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September 14, 2015 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: MONDAY September 14,  2015


  • Call to Order:  Acting Chairperson Sue Milner called the meeting to order at 7 PM
  • In Attendance were Mrs. Milner; Bob Faghan; Chairperson Annie Collyer, by phone; and at 7:30, Steve St. Cyr.  Ms. Collyer declared the meeting an emergency because of the pressing need to plan for Town Day on October 3, therefore making a quorum to include a call-in by phone.  Once Mr. St. Cyr arrived, the emergency status was no longer in effect.
  • Introduction of Guests:  Angela McVey, Girl Scout Leader;  Rick Bailey, Boy Scout Leader
  • Approval of Minutes:  Mr. Faghan made a motion, seconded by Ms. Collyer, to accept the minutes of August 30 as written.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Trails:  Mrs. McVey reported that her Scouts have completed a pdf of the Peanut Trail, and Amanda McVey has made a brochure as well.  The public will be able to access the link from their phones with a free app.  She reported that mapping the Greenie trails has been more challenging, with some of the trails shifting with different users, and some not marked as clearly as she would like.  However, the pdf of the trails has been done as well, and Mrs. McVey offered to buy some spray paint to add additional blazes for some of the trails.  She is hopeful that the Board of Selectmen will consider allowing off-road vehicles on all trails at certain scheduled times, so that the trails will get a lot of use and remain clearly marked.  The Commission will make some recommendations for the Board of Selectmen to consider in coming months.  
  • The Scouts plan to follow through with the following:  Marshal House Trail in the Spring, pursuit of new benches on Greenie trails, and obtaining a possible permanent large trail map to put in place at Greenie Park.
  • Town Beach:  no news
  • Greenie Park: Sanborn Football asked to use Greenie Park as a part of their Reach the Beach event.  Ms. Collyer made a motion to recommend that the Board of Selectmen approve their application.  Seconded by Mrs. Milner, the motion passed unanimously.
  • Town Day:
  • Publicity  :  Ms. Collyer stated that the following publicity has now been put in place:  Flyers on the Town Website with links to online registration; notices on Facebook and articles in the Carriage Town News; and flyers going out through the schools.  In addition, she has requested that Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley arrange for Tony to put a notice on the Town Bulletin Board.  Mr. Faghan will put up flyers around town, and Mrs. Milner will put up the yard signs both around town and on Route 125.
  • 5 K Race:  Neither t-shirts nor trophies have yet been ordered.  Mrs. Milner will check on the delivery time for the trophies and order in time to obtain them for October 3.  Similarly, Ms. Collyer will check on the fulfillment and delivery time for the T-shirts and order  both as late as possible so that custom sizing is possible for early registrants, and in time for the Race on October 3, with 'large' sizing for all the 50 unknown at time of ordering.  Ms. Collyer will dig in further with the timing company,  and with her mentors Jaimie Bezanson and Wendy Takesian how to layout the race loop on race day, what time the timers will arrive and how best to coordinate with them.
  • Vendors;  Mr. Faghan reported that there are currently 4 paid vendors, with a total of 15 craft vendors who have indicated they will be paying.  In addition there are 9 businesses who will have vendor booths.  There are also 10 town organizations and non-profits who will be having booths at no charge.  Included in the numbers are 6 sponsors, who will be announced throughout the day, and whose names will appear on a banner at the bandstand, as well as obtain mention on Facebook and in articles in the Carriage Town News as thanks for their support.  Ms. Collyer made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Milner, that Recreation spend up to $125 for a banner.  Mr. Faghan will check to see whether there is a local vendor who can make the banner, and if not, suggested we order from Vistaprint.  He will obtain an invoice so that the order can be placed.  The timing will depend on the fulfillment date and lead time for delivery, and will be as late as possible so as to include all sponsors.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Mapping Space:  Because each vendor booth will be 10' x 10', with 20' between rows and 20' behind each row, the total space to be taken up by vendors will be approximately 80' x 180'.  Mrs. Milner will email Ms. Collyer the spreadsheet of the room for each of the other exhibits, and Ms. Collyer will layout a proposed grid for the day, and email to all members for input and ideas, to be finalized at the next meeting on September 28.  Mrs. Milner suggested that sponsors be placed to be visible to the runners.  Chief Streeter has provided a map for the area to be used at 8 Merrimac, and he has offered to help with the layout for the day.
  • Other events and exhibits:
  •         Mrs. Milner reported that an initial check for $400 is being sent out to Party Vision for the Extreme Combo, which will take up a 40' x 40' space and requires 2 volunteers, room to drive to place the equipment and 20 Amp power.  
  •         Mrs. Milner said the check is being sent to Zoo Creatures.
  •         Mrs. Milner said that the Bouncy House Obstacle Course takes up 68' and is not sure of the width or the amperage.  Ms. Collyer will check.  
  •         Mrs. Milner said that the pyrotechnics paperwork is done and submitted.  They will be in a roped off area marked Venue on Chief Streeter's map.  
  • Movie Night and Fireworks:  Mrs. Milner said the Movie will most likely start at 6:45 PM, with the fireworks following.  Ms. Collyer said that Ms. Wrigley needs to know the area to be treated by Dragon Mosquito and she will call Ms. Wrigley in the morning to learn just what the Board of Selectmen wants sprayed:  the whole area or only the movie and fireworks viewing area after dark.  Ms. Collyer will work with Ms. Wrigley to come up with a viable plan.  The Commission agreed that HOME is the best choice of recent releases for the movie.
  • Portatpotties:  Mrs. Milner said the invoice has arrived from Triangle.
  • Bands:  Mrs. Milner said that the S & P Sound, the Sound Engineers, need to be between 10' and 20' from the power source.  She said that Selectman Ex-Officio Matt Burrill, who was unable to attend the meeting, has lined up the following bands:  Emily Stephan, DRM Bands, One and Done and No Limit.
  • Ms. Collyer made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Milner, that we spend up to $200 for 9 pizzas and water for the bands and all-day volunteers.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • Ms. Collyer said that we will also need to apportion money for the runners for water and granola bars after the race, and that she thought we could deal with that at our next meeting when we have a better grasp on the number of participants.  Mr. St. Cyr suggested bananas as well.
  • Halloween:  Rick Bailey said that Troop 91 will once again put on a Halloween Party for Newton children at the Memorial School, on October 30.  He has the necessary signoffs from the police and fire departments.  He presented an invoice for $250 for the DJ and asked that Recreation once again buy 12 $10 Walmart gift cards for prizes.  Ms. Collyer made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Milner, that Recreation spend $370 from the Special Events line item for the DJ and gift cards for the Boy Scout-sponsored Halloween Party.  The motion passed unanimously.  Ms. Collyer noted that Recreation has allocated an additional $30 in its budget and asked what else we could help with.  Mr. Bailey will check with Westville Grand Rental on the cost of the popcorn popper and if appropriate will submit an invoice for that as well.
  • Bailey said that advertising will be done as usual on Facebook , through Memorial School and with flyers.
  • Announcements: none
  • Other Business: none
  • Correspondence: none
  • Adjournment:  Ms. Collyer made a motion, seconded by Mr. St. Cyr, that the meeting be adjourned.  With a unanimous vote, Mrs. Milner adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Annie Collyer,