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May 22, 2013 Recreation Commission Minutes
DATE: Wednesday May 22, 2013
TIME: 7:00PM


  • Call to Order: DiMercurio called to order at 7:01pm
  • In Attendance:  Sue DiMercurio: Chairperson, Diane Morin: Secretary, Marilyn Landry, Sarah Woodman, Annie Collyer: Members, Ray Thayer: BOS liaison
  • Introduction of Guests:
  • John Neveux resident
  • Emily Luker applicant for lifeguard
  • Approval of Minutes: DiMercurio motioned to accept minutes from May 8, 2013 meeting.  Collyer seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Budget: Bookkeeper update:  Morin explained that the Bookkeeper will be using new software that does not allow for the granularity that is now in place.  Some budget items will be combined. For example, the dumpster used at Greenie Park and the Town Beach will be combined under one account number.  The Commission will still be able to get a breakdown of what is spent by requesting copies of invoices from the Bookkeeper.  The Bookkeeper will also be sending out quarterly reports.
  • Scheduled Business: Swim Director Update:
  • Interviews: Jackson Morton did not attend
  • Interviewed Emily Luker for Lifeguard position.  Emily does not have any of the necessary certifications.  She will be taking the Lifeguard course starting June 8, 2013.  Once she has successfully completed and passed then the Commission will recommend her to be hired.
Collyer motioned to recommend Emily Luker pending successful completion of the Lifeguard waterfront certification to the position of Lifeguard.  Once Emily completes her training, she will then meet with the Commission and sign the contact.  Seconded by DiMercurio and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Beach Inspection: Inspection is still tentatively set for June 10, 2013 in the afternoon.  Morin is still waiting for confirmation from LGC.
  • List of equipment needed for Beach:  DiMercurio will work on the list that the Swim Director provided.
  • Swim lessons signup: DiMercurio passed around the updated registration and flyer that will be used for the swim program.  There were some errors that needed to be corrected.  DiMercurio will make the changes and email to Morin.  Morin will print the registration forms and flyers.
DiMercurio will publish information about swim registration in the Carriage Towne News, Facebook pages, Cable TV, Haverhill Gazette, Town website and the School news letter.
Signups will be held at the Town Beach from 4-7:00pm Monday, June 24 through Thursday, June 27.  DiMercurio will be there on Monday, the 24 and Wednesday, the 26.  Morin will be there on Tuesday, the 25 and Woodman will be there on Thursday, the 27.
  • Town raft/float discussion: Resident John Neveux was present at the meeting to discuss the Town launching the raft at the Town Beach.  He stated that there were many residents that would like to see the raft back in the water.  
Morin explained to Neveux who the LGC was.
Morin read a memo she received from LGC concerning Beach Inspections and raft launching.  Below is what was read:
Beach Inspection Recommendations:
1. Buoy lines separating non-swim and swim areas
~~~~~ - Wading/ non-swim area~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0 – 2 feet of water
~~~~~ - Shallow swim area~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ 0 – 5 feet of water
~~~~~ - Deep water ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > 5 feet of water
2. Buffer zone for other waterfront activities including boating, fishing, scuba, windsurfing etc.
~~~~~ - buoys 100 to 300 feet outside of the swimming area to keep boats out of swim area
3. Diving Boards & Docks~~~~~ - All diving boards need to be inspected by LGC annually
~~~~~ - A min. of 9 feet is suggest for diving off a dock or float (no board) with 10 – 11 feet preferred
~~~~~ - A min. of 11 feet is suggest for a diving board on dock or float (12 best)
~~~~~ - Lifeguard supervision is suggested for diving boards and docks
~~~~~ - Rules & regulations should be posted and enforced for all water structures including diving boards and docks
~~~~~ - Swim tests are recommended prior to participants use
4. Signage~~~~~ - No diving or head first entries
- Parents watch your children
        ~ - Caution – hidden hazards
~~~~~ - Sign inspection (location, information & content)
5. Group Use policy
6. Floatation device / life jacket policy~
(Source: Better Beaches by Tom Griffiths)
Along with this list, the committee needs to consider the need for testing water levels if it is a pond. The water levels need to be tested and documented each week and in time of drought, preferably every day to ensure proper levels of water. This list is NOT ALL INCLUSIVE, as there are many other areas that must be considered.
Your questions also included;
Do you have the rules and regulations available so that we might share this with the residents as well as the commission?
The organization must consider all areas of risk when creating their rules. I typically suggest that if a municipality is taking on an area in which they do not currently have a program that they contact neighboring towns and/or towns that have a similar program to see what has worked well and of course what needs improvement. You must tailor your policy/procedures to your location. We have various workshops and webinars that are of assistance. ~
What would be the Town's liability should someone get hurt?
If the town is doing their “due diligence” and documenting all of their efforts, they would lessen their exposure to negligence/liability.
Are we covered?
In most cases, you would be covered. The law does not require a municipality to guarantee that people using municipal property or taking part in municipal programs will always be safe. HOWEVER….understanding that a majority of claims against municipalities are due to negligence.
Morin further explained that in order to comply with LGC’s rules and regulations there needs to be a set of policies and procedures before the raft can be launched.  And the raft needs to be inspected by LGC.
DiMercurio expressed concerns about having a lifeguard on the raft.  She also was concerned about the safety when the lifeguards are off duty and the beach is closed to the public.  In the past, she has seen individuals out on the raft after the beach is closed trying to flip it over.  Collyer suggested bringing it in every night.  This would probably not be feasible as the raft is anchored.  
The depth of the water surrounding the raft was discussed.  DiMercurio took a reading with her depth finder while on her boat at the mooring ball.  The depth registered 7’ 8”.  We need 9’ at a minimum.  Thayer asked if the raft could be moved out further.  DiMercurio expressed concerns that this would increase the swim area the lifeguards would need to patrol. Morin contacted the NH Marine Patrol to see if there were any rules and/or regulations and in her discussion with them she learned that the town has a permanent permit to put buoys out 100’ from the shoreline and 70’ across. This would allow the raft to be moved further out and still be surrounded by the swim lines.  Below are her notes:
NH Marine Patrol
Valerie McDonald
603-293-2037 x3
I spoke with Valerie about any rules or regulations the town needs to follow for launching the float.  She told me it’s basically using commonsense.  It should be deep enough if you are allowing diving.  It should not present a navigational hazard.  It should be properly identified should it break free.  It needs to be anchored and if possible enclosed by swim lines.
The town needs a permit to put out swim lines.  Valerie confirmed that the town was issued a permanent permit for the swim lines.  The permit is for 100’ from the shoreline, 70’ wide and to enclose the float as well.  We would need to submit an application for a new permit only if we change the swim lines.  IE: increase the distance from the shore.
Collyer suggested we use two swim lines.  We could then have people pass a swim test in order to go beyond the first swim lines.  We will need signage that specifies no raft usage allowed unless lifeguard is on duty.

Neveux asked how many injuries have been reported.  Thayer stated none in his 29 years as a resident.  

DiMercurio is concerned that the raft is not securely anchored.  When in use it tends to move away from shore.  After some further discussion it would need to be anchored from at least 2 points.

Thayer stated that DiMercurio at one time wanted to purchased the raft should it be sold and why would she want to purchase an unsafe raft.  DiMercurio stated that she was no longer interested in purchasing the raft due to liability of individuals using the raft without her knowledge.

Collyer asked the present location of the raft.  DiMercurio told her it is being stored at the salt shed near the transfer station.  

The raft needs repairs to the stairs and anchor points. It has been a while since anyone has look over the raft.  Morin suggested it be inspected to ensure it is repairable.  Neveux is willing to fix the raft.  Morin asked if he has a Certification of Insurance to cover the repair work.  He was unsure if his insurance would cover it.  He will check further into it.  He will need to present a copy of the certificate to the Town.

Landry asked what would be the repercussion if the raft is not launched.  DiMercurio stated that some residents were not happy.  In the past it was used to teach diving.

Thayer asked about the new glassed in signage if it was being used.  DiMercurio stated that it is being used for swim at your own risk signage.

The steps needed to launch the raft are to get policies and procedure in place. Ensure the raft can be repaired.  Have it inspected by LGC.  Move the mooring line out further if needed.  Purchase wrist bands to pass out to swimmers who pass the test.  Signage posted to not use the raft if no lifeguard on duty.

DiMercurio, Collyer and resident volunteer, Neveux, will work on getting the necessary requirements done to launch the raft.

Morin shared that anyone can utilize the LGC web site to obtain more information as well as training.

  • Memorial Day Parade: Collyer will confirm the number of boutonnieres and corsages needed for the parade.
Morin was contacted by the DiFazio’s who own the draft horses.  They would like to be in the parade.  The commission reviewed the problems that was encountered last year and came up with a plan.  Collyer will be at the cemetery to ensure the vehicles park on one side of the road so the horses can get by.
DiMercurio will line up the participants at the Memorial School. She also has music that can be played at the cemetery.
Woodman and Landry will handle refreshments.
Morin will be working for Cable that day.

  • Movie Nights: FunFlicks Outdoor Movies will be supplying the necessary equipment for $528 per night to show movies at Greenie Park on July 28 and August 22.  There is a $59 rain date guarantee which the commission will purchase to ensure rain dates for July 28 and August 25. DiMercurio will get a new contract from the company.
DiMercurio motioned to pay FunFlicks for a 21’ inflatable screen and backyard movie package for July 25, 2013 not exceed $600.  Seconded by Collyer and the motion passed unanimously.

DiMercurio will ask the police department to use the command vehicle for movie nights as Greenie Park does not have lights.

Large bags of popcorn and water will be purchased for movie nights.

Morin will ask the Town Administrator to schedule the maintenance man to pick up the trash the day after movie night.

  • Town Day:  Tabled
  • Update on Requisitions:
  • Water Country Ticket donation; Morin will notify the contact from the After Prom Party that the tickets can be picked up at the Town Hall.
  • Flags for Memorial Day Parade:  Morin reported the flags are in.
  • Fall Senior Outing:  Tabled
  • Canobie Lake Tickets: Morin reported that the tickets are on the way.
  • Signature Authorization: Tabled
  • Trails Update: Collyer previously sent an email with her update.  DiMercurio stated that the Trails Committee does not want the Recreation Commission to organize group activities on the town trails because it would make the town liable.  The trails can be used by residents.  Collyer stated that the RSA state the Recreation Commission does have authority to use the trails in town. Collyer is trying to get the Trails Committee back up and running but needs a letter from the Conservation Committee that allows her to do this.  She is having trouble getting them to answer her back.  Thayer suggested she talk with the Mary Winglass to see if she can be put on the next agenda for the BOS.
  • Announcements:
  • All members need to read and sign the policy for town computer use and social media.
  • All members need to get a background check.  Maia Drucker and Morin have already had theirs done.
  • Other Business :
  • Office supplies needed: Morin requested that the commission purchase a network hub so that the copier can be accessed via the network.  Morin will work with the town IT.  There are 2 different network hubs available from Staples.  The cost would be no more than $60.  The commission agreed to have Morin get the best possible price for the network hub.
Morin informed the Commission that a box of paper has been purchased for the copier.

  • Correspondence:  
  • Dora Brown contacted Morin with a request to use Greenie Park softball field in the summer and if there is another field that could be used.  Brown also asked how much a permit cost.  There is no charge for the permit.  The requestor needs to contact the Newton Baseball and coordinate with them.  Morin will relay the information as well as suggest Brown contact the Sanborn Regional School District to see if the school fields are available.
  • Morin reported that the BOS approved the Ocasio’s fund raiser provided they have a Certificate of Insurance with the Town as an additional insurer.
  • Adjournment: DiMercurio adjourned meeting at 9:00pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Diane M Morin