fire and Police Department and Disability and Unemployment Compensation.

Selectman Donovan motioned to accept the 2010 Insurance budget of $73,780.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

Planning Board budget

The Board reviewed an email from the Planning Board that they are in favor of reducing the legal line item within their budget by $3,000.00.

Selectman Thayer motioned to accept the 2010 Planning Board budget as amended totaling $50,158.00.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

        B.  Hazard Mitigation Plan

Office Manager Winglass informed the Board that all completed prioritized projects have been received from the Department Heads for the Boards review when completing the Hazard Mitigation Action Plan.  The Board asked for the project list to be tallied for the next Selectmen’s Meeting.

        C.  New Resident Sticker Samples

The Board reviewed an email from Rydin Decal with a purchase price for new resident stickers.  For a quantity of 4,000 stickers the purchase price is $980.00 or .245 each plus shipping.  Chairman McCarthy signed the quote in order to process the order immediately.  

Selectman Donovan motioned to accept the price of $980.00 or .245 each plus shipping from Rydin Decal for the quantity of 4,000 stickers for the transfer Station.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

        D.  Review 2010 Statistical Update contract

The Board reviewed a memo from Town Administrator informing the Board that all outstanding issues surrounding the contract have been resolved.  In as far as a work station for John McSorley the town will open the public computer for his use on Fridays to access the live data.  Wrigley added that the town will produce a copy of the sales for McSorley in order to be able to analyze the data.  Sales cards are printed with the deeds and a copy will be given to McSorley so he can work on the information.  Printing the cards at the end of the update will be done outside of the Town Hall.  

John McSorley of McSorley, Consulting was present and agreed to the terms as outlined by Wrigley.  The only other issue is to have a telephone line in the Main Hall in order to hold hearings with the residents which will be done for it is the town’s responsibility.

Wrigley added that the State of NH Department of Revenue approved the contract however they are recommending the town complete their next review of the credits and exemptions in 2010 to coincide with the update.  The Board agreed to review the credits and exemptions in 2010.  

Selectman Thayer motioned to accept the 2010 Statistical Contract as updated for John McSorley Consulting.  Second by Chairman McCarthy.  Discussion:  The contract amount changed from $49,000 to $45,000.  Vote: Unanimous.

The Board and John McSorley signed a revised Statistical Update Contract.

IV.    New Business
        1.  Town Assessor Andrea Lewy Re: 2010 Assessing Contract

The Board decided to look over the Town Assessor’s 2010 contract to be discussed at their next meeting.

The Board took a five minute recess.

        2.  2010 Proposed Warrant Articles

The Board reviewed the “new warrant articles” as submitted from the Department Heads.  

Emergency Management

EMD Director Larry Foote and Deputy Michael Giordano were present to review the three warrant articles submitted from their department.  The first article is for the sum of $12,000 for the operation of the Newton Emergency Management Agency to obtain the required Federal Emergency Management Agency and State of New Hampshire certifications and the purchase and replacement of necessary equipment.  It was discussed that the funding would expire at the end of the year 2010.

The second article is to create an expendable trust fund for $7,500 for EM Equipment and Training Fund.  The discussion included the need to know the RSA this fund falls under and if the EMD can be appointed the Agents to expend the funds.  After further consideration, the Board changed the agents to spend to the Board of Selectmen and asked TA, Wrigley to check on the State Law that allows for this fund to exist for this purpose.  

The third article is to raise the sum of $1,750 to purchase emergency equipment, office supplies and training materials for Newton’s voluntary “Citizens Emergency Response Corp”.  After reviewing the article, the Board of Selectmen asked to combine both the second and third articles into one and to include the word “new” before voluntary to let the voters know that this is a new emergency response team.  TA, Wrigley will check with DRA on the wording of these articles.

Highway Department

Road Agent Mike Pivero was present to discuss his proposed warrant articles (2) that are duplicates from last year only the number changed to show the updated figure of the 2010 Block Grant from the State.

Fire Department

The Board reviewed two warrant articles proposed from the Fire Department

The first is to raise $30,000 for the purchase of a cardiac monitor.  After a discussion on this purchase, the Board asked to invite Chief Ingalls to the next meeting to explain this piece of equipment.

The second warrant article is to establish a revolving fund for the purpose of funding the future purchase of an ambulance and or medical equipment.  All revenues received for ambulance transports will be deposited into the fund and shall be allowed to accumulate from year to year.  Such funds may be expended only for the purpose for which the fund was created.  The Board had multiple questions on the cost of transports and the hiring of a firm to do the billing and how is the fee paid to the firm for their services.  Again the Board decided that they needed more information from Fire Chief Bill Ingalls at the next meeting.


The Board reviewed a warrant article to appoint a Town Treasurer.  After reviewing the wording they asked to include the date when this would be in affect.  

Full time 40 hour per week Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer

The Board reviewed the wording and asked for the article to include that all fees are returned to the General Fund.

Part time Permit Clerk

The Board reviewed the wording to hire a permit clerk for the Department of Building Safety; Office Manager Winglass offered the suggestion to change it from a permit clerk to a Secretary/Clerk to be used by the Building Inspectors Office as well as the Selectmen’s Office.  Currently the Selectmen’s Office works for/with the Building Inspectors Office on a daily basis therefore it would be appropriate for this use.  Selectman Donovan was not in favor of the change to the title.

Five member Board of Selectmen

The Board decided not to put in an article for this purpose.

Recreation Commission – part time Recreation Director

The Board discussed that the Recreation members do not have a lot of time to handle the events sponsored by the Recreation Commission.  Selectman Donovan questioned whether this position is to be combined with the duties of the Swim Director.  The Board asked to invite in the Chairman of the Recreation Commission to the next meeting.

Social Service Warrant Articles

The Board discussed that the town will now be voting separately on each social service warrant article.  Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley informed the Board that three of the social services increased their request for funding in 2010; Wrigley asked if the Selectmen will support the increase or ask them to stay at level funding.

        3.  2009 Encumbrances and Carry-Overs

Highway Department

Present was Road Agent Mike Pivero who explained his requests for (2) encumbrances.

Brox Industries to purchase up to 800 ton based upon what is ever left at the end of the year.  The tonnage number is high and will be close to the number left in the budget at the end of the year.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to approve the purchase for up to 800 tons of paving at $61.40 per ton from Brox Industries of Dracut, Massachusetts.  Second by Selectman Thayer.   Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to encumber up to $49,120 for the purchase of paving materials from Brox Industries, if funds are available.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote:  Unanimous.

Road Agent Mike Pivero explained his second request to encumber funds for a water quality structure on Marcoux Road.  The culvert in Marcoux Grove has been flooding for many years and the plan for next year is to extend it to an outfall.  We cannot discharge into an open body until it goes through a septor.  

Chairman McCarthy motioned to approve a requisition from the Road Agent to Rinker Materials Concrete Pipe Divisions for the sum of $9,680 for a water quality structure for Marcoux Road.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to encumber $9,680 for a water quality structure for Marcoux Road from Rinker Materials, if funds are available.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.  

4.  Review bids for the printing of the 2009 Annual Town Report

Office Manager Winglass will prepare a spreadsheet for the Board to review at the next meeting.

5.  Gale Library Re: Replacement of the oil tank and oil line

The Board decided to hold off from approving this purchase until next year and to put it at the top of next year’s project list.

        6.  Per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated donations to the Newton  Food Pantry in the amount of $170.00 from Melissa Khalk, Newton Turkey Trot 5K  Race; $200.00 from Video Care & Repair Paul & Carol Szot; $300.00 from Richard  & Lisa Fortin; $200.00 from Eugene and Marie Tolman.

Chairman McCarthy motioned per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated donations to the Newton Food Pantry in the amount of $170.00 from Melissa Khalk, Newton Turkey Trot 5K Race; $200.00 from Video Care & Repair Paul & Carol Szot; $300.00 from Richard & Lisa Fortin; $200.00 from Eugene and Marie Tolman.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

        7.  2010 Selectmen’s Meeting schedule

Office Manager Winglass asked the Board of any scheduling changes for their 2010 meeting schedule.  Chairman McCarthy discussed changing the meeting day from Monday to Wednesdays in order to keep us legal when signing the vendor and payroll manifest and abatements.  Selectman Donovan was not in favor of changing the meeting schedule to Wednesdays; Selectman Thayer was in agreement with changing the schedule.  No decision was made.

        8.  Deputy Warden Re-Appointment Form for Dale Putnam and Keith Bertogli

Chairman McCarthy motioned to sign the Deputy Warden Re-appointment Forms for Dale Putnam and Keith Bertogli for appointments as Deputy Forest Fire Wardens.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

The Board signed a Forest Fire Report/Bill totaling $2,400 for permits issued by the Fire Department in 2009.

        9.  Transfer Station Holiday Hours

The Board decided for the Holiday hours at the Transfer Station to be the same as the Town Hall hours for December 24th and December 31st.  The hours on December 24th are 8am to 12pm and December 31st from 8am to 2pm.  A discussion ensued as to whether the employees are paid when the town closes early; the Board agreed that employees are to use their PTO, vacation or holiday time to offset leaving early.  

The Board reviewed a request from Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicouer asking to carry over his PTO time since he has not had a Lead Attendant to take over the running of the Transfer Station when he takes a day off.

Selectman Donovan motioned to carry over any PTO hours remaining at the end of the year for Transfer Station Manager Kevin Jolicouer.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

     V.        Announcements
  • Thursday, December 24th Town Offices open from 8am to 12noon; Thursday, December 31st Town Offices open from 8am to 2pm
  • Last day to submit Petition Warrant Articles is Tuesday, January 12, 2010; Public Hearing on budget is Monday, January 18, 2010 at the Town Hall at 7pm
  • First day for candidates to file for candidacy is January 20, 2010; Last day to file is January 29, 2010.
VI.     Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
VII.     Reports from Department Heads
  • Town Administrator Re: Approved Economic Development Program for Puzzle Lane Industrial Park
Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley announced that the town has been approved for the Economic Development Program and will contact Coleman McDonough of Puzzle Lane.  

The Board signed a requisition for to pay the balance due on a new cruiser equipment package totaling $5,103.47.  A balance in this year’s budget makes it possible to make this payment at this time.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to approve the payment of $5,103.47 to 2-Way Communications for the balance due on a new cruiser equipment package.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

Payroll Manifest

The Board reviewed the backup time sheets for the Building Department payroll and had some questions on some of the entries.  Selectman Thayer is to contact Ron LeMere to speak with him about these entries and if need be to have him come in to a Selectmen’s meeting.

Eastern Seaboard Nextel Cellular Lease Agreement

Office Manager Winglass informed the Board that she received an updated agreement for year 2010 with no change to the cost.

Chairman McCarthy motioned to sign a Nextel Cellular Lease Agreement with Eastern Seaboard for a total of 12 months with a cost of $60 per month.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Vote: Unanimous.

VIII.      Other Business
IX.         Adjourn

Selectman Thayer motioned to adjourn at 10:10pm.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Unanimous.

                                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                                Mary B. Winglass, BOS Office Manager