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April 27, 2011 Recreation Commission Minutes
Recreation Commission
2 Town Hall Rd., Newton, NH 03858
Tel:  382-4405 Ext 13

TIME:  7:00 p.m.


I.      Call To Order:
Chairman Dupuis called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m.  In attendance were Chairman Pauline Dupuis, Secretary Susan DiMercurio, Selectman Liaison, Raymond Thayer, Members—Matt Maskrat and Thomas Hansen.  Guest attendee—Tim Hajjar from T & M Property Maintenance.   Minutes were transcribed and typed by Secretary DiMercurio

  • Approval of Minutes:
Minutes were read from past meeting.

Chairman Pauline Dupuis motioned to accept the Recreation Minutes dated April 13, 2011 as written.  Seconded by Matt Muskrat.  Vote:  Unanimous

  • Business Discussed:
Greenie Park Maintenance Contract Awarded:
Tim Hajjar of T & M Property Maintenance attended meeting so the board could meet him.  Mat Muskrat is to be the Recreation contact for him.  Matt Muskrat to give Tim a master calendar of baseball games for his fertilizing schedule.  Discussion on issues he notices while doing a walk thru with Chairman Dupuis.  Other discussions about painting basketball court and building ice rink took place.

Chairman Pauline Dupuis motioned that Tim Hajjar give us a quote for extra maintenance not covered in the Greenie Park Maintenance Spec’s and which needs to be done for safety reasons.  Seconded by Raymond Thayer.  Vote:  Once the quote is received, it will be brought before the Board of Selectmen for approval.     
        Skateboard Park:
Discussion on expansion of existing area and putting a new piece of equipment into new area.  Secretary DiMercurio to look into any grants that may be available and which have been sent to recreation via email.  Road Agent to be contacted to check out prices of extension material and also to check into fundraising for the piece of new equipment.

Chairman Dupuis motioned to extend the skateboard park an additional 30 feet with the existing material already there.  Seconded by T. Hansen.  Vote: 4 Yes 1 No Motion Passed.
        Picnic Tables and Basketball Court/Hoop
Discussion regarding picnic table for Greenie Park.  Chairman Dupuis found a table from a vender used last year.  M. Muskrat brought up that since the tables that were there have now gone to the public beach, there are no tables currently at the park for Baseball’s opening Day.  Decision was made to purchase two wooden tables.  Baseball  will purchase and Recreation will reimburse.

Chairman Dupuis motioned to 1: Purchase two wooden picnic tables not to exceed $500.00 for Greenie Park, to be purchased by baseball (in time for opening day) and Recreation will reimburse (funds coming out of Greenie Park Supply Line) and 2: To purchase a metal table from Upbeat Site Furnishings costing $950.00 plus tax/sh.  Requisition to be submitted to the Board of Selectmen for approval.  (Funds possibly coming from the revolving checking account) Both motions were seconded by T. Hansen.  Vote:  Unanimous

Discussion also about sprucing up the Basketball court at Greenie Park took place.  Decision to paint court, purchase new hoop with net, and fix backboard has been made.  While T. Hajjar was at meeting, he was asked if he could put up the new hoop once it is purchased and he is able to do this.  He will also see if he can find someone to repaint the lines on the court.

Chairman Dupuis motioned to 1: Purchase a new basketball hoop with net from Gopher catalogue for $179.00 (plus tax/sh).  Requisition to be submitted for approval to the Board of Selectmen and 2: To purchase paint to repaint the court not to exceed $40.00.  All monies to come out of the Greenie Park Supply Line in Recreation Budget.

        July trip
July trip is to be to the Liberty Clipper Ship in Boston Mass with lunch at the Boston Sail Loft (Lunch to be paid for by attendee).  Cost of this trip will be $25.00 for residents $14.00 children with non-residents paying an additional $5.00.  This trip is open to all residents and the cost of the bus to come out of the Summer Program Budget Line (not the Warrant Article)

T. Hansen motioned to accept the July trip to the Liberty Clipper as stated above.  Requisition for cost of bus to be given to the Board of Selectmen for approval and money to pay for this is to come from the Summer Program budget line.  Seconded by M. Muskrat  Vote:  Unanimous

        Beach Shed Floor
Discussion regarding shed floor and the condition it’s in.  Recreation asked M. Muskrat if members of baseball could  help volunteer their time to rebuild/fix the shed floor.  M. Muskrat to ask other members of baseball if this is a possibility.  Recreation needs to have this done before the summer season starts.  M. Muskrat to check into costs of materials needed.

Secretary DiMercurio presented a bill to the board from Triangle Portable Services for the portable toilets at Greenie Park from 0416/11-04/30/11in the amount of 118.50.  The board accepted this bill and Secretary DiMercurio to submit to Town Bookkeeper for payment.

The Recreation Commission has found out that household trash is being dumped into the dumpster at Greenie Park.  We discussed getting locks and chain for each dumpster to keep them ked securely.  S. DiMercurio to contact Mello to let them know they will be locked from now on.

S. DiMercurio motioned to purchase two locks and chain for the dumpster at Greenie Park and at the town beach.  Seconded by Chairman Dupuis Vote: Unanimous  (Money to come out of town Beach Supply Line)

The Recreation Commission has been notified that the door locks at the outbuilding at Greenie Park are going to be changed.  The funds will be taken out of the towns General Fund.  Mary Winglass has asked us to find out how many sets of new keys will need to be made up.  Per  M. Muskrat, he is thinking that at least 28 sets will need to be made (all coaches, baseball board members, recreation, maintenance, and spare add up to 28 sets).  S. DiMercurio to contact M. Winglass with this total via email as the locksmith is being called in the moring.

S. DiMercurio motioned to get 28 sets of keys made.  Seconded by T. Hansen Vote:  Unanimous

The Recreation Commission is running an ad on cable channel for our June trip.  S. DiMercurio neede to find out a cut off date for this.  It has been determined that the last date to run this on cable will be May 26, 2011.  S. DiMercurio to notify the cable committee with this information.

               Chairman Dupuis motioned to adjourn at 9:15 p.m.  Seconded by T. Hansen.  Vote: Unanimous

Respectfully Submitted

Susan DiMercurio
Recreation Commission