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November 20, 2013 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Wednesday, November 20, 2013
TIME: 7:00PM

  • Call to Order:7:00pm
  • In Attendance: Annie Collyer: Chair, Marilyn Landry, Sally Woodman: Members, Diane Morin: Secretary
  • Introduction of Guests: Cathy Nickola: Resident
  • Approval of Minutes: Minutes from November 6, 2013
Woodman motioned to accept the minutes as written.   Landry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Scheduled Business:
  • Town Beach:
  • Swim line Permit:  Morin spoke with Valerie McDonald from the state marine division to get an update.  Morin was told it is still under review by the Sergeant at the division.  McDonald doesn’t see any problem with the request.
  • Response from Kevin Flanagan BBQ at beach and lifeguard: Morin sent an email asking about lifeguards, BBQ and movie night at the beach.  She was concerned about the town’s liability if no lifeguards are present.  Kevin Flanagan recommends that if we have no lifeguards we have the required signage in place.
Collyer explained to Nickola the reasons for no lifeguards.  Nickola asked about the electricity at the beach. The response was it will be there just not turned on.  The same goes for the phone as well.
  • Collyer reviewed the options the YMCA swim program.  The Haverhill YMCA is offering to hold swim lessons at the town beach for $1408.16.  The classes will be held for preschool children at the town beach.  Older students will be referred to the YMCA’s program in Haverhill. Below is the breakdown of the cost:
Salaries for Instructors:       4.5 hours per week for 2 instructors for 4 weeks plus one
                                Hour weekly per instructor for swim lesson curriculum
                                At an hourly rate of $16.00 per hour    $704
                                Taxes (29% of salaries)                 $204.16
                                Insurance Fee                           $250
                                Equipment if needed                     $250
                                TOTAL                                   $1408.16
There will be 4, 30 minute,  classes per day per instructor.  

  • Budget Review:
  • Work on 2014 budget: The commission worked on the 2014 budget and will present the budget to the BOS on Tuesday November 26, 2013.  The overall 2014 budget recommendation is $40216.
  • Update on playground equipment: no updates
  • Greenie Park Update:
  • Natural Playgrounds Update: We received the preliminary design.  The commission reviewed the plans and was pleased with the outcome.  The design does limit the parking and this issue will need to be addressed.  Nickola stated that during baseball season that parking is an issue. Another idea was to have a wall for the game Wall Ball.  Woodman asked if the berm near the ball field could be double sided so people could sit on either side and watch the ball game or the playground.  Collyer will ask the designer to incorporate a double sided berm.
  • Senior Events
  • Holiday Luncheon at Roma’s: Collyer ordered the poinsettias.
  • Trails:
  • Update: No update
  • Planning Year End event:
  • Collyer described the possibility of having a golf tournament fund raiser at Haverhill Country Club. She explained that through sponsors, players and raffles we could possible make a minimum of $9000. The proceeds will be used to offset the cost of revitalizing Greenie Park.   A deposit of $300 to hold the date is needed.
Collyer motioned to recommend to the BOS that $300 be taken out of the special program budget line item and be used as a deposit for a fund raiser golf tournament to be held on October 6, 2014 at the Haverhill Country Club.  Landry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Collyer also looked at having a dinner dance at the club for town residents.   This would not be a fund raiser.  The dates available for the event are May 3, 10 & 17.  There is no minimum number of people that we would need to have.  We would have a dinner and DJ.  The price would be $35 or $40 per person depending on the meal chosen.  To offset some of the cost the commission would pay $10 a person from the Special Program budget line item.
Collyer motioned to recommend to the BOS that $300 be taken out of the special program budget line item and be used as a deposit for a dinner dance to be held on May 3,  2014 at the Haverhill Country Club.   Landry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Collyer discussed holding a roller skating outing over the holiday break.  Morin reported the cost to hold the event is around $350 but could be more depending on the number of participants.  Morin will get in touch with Skateland in Haverhill to see what dates are available between December 26- 30, 2013.
Collyer motioned to recommend to the BOS a roller skating outing to be held at Skateland in Haverhill between December 26-30, 2013.  The cost is not to exceed $500. Landry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Announcements:
  • Other Business:
  • Senior warrant article:  After discussion the commission will submit a warrant article for $4000 to support outings for senior residents in the town.
  • Greenie Park: After discussion the commission decided to place a warrant article to cover renovations at the park.  The warrant article will be for $30000.  This will help cover expenses that will significantly improve the function and appearance of the park.
  • Correspondence:
  • Adjournment: 9:30pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane M Morin