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December 21, 2006 Board of Selectmen Agenda

December 21, 2006

The Newton Board of Selectmen will be holding a public meeting on Thursday, December 21, 2006 at the Newton Town Hall at 5pm.

Call to Order
Introduction of Guests
Old Business
A.      Review of the 2007 proposed budgets, default budget and warrant articles
B.      Police Department request to carry-over PTO hours

New Business
A.      American Medical Response Re: Extension of Agreement

Accept Minutes of Selectmen Meetings
Reports from Department Heads
·       Discussion with the Safety Complex Building Committee and the Town Treasurer Re: Safety Complex Building

Review of Action Items
Gary F. Nelson, Ch.
John P. Ulcickas
Robert S. Donovan, Jr.
                                         BOARD OF SELECTMEN

Posted 12/20/06: Newton Town Hall, Newton Post Office & website at