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December 18, 2013 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Wednesday December 18, 2013
TIME: 7:00PM


Call to Order: 7:05
In Attendance: Annie Collyer, Chairman; Diane Morin, Secretary; John Neveux and Sally Woodman members
Introduction of Guests: Brian Theirrien, second director of the Boys & Girls Club of Haverhill, Mass.  
  • Approval of Minutes: Minutes from December 4, 2013
Collyer motioned to accept the minutes as written.  Woodman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Scheduled Business:
  • Secretary Position: Morin announced her resignation.  She has taken on a full time job.  Theirrien has offered to be treasurer for the group.  He also may know of someone interested in the secretary position.
  • Vice Chair position: Jessica Brasier has unofficially resigned from the commission.  She will be submitting her resignation shortly.
Collyer motioned to accept the Jessica Brasier resignation.  Neveux seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  
  • New Members:
Collyer motioned to recommend to the BOS Brian Theirrien’s membership to the commission.  Woodman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Review of Commission:  Collyer explained what each commission member does and what we need for the future. Morin described what was needed for the Treasurer’s position. Collyer explained the commission’s Revolving Fund and how money goes in and out. Collyer also explained what the Natural Playgrounds concept was in detail and how it is the only one of its kind in the United States. Collyer also explained the steps the commission has taken thus far and what has been discussed with the BOS.
Grant Writing: Neveux explained the process for getting a grant for Greenie Park.  Theirrien will have Julie Ward, who works with him; contact Neveux to help with finding an appropriate grant and with the grant application.  
Budget Review: Collyer reviewed the budget and we have about $800 left in the 2013 budget which will go back to the General Fund.
Trails Update:  Collyer sent an email to the High School asking if they would be willingly to help with signage for the trails.  She is still waiting to hear back from them.  If no response by February 1, 2014, Theirrien will see if he can help out.
  • Greenie Park Update:
Natural Playgrounds Update: Collyer explained the idea behind hiring Natural Playgrounds to the Theirrien.  We are asking the BOS to approve paying $12000 for a full master plan to them as they are a sole source for this type of playground design.   We are still waiting to go in front of the BOS.  Their meeting has been postponed to December 23, 2013.  
Bid process:  We need to wait on the BOS to make a decision about Natural Playgrounds as the designer for Greenie Park.
  • Senior Events:
Holiday Luncheon at Roma’s: It was a success.  We had 64 attendees.  We sent home 6 meals with some attendees to bring to their neighbors.
We are looking to do more luncheons next year.  We are also looking to do other events.
  • 2014 Events:
  • Golf Fund Raiser:
  • 501(C)3 Update: Collyer received an email from the town administrator stating that the town will put a form together stating that donation may be tax deductible.  The TA suggested we use the form for $250 or more.  Morin explained that the town does not need to apply for a 501(C)3 according to documents obtained from the IRS.
  • Collyer spoke about the dinner after the golf.  There would be several choices.  There would be a BBQ lunch and then a dinner.
  • Theirrien suggested some changes to the flyer.  Theirrien suggested we increase the amount on the flyer from $5000 to $10000 for the platinum sponsors.  Collyer explained the cart sponsorship.  We need to look at how to recognize the sponsors.  We could have temporary or permanent signs at Greenie Park.  Revisions were made and Collyer will update the flyer for the next meeting.  She will send it out email and members can response with edits.
  • We can probably get gift cards from major donors like Home Depot, Land Scrappers Depot and such places.  We can accept donation ‘in kind’ in lieu of money.
  • Morin reviewed the list she created for sponsors.  She will email it out to the members for further additions.  
  • Adult Dinner & Dance:
  • Collyer stated that Haverhill Country Club (HCC) will be charging $39-41 per person, which is the discounted cost, for the buffet dinner.  Right now we don’t have an actual cost.  The commission will cover the difference between the actual cost and DJ.  The money will come from the budget line item, Special Programs.
  • DJ: Matt McElroy, from Newton Greenhouse, charges $100 per hour.  He does not require a deposit just confirmation of the event.  He can do 7-11:00pm for $400.  Morin will ask if Matt can do 6-10pm.
  • Theirrien suggested we have a purpose/theme for the event. In his experience themed events go over better.  Members will bring their ideas for the next meeting.  He also proposed we honor Newton resident.  Mary Allen name was mention.  Neveux will contact her to get a bio.  This will be discussed further at the next meeting.
  • Amesbury Skate Park: We received the tickets and Morin will send out the form for the staff at the town hall to use when residents purchase tickets.  Collyer will announce on Facebook.
  • Haverhill Skateland outing: All set.
  • Movie Passes: Collyer recommends that we go for the $6.25 seats and instead of the $7.25 price.  She will speak with the BOS about it.
  • Announcements:
  • Other Business:
  • Meetings will be held on Monday’s starting January 6, 2014 at 7:00pm.
  • Correspondence:
  • Adjournment: 8:55pm
  • Posted on x/x/2013: Newton Town Hall and Newton Town Web Site