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April 24, 2013 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Wednesday April 24, 2013
TIME: 6:30PM


  • Call to Order: DiMercurio called to order at 7:40pm
  • In Attendance:  Sue DiMercurio: Chairperson, Diane Morin: Secretary, Sarah Woodman: Member, Annie Collyer: Member
  • Introduction of Guests: Maia Drucker: Swim Director, Ethan Johnson: Lifeguard Applicant, Lexy Clarkson: Swim Aid Applicant, Elaina Desmarais: Lifeguard Applicant, Rebecca Johnson
  • Approval of Minutes: DiMercurio motioned to accept minutes from April 8, 2013.  Collyer seconded and motion passed unanimously.
  • Scheduled Business:
  • Nonpublic session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b)
  • DiMercurio motioned to go into non-public at 7:45pm to interview candidates’ for Swim Aid and Lifeguard positions.  Collyer seconded.   Roll call taken to vote on motion and passed unanimously.
       DiMercurio      YES
       Woodman YES
Collyer YES
Morin           YES

  • DiMercurio motioned to close the non-public meeting at 8:30pm.   Collyer seconded.   Roll call taken to vote on motion and passed unanimously.
       DiMercurio      YES
       Woodman YES
Collyer YES
Morin           YES
  • DiMercurio opened the public meeting at 8:35pm.
  • Woodman made a motion to make public the non-public meeting minutes just held, April 24, 2013. Collyer seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Update from Swim Director:  Drucker still needs to do the inventory of shed at beach.  She has contacted all applicants for lifeguard and swim aid position.  She will schedule interviews for the remaining candidates for the May 8, 2013 meeting.
  • Ice Skating Outing: Morin reported that the outing is on schedule for Thursday, April 25 from 5:30-6:50pm at the Rinks @ Exeter.
  • Foxwoods Trip:  Trip was cancelled.  Only 16 people signed up.  
  • Indian Head Resort trip:  The deposit for the bus from the cancelled Foxwoods trip will be used towards this trip.  There were discussions around other alternative trips.  The commission will keep the Indian Head Resort trip as schedule until the commission comes up with a different trip.
  • Memorial Day Parade: Collyer asked if parade participants needed to register prior to marching.  DiMercurio stated that we have not required registration in the past and found no need to.  
On May 6, 2013, Brazier, Collyer, Thayer and Morin will meet with the Kingston NH Memorial Day Parade organizer to go over the schedule.  The veterans from Kingston march in our parade then march in Kingston’s parade.  

Morin contacted Tricia McCarthy to see if she was going to create the programs for the service.  McCarthy responded that she is not able to.  Brazier will create the program per our meeting from April 8, 2013.

The Board of Selectmen have not selected a grand marshal for the service.

This year the commission would like to provide water, coffee, and snacks for those marching.  Morin and Woodman will check on prices for 150 people for the refreshments.

DiMercurio motioned to purchase 2 units containing 6 dozen American flags at a price of $8.50 plus shipping and handling per unit from the Oriental Trading Company.  The funds to come from the budget line item, Patriotic Events, account number 4520476.  Woodman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Movie Nights: DiMercurio will contact Heather Borowy for information on the company used for previous movie nights held at Greenie Park.  Two dates where were suggested, July 25 with a rain date of July 26 and August 22 with a rain date of August 23.
  • After Prom Party Donation Request:  The commission received a request from the Sanborn Regional High School, After Prom Party Committee, for donations to be used for door prizes.  
DiMercurio motioned to donate 4 tickets to Water Country.  The funds to come from the budget line item, Special Events, account number 4520100.  Woodman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Rick Bailey:  Collyer will post an endorsement on Facebook to support Rick Bailey as a tennis instructor.  
  • Trails Update: Collyer updated the commission that her calls to the trail committee chair have not been returned.  She was also on the Conservation Committee agenda but they did not meet due to lack of quorum.  She will be meeting with Rick Milner to review the town trails.  Collyer was contacted by Ocsaio’s.  They are looking for ways to perform community services for some of their students.  Because the Recreation Commission does not have authority over the trails, Collyer suggested the town owned land at the beginning of the Peanut Trail and across the street needs cleaning up.  Collyer will inform Ocsaio’s that they can take on that area as a community project.

  • Announcements
  • Other Business
  • Correspondence
  • A request to use Greenie Park for a birthday party was received by the commission via email from the Board of Selectmen’s office.  
DiMercurio motioned to grant permit to use Greenie Park on May 5, 2013 from 1- 3:00pm for 20-25 people pending Board of Selectmen approval and that the permit application has been filed.  Woodman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Adjournment: DiMercurio adjourned meeting at 9:25pm
Posted on 5/9/2013: Newton Town Hall and Official Town Website @

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane M Morin