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April 8, 2013 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Monday April 8, 2013
TIME: 6:30PM


  • Call to Order : Brazier called meeting to order at 6:35pm
  • In Attendance: Jessica Brazier: Vice Chair, Marilyn Landry: Member, Sally Woodman: Member, Ray Thayer: Selectmen Liaison, Diane Morin: Secretary
  • Introduction of Guests:  Maia Drucker: Swim Director, Amanda Langlois, Annie Collyer
  • Approval of Minutes: Landry motion to accept the March 27, 2013 minutes as written.  Woodman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Scheduled Business:
  • Swim Director Update:
  • Drucker reported that last year’s swim aids and lifeguards are interested in returning for the 2013 Swim program.  That would give us 4 swim aids and 2 lifeguards.  Drucker would like to have 6 swim aids and 4 lifeguards.  Drucker will contact the returning employees to let them know they need to fill out an application before April 18, 2013.  She will schedule 15 minute interviews for April 24, 2013 starting at 7:00pm for each applicant so the Commission can meet them.  One interview has already been scheduled for April 24, 2013 at 7:30pm.
  • Drucker and Brazier will meet the week of April 14, 2013 to inventory the equipment at the beach.
  • Beach cleanup date was set for Saturday, June 8, 2013 starting at 11:00am with a rain date of Saturday, June 15, 2013.  The Town Beach will open on Friday, June 21, 2013.
  • The Commission met with Jared Burt for one of the swim aid position.  Upon recommendation from Drucker and Jared’s qualifications the board will move forward and recommend Jared to the BOS.
Brazier motioned to recommend Jared Burt be hired as a Swim Aid, Grade IV, Step 1 to the Board of Selectmen.  Woodman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  

  • Ice Skating outing: Morin reported that all is set for the April 25th ice skating outing at the Rinks @ Exeter.  The Rinks received the check for $375 skaters.
  • Foxwoods outing: Morin reported that only 17 people have signed up for the trip.  In order to break even we need at least 44 people.  
Landry motioned to cancel the trip if by April 12 we do not have 44 people signed up.  Brazier seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Landry motioned to use the bus deposit towards a future trip.  Brazier seconded ant the motion passed unanimously.

  • Indian Head Resort:  Tabled until the Foxwoods trip is confirmed.
  • Memorial Day Parade:  The BOS are still looking for a Grand Marshall.  Thayer reported he has made several calls to local and state official’s requesting their presence to march in the parade.  So far he has received confirmation from State Representative Mary Allen, Richard Gordon and Ken Weyler.  State Senator Nancy Stiles will also be marching.  Thayer is still waiting on John Sununu and US Representative Shea-Porter.
Brazier will contact the Boy Scouts.  She will also contact Newton Greenhouse and enquire as to the cost of boutonnieres and corsages for those officials marching.

Brazier volunteered to create a program for the event.  She would like a final list of names by May 17, 2013.

Langlois informed the Commission that the Ocasio’s True Martial Arts School will participate as well.

Morin noted that the Sanborn HS band will be marching.  Thayer was in contact with the Sanborn HS orchestra to see if they would like to participate.  They would need a vehicle with a flat bed.  

The Commission discussed providing snacks and drinks before the parade for those marching.  

  • Town Day:  Morin and Brazier updated the Commission about their meeting with the BOS concerning Town Day.  The BOS will take up the matter at their next meeting.  They need to decide whether or not they would like to have Town Day with all the departments in conjunction with the PTO 5K run or to have it on a separate day.
Thayer informed the Commission that Robert Ashford will be donating stilts to the Recreation department.

  • Spring Fling:  Brazier explained to the BOS the concept for the Spring Fling.  She informed them that the organizations she had contacted were backing out due to other commitments and for this year there would be no Spring Fling.
  • Newsletter: Brazier discussed the newsletter and that she didn’t think printing out monthly flyers was cost affective and that only people that came into the Town Hall or where the flyers were posted would see the newsletter.  She would like to know who the moderator/s is for the Facebook page that the Recreation Commission uses.  It was suggested she post a message asking who it is.  Brazier expressed concern that the Facebook page is being used by other organizations that are not affiliated with the Recreation.  We need to get moderator privileges in order to get control.
  • Water Country Tickets:  Morin report there were no tickets left from last year. The Commission decided to use the “Special Rate Consignment” program offered by Water Country.  This program does not require any upfront money.  All unused and purchased tickets must be returned by September 13, 2013.
Woodman motioned to order 50 tickets from Water Country to be sold for $27.99 which is the price the Commission is paying.  Brazier seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  

  • Town Wide Yard Sale: Landry shared an announcement that Plaistow had in the paper for their yard sale.  
  • Announcements:
  • Other Business :
  • Plaistow Recreation: Morin and Woodman met with Plaistow’s Recreation Director who explained how Plaistow runs their department.   Christina Cruz, Plaistow Recreation Director, was very helpful.  One suggestion was to put together a spreadsheet with all the residents that have participated in prior events. Another idea was to set the event calendar for the following year.  Plaistow has Friends of the Recreation organization that helps with fund raising.
  • Annie Collyer would like to join the Commission.  
Landry motioned to recommend to the BOS Annie Collyer as a member of the Recreation Commission for 3 year term expiring in April 2016.  Woodman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

  • Town Trails:  Collyer inquired as to which department maintains the trails and was told the Conservation Commission is responsible.  There was discussion on how the Recreation Commission could take over the trails.  Because the Recreation Commission members are new they would like to take time to learn the job. Collyer will contact the Conservation Commission and see what the Recreation Commission can do to help with the trails.
  • Tennis: Collyer would like to see a tennis program started.  The tennis courts at the High School could be used.  Collyer will contact the school to see what needs to be done in order to use the tennis courts.
  • Amanda Langlois from Ocasio’s True Martial Arts is offering a fund raising Martial Arts class free of charge to the Town.  Classes would be for 3 ½ and older and would be on Friday’s for 4 weeks starting, July 19 through August 9.  The Commission would charge $40 and the money collected would go into the Revolving Fund for capital improvements.   Thayer will ask the BOS to use the Town Hall for this program.  The deadline to sign up for the class will be July 12, 2013.  Woodman will ask the Gale Library if they have any summer programs on Fridays.
  • Correspondence:
  • Adjournment: Brazier adjourned the meeting at 8:40pm

Posted on 4/25/2013: Newton Town Hall and Official Town Website @

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane M Morin