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May 18, 2006 Board of Selectmen Agenda
The Board of Selectmen recessed the May 15th meeting at 8:15pm due to the weather and agreed to reconvene on May 18, 2006 at 8pm.


May 15, 2006

The Newton Board of Selectmen will be holding a public meeting on Monday, May 15, 2006 at the Newton Town Hall. The Board will open the public meeting at 6:30 PM and then promptly go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) & (b) – Transfer Station and (b) – Road Crew.  

The Public Meeting will resume at approximately 7:00pm.

Call to Order
Introduction of Guests
·       Newton Watch to present “Child Watch” Street Signs

Old Business
A.      Continued discussion on the Discretionary Preservation Barn Easement for 26 Merrimac Road
B.      Notice of Award for the Intersection Improvements on Peaslee Crossing & Smith Corner Road and a State of NH Dept of Transportation Driveway and Excavation Permit
C.      Continued discussion of proposed ordinances review
D.      Continued discussion of the addendum to the Solid Waste Contract

New Business
A.      Request from resident David Ducharme to be appointed as a Solid Waste Task Force Committee member
B.      Request from resident Laura Bertogli to be appointed as a member of the Family Mediation Board of Directors
C.      Letter from State of NH Department of Safety RE: (18) Portable Radio Allocation
D.      Discussion of Fire Alarm Systems for Town Hall and the Central Fire Station
·       Memorial Day Parade, Tuesday, May 30th at 6:30pm starting at the Elementary School.
Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
·       Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes of April 17, 2006
·       Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes and Public Hearing minutes of May 1, 2006

Reports from Department Heads
Review of Action Items
Gary F. Nelson, Ch.
John P. Ulcickas
Robert S. Donovan, Jr.
                                                BOARD OF SELECTMEN
Posted 5/11/2006: Newton Town Hall, Newton & Newton Jct. Post Office & Rowe’s Corner Store